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Imperio: Diplomacy Thread #2

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  • #91
    Imperio logged in but didn't accept the peace deal proposed. We'll see if they do it next turn.


    • #92
      Can we set research to gunpowder (still at 0%)? I hope we can get it from Imperio but I think we can't count on it at this point.


      • #93
        Instead of just offering peace, should we offer peace for Gunpowder? THey seem concerned PAL will detect their "duplicity", this would give them cover (and make sure we get the tech).



        • #94
          Originally posted by Sullla View Post
          At least Imperio has been pretty consistent. They've made no bones about being our opponent the whole game, ever since we settled Cape Town. I'm not saying we go out of our way to break an agreement with them, but I don't trust them one bit, and I fully believe they will break their treaty the instant it goes in their advantage.
          I'm honestly not sure about this: the time for Imperio to break a treaty with us was the original NAP. If they'd come at us around T90, we'd have been toast. We'll have to see how they deal with the peace treaty/Gunpowder situation: I suspect that they expected us to reject their proposal, and that they'd have no decision to make about the peace treaty.

          What really stuns me, however, is that while teams bend over backwards to ream us out, they continue to hand over techs to PAL and sign NAPs with them. I mean - seriously, come on! PAL has way more population than anyone else, and they are thousands of beakers ahead. They are running away with the game, and no one but us will even go so far as to Close Borders with the team that has the freakin' Great Lighthouse!!! It's just a stunning display of poor metagaming.

          Is our diplomacy really that bad, or are the other teams just that stupid? I can't get over how easily PAL is running away with things... Even worse, we have no choice but to continue to work with Banana. They could screw us over even more badly, and we'd have no option because we have no other allies.
          If we believe what Imperio wrote to us, they've already given up on winning, so they're trying to secure 2nd place. With this last set of deals, they've managed to pull off a rather stunning coup. The problem we have is that Imperio is able to play both ends (us, PAL) against the middle (them).

          We'll have to see what happens with the peace treaty, but it'll be interesting to note PAL's attitude to Imperio if/when Imperio takes over Templar's cities, and they they therefore become a real threat to PAL's dominance.


          • #95
            peace, Peace, PEACE, PEACE

            I have a offering of Open Borders from Imperio open right now.
            I will accept if I don't hear any objections in the next minutes.
            Do we want a no scouting clause? I think its not necessary.



            • #96
              No, we WANT to keep an eye on them. All their units are in one big stack. We can get vastly more value of out Open Borders scouting than they can!

              Go for it, mh.

              EDIT: I'm assuming we didn't get Gunpowder (?)


              • #97
                Right, OB with Imperio.
                Trade routes at A1:
                +6g & +5g Tha's 9 more than 5 minutes ago.

                We could offer them Drama for Gunpwoder. (???)



                • #98
                  We could try, not sure if they would go for it. Who knows, doesn't hurt to ask, I guess.

                  mh, can you confirm that we got the trade routes back with Banana? That would be my guess from the 6 and 5 commerce routes, but it would be nice to confirm that.


                  • #99
                    Do not offer them drama for gunpowder. Them giving us gunpowder was part of our original peace deal. If they don't give us gunpowder, we don't give them Jerusalem.


                    • Agreed - we should ask for Gunpowder in game and perhaps send an email talking about them already having Nationalism


                      • Very good. I'm glad Imperio has decided to gamble on winning the game than being content to cruise through the game as PAL's stooge.


                        • Great. Here's my planned email:

                          Dear Imperio,

                          Great! We have asked for gunpowder in-game as agreed. We planned to give you nationalism but we saw you already have it. But we still need gunpowder . We now have 24hr-24hr with templars. Please accept before our 24 hour mark. Thankyou!

                          Your friends,

                          Realms Beyond


                          • Let's send it. This is a perfunctory email, so I don't see a need for deep discussion on this one. Maybe one more line at the beginning: "Great! We are pleased to accept peace and look forward to working together against PAL." Something like that perhaps?

                            But speed matters more, since we're trying to get a response on Gunpowder tech one way or another before our 24 hours are up. I would send it ASAP, in the next ~2 hours.


                            • Sounds good.


                              • I can translate this to Spanish an hour or two from now.

