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Arafat an enemy - a cease fire suggestion that came too late

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  • Originally posted by Sirotnikov

    There were expulsions and murders (on both sides) prior to this you did not have one side systematically changing the demographics.

    Systematically changing the demographics?
    You mean, like having 6 kids per family?
    Like 600,000 refugees becoming 4 million?

    Well, a stable and prosperous economy tends to lower the birthrate of developing nations quite significantly. Too bad Israel didn't try out that strategy 20-30 years ago with the Palestines when they started their settlement plans. Would have saved you a lot of trouble right now.

    Makes you wonder if people today have more sense about the future implications of present policies. No? Oh well, guess we'll find eventually when we get there.
    Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

    Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


    • Welcome to the ignore list Waku.

      mind you, that's only responding in kind to your behaviour, that is ignoring our posts.


      • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
        The terrorist in Haifa was allowed to get in Israel, because he has Israeli citizenship - his mother is an Israeli citizen who lives in Israel.

        Yet another example of how we are "opressing" him and his mother, and expelling them too.

        A terrorist blew himself up next to a medical center in the Efrat settlement.

        One of the casualties is a medic, which only yesterday gave medical care to yet another young palestinian from the territories.
        The oppression is there, not everywhere, but it is.

        Your quite right about the medic, it is always the innocent that suffer. That is why people are rightly outraged by the terror attacks.

        I would say that opinion in Europe would be far stronger if it were not for these attacks. Also to put some perspective on things Europe is not wildly anti Israeli (in fact it has been quite supportive in the past). It is the occupation and the injustices that occur inregard to peoples lives and settlements that is turn people off Israel here (or at least the current gov).

        And as for Arafat, when you keep presenting a common enemy and giving him an excuse for his curruption and incompetance it will continue to go unnoticed (or relegated to a secondary issue), to most of your neighbours.
        Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

        BlackStone supporting our troops


        • CapTVK : you can check out the birthrates of the richest muslim nations. they don't seem to fall .


          • Originally posted by Waku
            Why are you putting words in my mouth?

            Never have I said I want such a thing, not here and not in real life.
            Never have I wanted such a thing.

            I bet they would prefer to have had the US support.

            What kind of nonsense is this?
            a) how does wanting US support justify the terror actions started in 1929?
            b) you should know that the US was far from Israel's best friend until the late 60s.

            obviously you'd prefer to hide that part. sorry again.

            You're speaking nonsense again.

            Have you read my first post in this thread? Kill your fúcking gods at once!

            I'm sorry but you're talking nonsense - again.

            This is not a religious dispute. It's strictly and completely political.

            The religious side of it is being flared up by the militarist muslim factions, which preach around the world that Jews are enemies of Islam. You'll find that in children's school books in the PA as well.


            I did answer, it's you who doesn't read much and monopolizes the thread with your hate.

            You never read what I said.

            I ask to get rid of the palestinian instigators, and you blaim me for wanting to ethnically cleanse palsetinians.

            You're putting words into my mouth and thoughts into my head, based on your private biases.

            Yes, that would get me pissed off.


            • Some criticism on the chosen one by the chosen ones and that's what you get.


              • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                BS :

                * oh wait... that may sound wrong )


                Settlers are mostly regular SECULAR people.

                anyway , settlers : 200,000.
                muslims : *starts counting* 1 , 2 ,3, 4, .....20, 21,21,22...... one BILLION !

                anyway, your words quite alarm me.

                One day, I might be forced to live in a muslim state.


                time to counter this .

                people ... Let's go get us some girls!!!

                ..time to change my name I think

                As for the muslim state, you could always join the winning team

                *puts some more petrol on that fire*
                Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

                BlackStone supporting our troops


                • Originally posted by CapTVK
                  Well, a stable and prosperous economy tends to lower the birthrate of developing nations quite significantly. Too bad Israel didn't try out that strategy 20-30 years ago with the Palestines when they started their settlement plans. Would have saved you a lot of trouble right now.
                  True, but then again, our treatment of them was quite better than in many arab countries.

                  Look at the Israeli-Arabs who since 1949 until today grew from 160,000 to 1,100,000.

                  The problem is that it is very hard to shake thier very religious and traidional life style.

                  Many arab villages are still villages because the locals refuse to change the traditional village structure and make place for roads and pipes etc.


                  • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                    CapTVK : you can check out the birthrates of the richest muslim nations. they don't seem to fall .
                    There are lies, damned lies, statistics and politically motivated statistics. People always tend to draw a straight or exponential line straight into the future with either the apocalyps or eternal bliss at the end. They were using the same kind of statistics to describe the "red threat" when the cold war started. Nothing new there

                    And if the muslim birthrate really bothers you, the Hindu population is coming along nicely...

                    You remind me of Malthus, Dalghetti...
                    Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                    Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                    • Originally posted by Sirotnikov

                      One just has to know how to handle me.

                      What ticks me off and fast, is when instead of dealing with my words, people are accusing me of things based on their own biases.

                      Also when they ignore things I've said, and quote me out of context.

                      You don't do that - do you?

                      Sincerely, I try not to. It would be a pointless exercise, I think that soem people just get carried away. And it can severely hamper you take on a quote by someone if you have already made up your mind. A self full filling prophercy (sp) i think its called.
                      Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

                      BlackStone supporting our troops


                      • Originally posted by Waku
                        Some criticism on the chosen one by the chosen ones and that's what you get.
                        Again, you're an idiot.

                        You go around convinced of your own biases, and don't recognize the truth when it (I ) hits you on the forehead.

                        This is NOT a religious thing.

                        No one is going around here thinking he is the chosen one.

                        Wherever you read that - stop reading it, since it's nonsense and propoganda.


                        • look , BS () , If I'd be Muslim , like would be better for me socially. But I find your system of doing things unfair. esp. for women. Anyway, as you can see on the left , I am a commie.

                          Siro : stop with that serious stuff. join the !

                          the discussion seems both serious , yet not angry . keep the good work people!


                          • *APPLAUSE*

                            Siro et al. I must admit, you guys are really amazingly good in diverting attention away from Israels atrocities into completely pointless discussion about birthrates...

                            Old Goebbels would have been proud...
                            Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine


                            • Originally posted by CapTVK
                              There are lies, damned lies, statistics and politically motivated statistics. People always tend to draw a straight or exponential line straight into the future with either the apocalyps or eternal bliss at the end. They were using the same kind of statistics to describe the "red threat" when the cold war started. Nothing new there
                              Why don't you read their own statistics.

                              And if the muslim birthrate really bothers you, the Hindu population is coming along nicely...

                              I would be bothered by it, but I can hardly recall the last time a hindu hurt anyone unprovoked, or decided to declare religious war and conquer the world.
                              You remind me of Malthus, Dalghetti...

                              Who is he?

                              PS: I read that at first as "matheus" which is spooky.


                              • Originally posted by Dalgetti
                                CapTVK : you can check out the birthrates of the richest muslim nations. they don't seem to fall .
                                ..... ..Dalgetti you seem obsessed by Islamic reproduction...what other sites have you open at the moment .

                                Cheese eating surrender monkees - Chris 62

                                BlackStone supporting our troops

