I'll preface this by saying I was raised Jewish, but am almost 99% sure God dosent exist......
Today is the day my idealism died.
I see no justice in the world-there is no point to be good.
With God the reason for being good is obvious-he says so.
In a GOOD society, the reason for being good is also obvious-if your nice to your brother, he will be nice to you.
In OUR society I have finally reached the point where I see no re ason to be "good".
On the highest scales of our society, most of the worlds population lives under oppresive despots and goverments who treat them like property and dont care if they live or die.
Going to first world countries, the value of most people is raised a bit-but now it is only by unitilitarianism..... the value of people is just by how usefull they are-and in a country like the U.S. where roughly 270 million people live-no one cares if people on an individual person by person basis are screwed, or wronged, or killed-the average citizen is phased by it, so the goverment of course dosent care.
Remember Enron? Quite possibly the biggest circle-jerk ever in America corporate history and the biggest systamatic screwing of stock holders...... Not ONE FREAKING PERSON IN ENRON HAS GONE TO JAIL?? WHERE IS JUSTICE: WHERE IS FAIRNESS??
I see most first world goverments are no longer held acountable for their actions by the citizenry-the only people with any control are the rich and powerfull.
My conclusion: There is no justice or fairness, or equality-the only "fairness" you get is that you take by any means you choose to do.
Going down to the person by person level, I see that being "bad" gets you places, while being "good" gets you used.
I have a very distant cousin who owns a warehouse.... due to certain things in the economy the value of the items in that warehouse became almost nothing-low and behold, a fire happened which just luckily allowed her to collect the insurance money for the full value of the goods. From what she has told me-she knows many other people who have these lucky breaks frequently.
Almost everyone has situational ethics-just trying to justify themsleves to do whatever they want.
On a local, personal level, I'll give an example from my life..
The highschool im graduating from later this week is a great example..... I never cheated, I worked fairly hard. In every test I have EVER taken in that school, I have seen people cheat, at least 15-20% of the class, if not more. I have never seen a homework assignment or project or termpaper or anything where those numbers werent much higher then that. As long as they arent caught(I've seen 2 people caught in 4 years-and they got a slap on the wrist) it dosent matter-they get the benifit. I know someone who cheated all through highschool and was in many of the same classes as me-and as a result has a 10 point higher average..... they got offered huge scholarships from several collages-I get ####.
Why? I choose to do what I percieved as the "good" thing-which gets me nothing, and they didnt.
I think its obvious who wins in the end-the one who goes to college for almost free.
Note: Cheating in school dosent mean you'll be screwed later when you cant rely on cheating them-because you CAN rely on cheating then-but even then-you can get to that harder to get to position and work legitimatly then.
I am just so fed up with everything I need somewhere to vent, and this is it.
I deeply regret not having cheated throughout highschool-I certainly have the mental faculties too, and to have done a much beter job.........
Why have I done my best to live a good, moral life? Everything nice I have ever done is meaningless as it has no impact, and all my hard work is easily replaced by those with less scrupals-all I see is that I have limited myself from progressing.
Is there any reason to be a "good" person, besides when you feel like being one? I no longer see any benifit in it....
Today is the day my idealism died.
I see no justice in the world-there is no point to be good.
With God the reason for being good is obvious-he says so.
In a GOOD society, the reason for being good is also obvious-if your nice to your brother, he will be nice to you.
In OUR society I have finally reached the point where I see no re ason to be "good".
On the highest scales of our society, most of the worlds population lives under oppresive despots and goverments who treat them like property and dont care if they live or die.
Going to first world countries, the value of most people is raised a bit-but now it is only by unitilitarianism..... the value of people is just by how usefull they are-and in a country like the U.S. where roughly 270 million people live-no one cares if people on an individual person by person basis are screwed, or wronged, or killed-the average citizen is phased by it, so the goverment of course dosent care.
Remember Enron? Quite possibly the biggest circle-jerk ever in America corporate history and the biggest systamatic screwing of stock holders...... Not ONE FREAKING PERSON IN ENRON HAS GONE TO JAIL?? WHERE IS JUSTICE: WHERE IS FAIRNESS??
I see most first world goverments are no longer held acountable for their actions by the citizenry-the only people with any control are the rich and powerfull.
My conclusion: There is no justice or fairness, or equality-the only "fairness" you get is that you take by any means you choose to do.
Going down to the person by person level, I see that being "bad" gets you places, while being "good" gets you used.
I have a very distant cousin who owns a warehouse.... due to certain things in the economy the value of the items in that warehouse became almost nothing-low and behold, a fire happened which just luckily allowed her to collect the insurance money for the full value of the goods. From what she has told me-she knows many other people who have these lucky breaks frequently.
Almost everyone has situational ethics-just trying to justify themsleves to do whatever they want.
On a local, personal level, I'll give an example from my life..
The highschool im graduating from later this week is a great example..... I never cheated, I worked fairly hard. In every test I have EVER taken in that school, I have seen people cheat, at least 15-20% of the class, if not more. I have never seen a homework assignment or project or termpaper or anything where those numbers werent much higher then that. As long as they arent caught(I've seen 2 people caught in 4 years-and they got a slap on the wrist) it dosent matter-they get the benifit. I know someone who cheated all through highschool and was in many of the same classes as me-and as a result has a 10 point higher average..... they got offered huge scholarships from several collages-I get ####.
Why? I choose to do what I percieved as the "good" thing-which gets me nothing, and they didnt.
I think its obvious who wins in the end-the one who goes to college for almost free.
Note: Cheating in school dosent mean you'll be screwed later when you cant rely on cheating them-because you CAN rely on cheating then-but even then-you can get to that harder to get to position and work legitimatly then.
I am just so fed up with everything I need somewhere to vent, and this is it.
I deeply regret not having cheated throughout highschool-I certainly have the mental faculties too, and to have done a much beter job.........
Why have I done my best to live a good, moral life? Everything nice I have ever done is meaningless as it has no impact, and all my hard work is easily replaced by those with less scrupals-all I see is that I have limited myself from progressing.
Is there any reason to be a "good" person, besides when you feel like being one? I no longer see any benifit in it....