Yes Greed is a constant, and that stuff sounds good, but it's not as unidimensional as you make it seem. Perhaps not all of us want an SUV today and a flooded house tomorrrow.
And you... watch all of this. Does this not make you a stalker?
That's why I got a degree in Chemical Engineering with a specialization in Waste/waste water management. I study alt. energy sources, catalysist, watershed management, and environmental conservation. I also support the lumber industry and work and support manufacturing industries, why? Because these industries aren't going to shoot themselves in the foot and destroy what makes them money. EPA regulations are always increasing and fines are always pouring in (showing that they are poluting too much). Of which, many millions of dollars go into development, optimization, and renovation of old facilities and processes to prevent this pollution. Such things would happen or exist if these companies could not continue to pollute and make money.
The Future ideally lies not with the spouting of propagandic bull**** (but practically is based on it )
Necessity is NOT the mother of invention, competition is.