Originally posted by Asher
So you're saying I don't have a right to ***** about religious *******s writing **** like "Come, we need victims" on the GLASS posters on campus?
Or the nutcase screaming about how God have condemned homosexuals to hell on campus?
I have a right to *****, I have a right to vent.
It's YOU that needs to get over yourself and stop being a pathetic *******.
So you're saying I don't have a right to ***** about religious *******s writing **** like "Come, we need victims" on the GLASS posters on campus?
Or the nutcase screaming about how God have condemned homosexuals to hell on campus?
I have a right to *****, I have a right to vent.
It's YOU that needs to get over yourself and stop being a pathetic *******.
So you don't like what some other people believe and thus come on here in a pissy and abusive mood. Nice one Asher, you may have noticed that most people take a dim view of folk who go on the internet to abuse others to make themselves feel better - which is exactly what you are doing.
So I feel annoyed at the homophobic Christians on campus, helll I'll go online and abuse and antagonize a bunch of completely different Christians who are basically nice people.
Yeah, great.....