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Imperio: Diplomacy Thread #2

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  • #31
    If we do kill the Worker, that will get them off the fence.

    Maybe we should send something like:


    We have been waiting for your reply for several turns and now we see a Worker roading a disputed tile. If you wish to continue Peace negotiations in a friendly vein do not complete the road, otherwise we will interpret it as an aggressive move.


    @mh: yeah, but I'm at work. I won't be able to play for ~4hrs, but it will be the first thing I do once I get home.


    • #32
      I am not sure when the worker started roading and when he will finish.
      If he is still there next turn kill him with a chariot (which we move to CT this turn.)

      If he is finished, I'd rather have Imperio attack us in a couple of turns with their non-gunpowder units than delaying the road and then attack us with their new gun-powder units.

      I think a quick reminder to get us a reply is all that is needed at the moment.


      @ Dreylin: Ok. No pressure then. That's too late for me anyway and athlete is still in between.


      • #33
        I wonder if they have automated one of their workers.
        Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
        Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
        woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.


        • #34
          I'm pretty sure they know we want a reply. They didn't even have time to log in last term. Yet another email to them won't get a reply any quicker - let's just stop bugging them and be patient.


          • #35
            They did log in last turn, but if they weren't moving units then there's no need for them to stick to the window. I don't think it makes any sense to hassle them about their worker though: didn't we calculate that 'the tile' will soon (temporarily) flip back to us?

            I would chase them up about the peace deal, though: they tend to go quiet when they don't agree, so maybe we should ask them for a counterproposal? The three-way deal with Banana has probably gone south already (though I guess mh is chatting to Donovan atm).


            • #36
              If Imperio are teetering between us and PAL, maybe we should inform them that Templars' stack is toast and that they're now extremely vulnerable to counterattack...?


              • #37
                What about - Templar stack is no more. We are moving on Templar cities. Hurry up if you want to join in the fun.
                Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
                Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
                woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.


                • #38
                  We should remember that Imperio aren't playing the game like we are. They probably have very little discussion on their boards, with just one player logging in and playing the turns at the same time as he plays his other PBEM/pitboss games. He presumably doesn't realise the consequences or how we'll feel about roading that tile. Interest is presumably low because they realise they can no longer win the game. They aren't checking their email that often and often cannot be bothered to reply because they have to translate into English.


                  • #39
                    I sent pms to kelben and naldo-josemourinho


                    I'm from Realms Beyond in the BTS demogame

                    We know you are very busy and I am sorry to bother you, but RB would please like a response to our email about the peace and trades by the end of the turn. Is this possible?

                    Many Thanks.


                    • #40
                      I got this back via pm:


                      I'll send our response about peace and trades in this turn. Sorry for our bad diplomacy.



                      • #41
                        Imperio just logged in, if someone wants to chat with them.
                        I can't.



                        • #42
                          I had a quick chat in gmail with naldo and he's now writing their peace proposal (in Spanish). Could be a bit of an epic as he's been logged into gmail for a good 10 minutes now!


                          • #43
                            email from Imperio ...
                            Saludos Relams,

                            Después de largas discusiones y analisis profundos, tenemos una propuesta de paz que permitiria dar un giro a la situación actual de bloqueo. Esperamos que valoréis correctamente la propuesta y penséis que beneficios os trae de cara al futuro.


                            Propouesta definitiva:

                            - Acuerdo Paz.

                            - NAP por 40 turnos.

                            - Nacionalismo por Polvora.

                            - Alinaza contra templars

                            En este punto es importante que no comentéis nada de esto con PAL, ni con Bananas, ni con Templars, ellos deben creer que no estamos aliados. Diremos es una desición unilateral nuestra. Sí pueden saber que existe un NAP entre nosotros. Esto es muy muy importante porque nosotros tenemos que explicar esto a nuestros hasta ahora amigos de la mejor manera posible. Por ejemplo a nosotros no nos gusta que enviéis diplomacia a tres bandas con Bananas, Relams y Imperio.

                            - Las cuatro ciudades de Templars son para nosotros. Vosotros sólo tenéis que capturar Jerusalem y entregarla a Imperio una vez tengáis el control de la ciudad.

                            - Como muy tarde nosotros declararemos la guerra a Templars una vez capturéis Jerusalem. Aunque si podemos antes lo haremos antes. Esto es vital porque sino nuestra imágen quedará muy deteriorada y asi escondemos un poco la alianza y sorprenderemos mejor a Templars.

                            - El acuerdo se acepta y cierra el siguiente turno, no este.


                            Pensadlo bien porque es la única salida que vemos. Imperio está preparado para una guerra larga contra vosotros y esta puede ser vuestra última oportunidad de cambiar la situación. La verdad es que no tenenmos nada que perder y si no aceptáis estas condiciones mínimas a nosotros no nos interesa la paz porque no vemos beneficios en ella. La verdad estamos dando un giro a la partida, si no salimos reforzaos no lo haremos.

                            Un fuerte abrazo,
                            and the translation from Bablefish

                            Relams greetings, After long discussions and deep analyses, we have a peace proposal that permitiria to give a turn to the present situation of blockade. We hope that you evaluate the proposal correctly and you think that benefits bring to you facing the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            Definitive Propouesta:
                            - Agreement Peace.
                            - NAP in 40 turns.
                            - Nationalism by Powder.
                            - Alinaza against templars

                            In this point it is important that you do not comment anything of this with the PAL, neither with Bananas, nor with Templars, they must think that we are not allied. We will say is an unilateral desición ours. Yes they can know that a NAP between us exists. This is very very important because we must explain this to our until now friendly ones of the best possible way. For example we do not like that you send diplomacy three-way with Bananas, Relams and Empire.

                            - The four cities of Templars are for us. You only must capture Jerusalem and to give it to Empire once you have the control of the city.
                            - As very behind schedule we declare the war to Templars once you capture Jerusalem. Although if we can before we will do it before. This is vital because but our image will be deteriorated very and thus hides a little the alliance and will surprise better Templars.
                            - The agreement accepts and closes the following turn, not this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                            Pensadlo (Think?) well because it is the unique exit that we see. Empire is preparation for a long war against you and this can be your last opportunity to change the situation. The truth is that nontenenmos nothing that to lose and if you do not accept these minimal conditions does not interest La Paz to us because we do not see benefits in her. The truth we are giving a turn to the game, if we did not leave reforzaos we will not do it.

                            A strong hug, Empire.
                            Last edited by ruff_hi; June 10, 2009, 11:13.
                            Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
                            Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
                            woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.


                            • #44
                              Hugely dissappointing. Obviously this is not acceptable.

                              Everything stays as it is then. Still at war - ah well. We can send a message back saying that we agreed to raze and replace Jerusalem and that unless they will agree to that then we will take the templar cities with or without their help.


                              • #45
                                However, this letter is definitely useful information. Imagine if it slipped into the wrong hands ...

