Originally posted by David Floyd
Many people actually...
Troll for his love and dedication to the Superior art of Tae Kwon Do..for which their is little chance of defeating a Master of this simply awesome Korean Martial Art!!
Berzerker, Vel, Ben Kenobi, chegitz, Lefty Scaevola, Pekka, Ramo, Laz, Boris, JohnT...probably a bunch I forgot to mention.
Many people actually...
Troll for his love and dedication to the Superior art of Tae Kwon Do..for which their is little chance of defeating a Master of this simply awesome Korean Martial Art!!
Berzerker, Vel, Ben Kenobi, chegitz, Lefty Scaevola, Pekka, Ramo, Laz, Boris, JohnT...probably a bunch I forgot to mention.
Thanks David Floyd..
I appreciate it..but really..You shouldnt have
Grandpa "Having-some-very-HARMLESS PLAGERISM -fun"Troll