Originally posted by Berzerker
Molly -
Molly, you accused someone of deriving amusement from this incident and I asked who you were targeting with that accusation - and you still haven't answered (how brave). And given that last bit about me supporting a right to have faith even when it kills others is just as idiotic as your first accusation (I see you don't use quotes, what a surprise) - just go away and take your bullsh!t with you.
Molly -
Molly, you accused someone of deriving amusement from this incident and I asked who you were targeting with that accusation - and you still haven't answered (how brave). And given that last bit about me supporting a right to have faith even when it kills others is just as idiotic as your first accusation (I see you don't use quotes, what a surprise) - just go away and take your bullsh!t with you.
I have been to George Carlin's site now though, so thanks for that.