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Is there any reason to be a good person? I see no justice in the world

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  • #46
    Boris, please. can't you stay on topic?


    • #47
      Vesayen :

      I am quite a moral person (I mean, within my own moral I try not to do evil to other people). I don't do it because of any religious belief, but mostly because of semi-rational thinkings.

      The first one is that what the others have said about backstabbing bastars eventually being surrounded by backstabbing bastards is true. I tend to be good with other people and I tend to expect other people to do so. And guess what ? It works ! I put my expectations clearly, and since I'm not an *******, people around me tend to follow them (for example, I hate being lied to, and I almost never lie as well).
      If you are good with the others, the others will in a huge part be good towards you. There will be an occasional ******* at some point, but you could take vengance on him at some point.

      The second one is that I enjoy being appreciated. I know a few successful backstabbing bastards, but they aren't appreciated at all, and they won't be helped when they'll need it. That will be their doom. Besides, the hierarchical superiors tend to dislike backstabbing bastards as well when they're aware of them, and they won't support them in times of need as well.

      Laslty, being "bad" is something that is always a weight to you. If you're doing illegal things, the police can be up on you. If you are doing bastardly legal things, you never know when you'll be betrayed yourself. I don't intend to live a life where I can see my friend (a backstabbing bastard just like me) betray me, or where I know my friend wonders when I'll betray him
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • #48
        Boris, please. can't you stay on topic?

        what's the line the nihilist says that makes Dude yell back "Your, the nihilist!" just before Donny dies.


        • #49
          I wouldn't know. Walter call one "anti-semite" before he punches him, though, because he thinks he's Jewish.


          • #50

            His girlfriend gafe up her toe! She

            sought we'd be getting million

            dollars! Iss not fair!


            Fair! WHO'S THE ****ING NIHILIST


            ****ING CRYBABIES?!


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ecthelion
              It was the dream sequence. Or one of them, anyway. The Dude was dreaming that he was in a bowling porno.
              <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


              • #52
                Yeah, I love the song in that scene (What condition my condition was in by Kenny Rogers, I think).


                • #53
                  I must admit I didn't exactly pound over the details of your thread, but think of kindness as a viral infection--if you give it to someone, maybe thier mood will raise just a pinch up to the point of giving it to someone else, and so on.

                  And if others around you cheat, don't measure yourself based on them! That's a hideous trap to fall into. Measure yourself based on your own expectations for yourself. If you need inspiration to do this, find religion (or a good lunch). I can't personally claim about it but it's said to do wonders for those without any inspiration.
                  meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                  • #54
                    Technically, no, there is no reason to be good. The Nihilists, unfortunately, are right. But there's really no point to being a Nihilist, because it does little for your happines, and however little happiness may matter, it still feels good to be happy.

                    And yah the cheaters may certainly be successful, but is it success you want in the world? I've thought about being evil and bad, but I don't want the things that evildoers seek. Money and fame and such are really inconsequential things.

                    You must seek what your ethics demand that you seek. If it is "success" that you want, fame and fortune, then go ahead and live a bad life. But if your goals in life are to actually help out society, I would advise against doing things like that, if only for the reason that no one will take you seriously if your reputation goes against your ethical standards.
                    Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                    "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by obiwan18
                      How can you be so sure that God does not exist?

                      WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: I will not activley mock other religions-your free to believe what you want. HOWEVER I believe your wrong, I am going to explain why *I* think your wrong(though you can still believe whatever you want with no ire fro me) below. If you are deeply devout you proboably wont wanna read on, as what I will say will piss you off tremendously.

                      I'll start off by saying that eastern religions are flat out wrong-sorry you guys. I wont mock your beliefs, but I am so sure your incorrect I feel no need to debate it heh.

                      So that limits it to Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

                      Christianity is based on Judaism, but it contradicts itself 1,000 times-not to mention the fact that one of the few things Jews DID say about the Messiah would be that if he came-if you claim to be the messiah your not-and are to be put to death-Jesus claimed to be the son of God, ifso, facto-he isnt(and should be put to death-The Romans killed him, but thats another matter).

                      Islam is even more contradictory then Christianity, but since it is partially based on Christianity(acknowlging Jesus was a prophit)-then is Christianity is false, so is Islam.

                      Judaism-I am of course somewhat biased being raised Jewish.

                      Bra****(Creation) is ENTIRLEY fictional up to Abraham, and who knows how far past that......

                      If Judaism is right, where has God been for the last 2,000 years?

                      If there is a problem, you should only investigate possible solutions to those problems which have proof. If a solution has no proof, it should be ignored till there is proof for it.

                      The problem of creation has many possible solutions. All of those solutions come back to one problem..... okay, this is how events progressed, but what started it?. Where did the infinatly dense piece of matter from the big bang come? Plenty of other examples of this kinda thing.

                      All things being equal(no proof for the initial point of creation for any idea on creation), why believe in one solution over others, just because it is MUCH MUCH more comforting(God)?


                      • #56
                        How can you be so sure that God does not exist?
                        I'm going to offer a much simpler, much less biased explanation than Vesayen. First off, of course, you really can't prove the nonexistence of something, you can only be reasonably certain that something is not there.

                        Now, in order to logically debate the existence of something, you have to first off assume that it does not exist. Then someone can put forth the suggestion that it does exist. Following this, that person must then provide evidence for its existence. It is not necessary to disprove something until it has been proven to exist.

                        Generally, there are two ways in which a person will attempt to prove the existence of supernatural entities. First, the person will say that proof of God is in faith, and because faith ignores logic and reason, there is absolutely no way to debate with this person, but also no reason to believe that what this person says is true. No actual reasoning is put forth. This is not proof of God.

                        The second way in which a person will prove God is by ascribing seemingly supernatural events to God. At first this appears to be reasonable; we don't know what did it, so God must have done it.

                        But history shows that this really isn't true. Many things, such as environmental conditions like the weather and volcanoes, were once ascribed to supernatural entities because it was not known how these things really worked. With the advent of science and experimentation, however, we figured out that what we thought was supernatural was actually rather mundane.

                        This is also easily disproved because it is illogical to assume that because the explanation of an occurrence is unknown, it is immediately the result of something supernatural. It must be proven that the inexplicable event is a result of the supernatural entity.

                        But here believers in supernatural beings have an easy way out, by saying that their particular being is omnipotent and can be the cause of any event. It must then be proven that the being in question is omnipotent, or at least that it has domain over the particular event. This is rather difficult without relying on faith, which I have already shown not to matter above.

                        This does not disprove God. It merely shows that the burden of proof lies on the person claiming the existence of a god, and that such proof has yet to be found.
                        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                        • #57
                          How can you be so sure that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist? Or Zeus? Or Marduk? Or Osiris?

                          Not my question. Vesayen apparently has a beef with God, and not with Marduk or Osiris.

                          As for testing, there can be less than faithful believers who have drifted away. I don't know where Vesayen stands on this point, as a Jew raised in a Jewish family.
                          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                          2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                          • #58
                            Here's a good operating principle: treat good people like you would want to be treated; take account of their wants and needs from their perspective. You can't really have a proper human relationship without doing this.

                            As for the deeply selfish people you encounter: treat them as you would treat an animal, because that's how they'll treat you. Do not give them even an inch, or they will take a mile.
                            Only feebs vote.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by obiwan18

                              Not my question. Vesayen apparently has a beef with God, and not with Marduk or Osiris.
                              Damn that Marduk!
                              Only feebs vote.


                              • #60
                                If you are deeply devout you proboably wont wanna read on, as what I will say will piss you off tremendously.
                                Infidel! Heretic! Burn him on a stake

                                Seriously, I'm surprised that you would think that I would be so sensitive to those who disagree with my religion, considering my posts. So on with the post.

                                Christianity is based on Judaism, but it contradicts itself 1,000 times
                                Details would be helpful.

                                -not to mention the fact that one of the few things Jews DID say about the Messiah would be that if he came-if you claim to be the messiah your not-and are to be put to death-Jesus claimed to be the son of God, ifso, facto-he isnt(and should be put to death-The Romans killed him, but thats another matter).
                                Sure, this could be true, but what about after the Resurrection? Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, and rightfully deserved to be stoned for blasphemy, but the resurrection changes everything. If Christ rose from the dead, than this stands as his testimony that he is the Messiah.

                                Also, what about the fulfillment of Zechariah 7:7, one of many OT prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled by Christ.

                                (Creation) is ENTIRLEY fictional up to Abraham, and who knows how far past that......
                                Including the table of the nations, and the Tower of Babel?

                                Just because we don't know how things happened due to the lack of details does not mean that they could not have happened.

                                Why do you believe these parts are fiction?
                                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                                2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!

