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Arafat an enemy - a cease fire suggestion that came too late

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  • #91
    I just hope one of these days both sides kill God at once instead of killing so many human beings


    • #92
      This is the current events thread.

      Explosion in a restaourant in Tel Aviv, it is declared as an event with many casualties.
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


      • #93

        To be clear, until now we are only occupying 3 areas:

        1) Ramallah - was entered friday morning
        2) Beit Jalla - was entered today after mortar shells were fired
        3) some village which holds the office of jibril rajoub, which we surrounded.

        Palestinian spokesmen have claimed we conquered everything etc.

        We didn't.


        • #94
          NEWS UPDATE

          An Israeli border guard was killed today, when he stopped an infiltration of two Terrorists to Israel.

          The two terrorists shot him dead, and soon exploded in the vehicale they tried to enter Israel with.

          In addition to the bomb, they also carried rifles.

          They were heading to one of the coast towns - I suspect Hadera.


          • #95
            NEWS UPDATE

            Things recovered in Arafat's offices:

            1 - several of the most wanted terrorists, finding refuge with Arafat, yet not arrested or limited.

            2 - a huge pile up of weapons, including RPGs. All which are contrary to the agreements.

            3 - a huge pile of documents linking Arafat to direct support of the illegal terrorists.


            • #96
              NEWS UPDATE

              A synagogue was torched in France by "anonymous".

              Obviously a well rounded and justified response against evil jews everywhere


              • #97
                NEWS UPDATE
                More wanted terrorists who are now with Arafat -
                The murderers of Rehav'am Ze'evi.
                The PFLP leader - Ahmad Saadat.

                15 tanks are surrounding Rajoub's office in Bitunya village, according to him.
                "They demand we suround all wanted terrorists who hid in here" he said to Reuters "and if we won't - they will blow this place up".
                He said that there are only people of his staff there, so he doesn't get the demand.

                Special Envoy Zinni will meet with Israeli General Staff Chief, to discuss Israeli military actions, and explain them to USA.

                After a request from Israeli MK Ahmed Tibbi, former advisor to Arafat and his right hand man which now has seats in the Israeli Knesset, Israel reconnected electricity to Arafat's building.


                • #98

                  This week's edition of Newsweek has a very interesting special report — around 20 pages or so in length — detailing the situation between Jews, Israel, Arabs and Palestinians. I would recommend reading it.

                  And, yes, it's a balanced report.

                  My own take on the report is that Israel is screwed no matter what it does. If external forces don't destroy the nation, internal struggles will pull it apart (i.e. Jew on Jew violence, Arab-Israeli birthrates and so on).


                  (P.S. Regarding Arafat's freaking out with Amanpour, I watched the episode last night [CNN was even nice enough to provide an on-screen transcript] and must conclude that he said what he said as posted earlier in this thread.)
                  "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                  "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Gatekeeper
                    This week's edition of Newsweek has a very interesting special report — around 20 pages or so in length — detailing the situation between Jews, Israel, Arabs and Palestinians. I would recommend reading it.
                    Is there an online source?

                    And, yes, it's a balanced report.

                    So you say. I bet I could find things which aren't balanced

                    My own take on the report is that Israel is screwed no matter what it does. If external forces don't destroy the nation, internal struggles will pull it apart (i.e. Jew on Jew violence, Arab-Israeli birthrates and so on).

                    My own conclusion, sadly...


                    • Siro:

                      Hmm ... there is an online edition of Newsweek — — but I'm not sure if that version contains anything of the special report that appears in the magazine version.

                      As for balance, perhaps you could find something "not balanced," so to speak . One part I found interesting was how Barak, Arafat and Clinton interacted at Camp David. One quote — Clinton's response to a farewell phone call from Arafat (this was three days before Clinton left office):

                      Arafat: "You are a great man."

                      Clinton: "The hell I am. I'm a colossal failure, and you made me one."

                      "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                      "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                      • 27 people were injured in the teract in Tel Aviv. One critically.

                        Saddam Hussein renamed the main street in Baghdad to "Yasser Arafat".

                        Palestinian spokesmen have claimed we conquered everything etc.

                        We didn't.

                        We will.
                        By tommorow all reservists should be ready and all vehicles available.
                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • Originally posted by DinoDoc
                          Just for speculations sake, what do you think the US response would be if Mexico had purposefully killed or injured that many of its civilians in that same period of time and showed absolutely no signs of slowing down?
                          Mexico? I compare this situation with what America had to deal with in Vietnam. Public opinion eventually turned against the war.
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                            Mexico? I compare this situation with what America had to deal with in Vietnam. Public opinion eventually turned against the war.
                            The Vietnamese didn't live right next door to the United States. They also didn't have the total destruction of the United States as their stated goal. Not a very good comparison if you ask me.
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten

                              The Vietnamese didn't live right next door to the United States. They also didn't have the total destruction of the United States as their stated goal. Not a very good comparison if you ask me.
                              Also, it was clear for the US that if they withdraw, they will not be harmed in the future.
                              The leading organizations who fight against Israel make no distinction between territory occupied in 1967 and territory occupied in 1948.
                              "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                              • The Vietnamese didn't live right next door to the United States. They also didn't have the total destruction of the United States as their stated goal. Not a very good comparison if you ask me.

                                It actually is a good comparison if you consider what happens to public opinion when their country is in the midst of guerrila warfare. Look at the pullout in Lebanon, and that was hardly anything!
                                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

