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Arafat an enemy - a cease fire suggestion that came too late

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  • #76
    Btw, I think I sent you some mail and some

    Originally posted by Kropotkin
    Excuse me Siro but I do think that those statements about Arafat are quite speculative at this point in time. It is possible of cource.
    I think that those are not speculative, as I've no doubt that the sources of the GSS and Aman, and reporter Ehud Ya'ari, are not "speculative".

    In case you didn't see it on CNN, in that case it must be true.
    I'm not saying CNN is lying (while they do sometimes).
    I'm saying they omit 90% of the information in each report.

    HonestReporting monitors the news for bias, inaccuracy and other breaches of journalistic standards that create false, if not malicious, narratives about Israel, the broader Middle East and Jews worldwide. HonestReporting is not aligned with any government or political party or movement.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Kropotkin
      ...And that of cource justifies the ocupation....
      That justified the military action at the time.

      Staying inside and settling wasn't a very good choise.

      But Israel decided to do so, to put further pressure on the Arab countries to sign a peace agreement based on land-for-peace (Moshe Sharet was quoted on that after the war ended).

      Furthremore, some of the lands, should remain in Israeli hands, to assure better security - ie that 1948 won't repeat itself.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Assur
        the palestinneasn should have their own state

        but the islamx fundamentalsts should be crushed


        • #79
          Originally posted by Kropotkin
          ...And that of cource justifies the ocupation....
          Yes it does. What do you think this is, a game of tag, where you can touch a base and be safe? That gunmen can go out and kill people, and just because they ran into a given location, they should be allowed to escape?

          That's why we have to go after those who harbor terrorists--to ensure that there is no safe place for them.
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #80


            • #81
              This situation is really getting ugly- Arafat has armed himself with a submachine gun and has said he is prepared to be martyred, meaning he is going to fight the Israeli forces himself. Arafat will die if he attempts to fight the Israeli soldiers, so with him dead the Palestinan hardliners will be in power.
              "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

              "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


              • #82
                Look, if he arms himself he's as good as any armed militia man, and will be targeted if he shoots, me thinks.

                What you've seen from the interview with him on CNN, was his mood. You perhaps heard, that his mood also goes off when he is talking to his subordinates.

                Just a month ago, he had an arguement with Jibril Rajoub, his chief of security in Ramallah, during which he pulled a gun, targeted him, pulled the safety trigger, and yelled at Rajoub.

                Notice how he called himself "General Arafat" and not "President".
                That shows how he sees himself. Not as a leader of a democratic country, which the PA claims to be, but a General - a Dictator - just like Saddam.

                Also, in the Egyptian TV film, notice how the camera is carefull not to show who is shooting, and then it cuts away when the camera could show who was shooting at whom.


                • #83
                  Alon Pinkas is right. You cant build a big wall around the west bank and call it quits. Missiles go over walls, SB will still infiltrate. Forget it...

                  im 100% behind Israel. I dotn give a **** what the UNSC may say or not. I hope USA fights them every step of the way.

                  Having delt with Terrorism ourselves. We can relate a bit to what Israeli's are going through with these scumbags.


                  • #84

                    I made this thread before CNN.

                    So I want it to stay on top as the main source for information.

                    Discussions should probably be left to other threads.


                    • #85
                      OK were to begin...

                      *I forgot to mention after the sarcastic remark (the entire context seems to go over the mad monks head while Siro of cource got it (it would be sad if he didn't get his own posts ) about the ocupation that I do understand the point Siro, reporters more often than not doesn't give people a decent chance to finish. But that seems like an almost universal problem, not about ME in particular.

                      *As for the so called bias. I can honestly say that I didn't read that long article but I do belive I got the point before hand. My feeling on this is that it used to be more pro-Israeli around here (maybe due to the cold war and/or a lingering feeling of guilt. I don't really know) but this have changed over time.

                      That I usually argue against Israelis here is that there's not really any pals to argue against. The Israelis here are usually all to sure that they are right but I'm quite sure (with my rudimentary knowledge of human nature) that if we had a pal here who defended Arafat I would have serious troubles agreeing with him about anything. My feelings (I'm glad I have feelings stil, I sometimes think I'm a cold stone (jackson )) goes out those the innocent bystanders in this situation. The way things have been going the last couple of decades is totally horrific.

                      Hmm breakfast would be nice...


                      • #86
                        Arafat is stuck in two rooms, with no electricity, no phones, no water and no food.

                        What are the chances that someone will forget to feed him for a day or two?
                        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                        • #87
                          Christian Amanpour : "Powell said you should fight violence, are you going to do this?"
                          Arafat : "Do you ask me while i'm under siege? You're a bad journalist! You should respect your proffesion! You need to know how to talk when you talk with General Arafat!"
                          Amanpour : "I just asked if..."
                          Arafat : "Shut up! Shut up!"
                          Amanpour shocked.
                          Arafat : "[swears in Arabic] goodbye". Hangs up.
                          Tsk, tsk... Eli, you are malreporting. You are not the only one who's been listening to Arafat.

                          Arafat also said that asking such a question in this occasion is in effect "covering the Israeli crimes", or something like that. Which is exactly what Colin Powell and CNN do, when they say that Arafat should do something against Palestinian violence, while it is obvious that he has not the power to do that. Plus Palestinian violence does not justify the Israeli "retaliation" (brutal aggression say I).
                          "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
                          George Orwell


                          • #88
                            The problem is that I wasnt listening to Arafat. I heard only the "..bye" part after someone posted on an Israeli forum about his interview.
                            The one who saw it translated it to Hebrew, and I translated it back to english for you. That's how "Be quiet" became "shut up" and that's why there were other mistakes.
                            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                            • #89
                              Amanpour is a b!tch.

                              When innocent civilians were getting killed in Kosovo she was talking about the cost of the american missiles.

                              Hang on Palestinian people and Yasser Arafat

                              Hi Eli


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
                                And then the terrorist bombings will be insufferable.
                                Relatively speaking, Isreal has suffered the equivilant of 56584 civilians killed or injured between September 29, 2000 - August 9, 2001 in comparison to the US. I think that the terrorist bombings have been insufferable for quite sometime.

                                Just for speculations sake, what do you think the US response would be if Mexico had purposefully killed or injured that many of its civilians in that same period of time and showed absolutely no signs of slowing down?
                                Last edited by DinoDoc; March 30, 2002, 12:58.
                                I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                                For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio

