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BNP win 2 council seats in Burnley

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  • #91
    I'm curious - does the BNP dislike foreigners in general or just ethnic minorities? I mean, my mum is Dutch; does this make me some kind of inferior mongrel Brit in their eyes, or do they just complain about the foreigners who aren't white?
    "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

    Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


    • #92
      Again, it's not that people are racist that they are voting for the BNP.

      It's that the BNP is the party that comes closest to sensible suggestions about getting rid of "equal" opportunities (unfair rules aiding non-whites usually), quotas and all that ****. For this I applaud them.


      • #93
        Political correctness has gone too far. Colour is immaterial yet we see absurd positive discrimination whereby we may soon be able to vote for a representative so long as they are black. What is positive about that? Let us all move forward on our own merits regardless of colour.


        • #94
          I can understand the outcome of this vote completely (although it may not be right) and unless England stops opening it's doors to anyone and everyone and giving them what seems to be in many cases special privileges then the BNP will begin to get more and more popular. The English are losing jobs, houses, paying thousands out of our own pockets for people who in most cases don't want to actually live like the English yet are happy to come here and take all they can!


          • #95
            Political correctness has gone too far. Colour is immaterial yet we see absurd positive discrimination whereby we may soon be able to vote for a representative so long as they are black. What is positive about that? Let us all move forward on our own merits regardless of colour.
            That I agree with. But the BNP do not.
            We're back!


            • #96
              "I live in Burnley and voted BNP. This was because of the unequal funding for different wards, and many others problems associated with the decline in our town. We needed a radical alternative to Labour, which is tired and offers no real solutions. I believe in equal rights for all and do not want to become a second-class citizen in my own country. Multiracialism is not the panacea commentators suggest!"


              • #97
                Hi guys, thanks for taking the pi$$ out of me, yes Krazy & Viceroy I apologise I did not start this thread.

                Can't you lot realise what is going on in England, I am merely stating (and not very well it would seem) that there is a growing undercurrent and backlash against the continual pampering and positive discrimination minorities receive.

                Get in the streets and see for yourself, if you climb down from your ivory towers built with your liberal bricks you might just see something you choose to ignor. Take an example of any of your so called multi-cultural cities, get a life. You try going down the street in Radford, Coventry. Leicester / Birmingham. See who's the minority, see who runs out for fear of being harrassed by the ethnic thugs that own the streets there.

                I may be in the minority here but if you keep your eyes closed you will be a minority soon.


                • #98
                  I work in St. Paul's, Bristol. Scene of race riots in the 1980's, and a brilliant example of how sensible policing and development of the local infrastructure working closely with the local community can drastically improve an area. Still far from perfect, but much better.

                  Barley- if you walked down any of those streets then you'd probably get lost through being too ****ing stupid to see what's going on.
                  The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Boddington's
                    Again, it's not that people are racist that they are voting for the BNP.

                    It's that the BNP is the party that comes closest to sensible suggestions about getting rid of "equal" opportunities (unfair rules aiding non-whites usually), quotas and all that ****. For this I applaud them.
                    Provide an example of this.
                    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                    • Originally posted by Boddington's
                      Political correctness has gone too far. Colour is immaterial yet we see absurd positive discrimination whereby we may soon be able to vote for a representative so long as they are black. What is positive about that? Let us all move forward on our own merits regardless of colour.
                      That doesn't make sense. If (as I suspect) you're trying to state the direct opposite of what you actually wrote, provide an example.
                      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                      • Originally posted by Boddington's
                        I can understand the outcome of this vote completely (although it may not be right) and unless England stops opening it's doors to anyone and everyone and giving them what seems to be in many cases special privileges then the BNP will begin to get more and more popular. The English are losing jobs, houses, paying thousands out of our own pockets for people who in most cases don't want to actually live like the English yet are happy to come here and take all they can!
                        Pure fantasy. We let in legitimate asylum seekers, EC residents and families of British citizens. Beyond that it gets tricky (unless you're Australian and want to work in a bar).

                        Provide some figures or examples if you like.
                        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                        • Originally posted by Boddington's
                          "I live in Burnley and voted BNP. This was because of the unequal funding for different wards, and many others problems associated with the decline in our town. We needed a radical alternative to Labour, which is tired and offers no real solutions. I believe in equal rights for all and do not want to become a second-class citizen in my own country. Multiracialism is not the panacea commentators suggest!"
                          Empty rhetoric. What is this "radical alternative", and why are you getting such a stiffie over it?
                          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                          • As per usual, topics are always abandoned the minute a decent argument shows up...
                            Another few thousand points for Bugs. Maybe I should get you a feather for your cap?...

                            Anyway. A few things that the BNP have said or done.

                            In July 1976, a ten year old Sikh, Gurdip Singh Chaggar, was murdered by a gang of white youths in Southall. John Kingsley Read, then a leader of the British National Party, commented, ‘One down--a million to go.’

                            The National Front tried to hold an election meeting in Southall, West London, in April 1979 and were met by a counter-demonstration by the Anti Nazi League. Members of the Special Patrol Group (the 1970s version of the police Tactical Support Units) murdered teacher and Anti Nazi League member Blair Peach. There was widespread protest, and 10,000 people attended his funeral.

                            In February 1995 members of the French National Front shot and killed a young black man while they were out flyposting in a town just outside Marseilles. The same year a young Moroccan was found drowned in the Seine river in Paris after he was attacked by a National Front supporter who had earlier taken part in a Nazi parade through the city.

                            ‘The day our supporters lose the ability to hate is the day they lose their ability to gain power.’
                            JOHN TYNDALL, former BNP Führer

                            Many BNP and NF leaders and members have convictions for violent criminal offences. BNP member Stephen Richardson was jailed in September 1993 for three years for assaulting a black building worker. Tony Lecomber, the BNP’s propaganda officer, was imprisoned for three years in 1986 for a nail bomb attack on a South London office. He was also convicted of making grenades, detonators and bombs and later for assaulting a Jewish teacher. Terry Blackham, the organiser of the National Front marches in Dover 1997-99, has 20 convictions for violence.

                            Blacks and Asians are not to blame for crime as the BNP claim. In fact they are more likely to be the victims of crime, including racial harassment and attacks, and the numbers of these are rising. According to the 1996 British Crime Survey, 143,000 incidents of crime or threats against black or Asian people could be considered as racially motivated, compared to 102,000 in 1993 and 130,000 in 1991.

                            The BNP is against democracy and a free press
                            ‘Democracy drives our youth onto the streets with limitless spare time to fritter away, the Jew comes forward and seduces them with his cunningly devised amusements, such as comic papers, sex films and rock and roll’ (John Tyndall in The Authoritarian State).
                            The BNP is against the NHS
                            ‘The NHS symbolises everywhere that is wrong with British society today--with its indiscriminate and promiscuous compassion and most of all its contention that everyone is entitled to the full range of health service benefits without regard for their circumstances.’
                            The BNP is against trade unions
                            ‘People whose freedoms must be curbed are the pressure groups, the media and trade unions’ (John Tyndall, 21 August 1977).
                            The BNP is against women’s rights
                            ‘Much of the rampant feminism of our times is due to the general decline among the White Race of real manhood. The real man brings out the best in women.’
                            The BNP is against young people
                            ‘Our young people should undergo a period of compulsory national service to teach them discipline and obedience. ‘Pop’ music is of course one of the major weapons in the assault on white civilisation’ (John Tyndall, The Authoritarian State).

                            RICHARD EDMONDS, BNP national activities organiser
                            On the BNP: ‘We are 100 percent racist, yes.’ (20 February 1993, the Guardian)
                            On the Holocaust: ‘ ... he becomes earnest when insisting there is no evidence any Jews died in concentration camps.’ (quoted in the Guardian, 20 February 1993)
                            Convictions: Convicted of helping to destroy a statue of Nelson Mandela. Conviction for possessing an offensive weapon, a knife, carried while electioneering. Arrested on Sunday 19 September 1993 after being driven off Brick Lane by anti-Nazi protesters. BNP members launched a vicious racist attack on a black man and his white girlfriend. The man’s face was severely cut with a beer glass. One BNP member was sentenced to four years and Edmonds was given three months for this racist assault.

                            JOHN TYNDALL, retiring BNP leader
                            On Hitler’s writings: ‘Mein Kampf is my bible.’
                            On Vietnamese boat people: ‘Malaysia has shown us what should be done. They’ve said we’re going to tow them onto the high seas, and we’re going to turn the guns on them if they come back. Why can’t we do that?’ (1979)
                            On ‘racial purity’: ‘Racial laws will be enacted forbidding marriage between Britons and non-Aryans: medical measures will be taken to prevent procreation on the part of all those who have hereditary defects either racial, mental or physical.’ (1964)
                            Convictions: 16 October 1962: Imprisoned for training a Nazi paramilitary group, Spearhead.
                            1966: Found guilty of being in possession of 30 wood coshes, six metal bars and two saw blades. Imprisoned later the same year for possession of guns and bullets.
                            1986: Imprisoned for incitement to racial hatred.

                            NICK GRIFFIN, incoming BNP leader, a country squire who apparently lives on a private income. Griffin was one of the leaders of the National Front during the 1970s. He has extensive contacts with the European far right, especially Italian neo-fascists. Writing as editor of British Countryman, the BNP’s special publication produced for the Countryside March in 1998, he claimed to be the voice of the ‘silent majority’.
                            On the Holocaust denial book Did Six Million Really Die?: ‘It was a shattering book, it was a superb booklet or magazine. I’ve done an update of that’ (quoted in Searchlight, June 1997).
                            On democracy and violence: ‘The electors of Millwall [backed] what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan ‘Defend Rights for Whites’ with well directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate’ (quoted in Searchlight, June 1997). Given a suspended sentence in Harrow Crown Court in May 1998 after being convicted of inciting racial hatred.

                            DEREK BEACKON, BNP’s chief steward, elected BNP councillor in Millwall, Isle of Dogs, 16 September 1993.
                            On the Holocaust: ‘Well no, I don’t think anybody was deliberately exterminated by the Germans. It certainly wasn’t six million Jews--maybe a couple of hundred thousand, but so what? Lots of others died in that war, didn’t they?’ (16 September 1993, Today).
                            On democracy: ‘I am only going to represent the white people. I will not represent Asians. I will not do anything for them. They have no right to be in my great country’ (17 September 1993, the Evening Standard).
                            On being asked about rubbish collection on the Isle of Dogs: ‘The Asians are rubbish and that is what we are going to clear from the streets’ (18 September 1993, the Mirror).
                            On crime: ‘I don’t care what the Bengalis think. We are here for the white people. They are the ones being racially attacked’ (19 September 1993, the Observer).
                            "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman

