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  • Er, I think PAL just gifted Imperio education.

    I would lay strong odds on Imperio researching astronomy right now and will give it to PAL in return.

    PAL are currently at a low science rate, presumably to save up 500 gold to give to banana. That seems quite a strange deal to make with banana, since they are effectively giving 500 gold to us too.


    • Checking the trade screen for T146, Imperio got Paper, not Education, from PAL.


      • I think Imperio already had paper. If they got education I don't think we would be able to see it?


        • No, they didn't have Paper in the T145 screenshot (see inbox), but they do in the T146 one

          And the trade screen is broken as we can see from 'Can Research' that Edu is not there for PAL, but there for Imperio (T146) even though we lack the pre-reqs ourselves.


          • T145:

            PAL: 2x pop & renaissance tech (Nationalism)
            Rabbit: -
            Banana: 3x pop
            Imperio: medieval tech traded from PAL
            Templars: -
            RB: 2x pop & land & whip_2

            Population census:
            PAL 88 (12,12,11,10,9,9,9,6,5,3,2)
            RB 58 (11,8,6,6,6,5,5,4,3,2,1,1)
            Ban 52 (15,13,9,9,3,2,1)
            Imp 47 (10,8,8,8,6,6)
            Tem 32 (9,9,6,4,4)
            Rab 15 (7,4,2,1,1)

            Treasury report:
            Templars: 123gold (+34gpt) -25gpt to Imperio
            Imperio: 240gold (-21gpt) +25gpt from Temps
            PAL: 187gold (+97gpt)
            Rab: 50gold (+2gpt)
            Banana: 133gold (-10gpt)

            Foreign production.

            Jerusalem = 90h (+44)
            Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Lighthouse, Terrace
            Damascus = 34h (+34)
            Infrastructure: Terrace, Barracks, Forge, Apo Palace
            Jericho = 35h (+10)
            Infrastructure: Walls, Forge
            Acre = 18h (+4)
            Infrastructure: Monument

            Mutal = 80h (+25)
            Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Stonehenge, Oracle, Forge
            Lakamha = 75h (+22)
            Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Islamic shrine, Granary
            Chichen Itza = 22h (+4)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks
            Uxmal = 77h (+13)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, State of Zeus, Granary
            Mayapan = 44h (+9)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary
            Calakmul = 0h (-53)
            Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks

            The Warning = 118h (+15)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Academy, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery
            Heliopolis = 37h (+15)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library
            Alexandria = 44h (+12)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
            Giza = 35h (+1)
            Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library
            Byblos = 28h (+6)
            Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks
            Memphis = 24h (???)
            Infrastructure: N/A
            Pi-Ramesses = 69h (???)
            Infrastructure: N/A
            Navajo = 40h (???)
            Infrastructure: N/A
            Akhetaten = 35h (???)
            Infrastructure: N/A

            Caerbannog = 45h (+16)
            Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Library, Great Wall
            Digger's Burrow = 17h (+8)
            Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Walls
            Phrygian = 13h (+2)
            Infrastructure: none

            Banapolis= 0h
            Infrastructure: Palace, Granary, Library, Lighthouse, Forge, The Pyramids, Moai Statues, Harbor
            Banana Pudding = 120h (+38)
            Infrastructure: Walls, Forge, Monument, Granary, Library, Harbor, Lighthouse, Academy
            Banana Split = 109h (+11)
            Infrastructure: Walls, Castle, Lighthouse, Granary, Monument
            Fried Banana = 0h
            Infrastructure: N/A
            Doal = 15h (+7)
            Infrastructure: none
            Omni Point = 6h
            Infrastructure: N/A
            Foster = 41h
            Infrastructure: N/A

            Last edited by mostly-harmless; May 23, 2009, 15:28.


            • T146:

              PAL: 2x pop & whip & whip_3 & whip_3
              Rabbit: -
              Banana: land
              Imperio: pop & land & whip
              Templars: -
              RB: 2x pop

              Population census:
              PAL 83 (11,10,10,9,9,9,9,6,5,3,2)
              RB 60 (11,8,7,6,6,6,5,4,3,2,1,1)
              Ban 52 (15,13,9,9,3,2,1)
              Imp 47 (10,8,8,8,6,6)
              Tem 32 (9,9,6,4,4)
              Rab 15 (7,4,2,1,1)

              Treasury report:
              Templars: 140gold (+42gpt) -25gpt to Imperio
              Imperio: 244gold (-21gpt) +25gpt from Temps
              PAL: 336gold (+149gpt)
              Rab: 52gold (+2gpt)
              Banana: 136gold (+3gpt)

              Foreign production.

              Jerusalem = 0h (-90)
              Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Lighthouse, Terrace, Forge
              Damascus = 0h (-34)
              Infrastructure: Terrace, Barracks, Forge, Apo Palace, Christian Monastery
              Jericho = 45h (+10)
              Infrastructure: Walls, Forge
              Acre = 23h (+5)
              Infrastructure: Monument

              Templars finished two infrastructure builds in their time of war. Especially the monastery is really useful in their upcoming battle of Jericho.

              Mutal = 0h (-80)
              Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Stonehenge, Oracle, Forge, Library
              Lakamha = 0h (-75)
              Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Islamic shrine, Granary, Library
              Chichen Itza = 56h (+34)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks
              Uxmal = 0h (-77)
              Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, State of Zeus, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum)
              Mayapan = 53h (+9)
              Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary
              Calakmul = 46h (+46)
              Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary (T145)

              That's three Knights for Imperio! Scrap that!!! They went for infrastructure!

              The Warning = 198h (triple whip) Something costing 115hammers. Can't see any new infrastructure. No idea.
              Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Academy, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery
              Heliopolis = 55h (+18)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library
              Alexandria = 0h (-44) Unit.
              Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
              Giza = 36h (+1)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library
              Byblos = 73h (45)
              Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks
              Memphis = 48h (+24)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, Lighthouse, The Great Lighthouse
              Pi-Ramesses = 81h (+12)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk
              Navajo = 49h (+9)
              Infrastructure: Granary
              Akhetaten = 40h (+5)
              Infrastructure: -

              Caerbannog = 0h (-45)
              Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Library, Great Wall
              Digger's Burrow = 25h (+8)
              Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Walls
              Phrygian = 15h (+2)
              Infrastructure: none

              Banapolis= 0h
              Infrastructure: Palace, Granary, Library, Lighthouse, Forge, The Pyramids, Moai Statues, Harbor, Castle, Pavilion (Theatre)
              Banana Pudding = 166h (+46)
              Infrastructure: Walls, Forge, Monument, Granary, Library, Harbor, Lighthouse, Academy, Castle, Pavilion (Theatre)
              Banana Split = 0h (-109)
              Infrastructure: Walls, Castle, Lighthouse, Granary, Monument, Forge
              Fried Banana = 56h (+56)
              Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Walls, Hagia Sophia, Pavilion (Theatre)
              Doal = 22h (+7)
              Infrastructure: none
              Omni Point = 7h (+1)
              Infrastructure: none
              Foster = 45h (+4)
              Infrastructure: none

              EDIT: Infrastructure for new cities and recent builds included.

              Last edited by mostly-harmless; May 24, 2009, 09:33.


              • What are the possible builds in Jericho? Also could that have been a 90 hammer knight in Jerusalem, or do Templars not have Guilds?


                • They don't have guilds. I will look into the possible builds tomorrow ans also update the infrastructure for the new cities we can see.



                  • Included infrastructure and recent builds (T145-146) into T146 post.

                    Most important news: Imperio did not get three knights, but infrastructure. Silly me, assuming the three 90hammer builds a few turns after Guilds were Knights during war time.



                    • First of all, great work mostly_harmless! I can back up that data on infrastructure builds from a look at the Power graph; both Imperio and Templars have flat-lined over the past couple turns. They've barely addded any units at all recently!

                      This means that our Jericho assumptions are looking really solid right now; my best guess from the Soldier count is that there are not any huge Templar armies hiding in the fog. Maybe a couple of extra units, but not a whole lot of them.


                      • Soldier count estimation of Templar units, to try and help plan the upcoming attack. This info is also posted in the Operation Joshua thread, but more properly belongs here.

                        First the numbers on the bar graphs. It should be clear that we've continued to increase our military forces, while Templars and (especially) Imperio have slowed down dramatically. Now for the numbers game:

                        Templars Soldier Points = 327k

                        Population: 32 pop points = 16k

                        Technology: Sailing, Hunting, Mining, Animal Husbandry (2k each) = 8k
                        Wheel, Alphabet, Metal Casting, Compass, Construction (4k each) = 20k
                        Mathematics, Archery (6k each) = 12k
                        Bronze Working, Machinery (8k each) = 16k
                        Horseback Riding, Iron Working (10k each) = 20k
                        Total = 76k

                        City Improvements/Wonders
                        Jerusalem: Barracks, Forge = 5k
                        Constantinople: Barracks (?), Forge (?) almost certain = 5k
                        Damascus: Barracks, Forge = 5k
                        Jericho: Walls, Forge = 4k
                        Acre: nothing
                        Total = 19k

                        This leaves 216k Soldier points for units.

                        Visible/Known units:

                        Quechua in extreme south = 2k

                        Pink Dot stack:
                        2 maces (9k each) = 19k
                        1 horse archer = 6k
                        2 crossbows (7k each) = 14k
                        1 sword = 6k
                        3 cats (5k each) = 15k
                        3 chariots (4k each) = 12k
                        1 spear = 4k
                        Total = 76k

                        Central stack:
                        1 crossbow = 7k
                        1 axe = 5k
                        Total = 12k

                        Jericho defense:
                        1 mace = 9k
                        1 horse archer = 6k
                        1 crossbow = 7k
                        1 axe = 5k
                        3 spears (4k each) = 12k
                        Total = 39k

                        Total visible = 129k
                        Missing = 87k

                        Figure 25-30k for defense garrisons in other cities, and that leaves roughly 50-60k worth of units unaccounted for. Templars likely have a moderate-sized stack of units somewhere in their territory, although where is anyone's guess. Hopefully a lot of un-upgraded swords, spears, and axes.


                        • PAL made a quadruple whip and a single whip. Someone please make a screenshot of the demoscreen and an overview screenshot of PALs lands.
                          I cannot log into the game for another 36hrs or so. Thanks.



                          • Wow, 4-pop whip. I wonder if they're slaving units to crush Rabbits. The timing might work to then turn on Banana when their NAP expires.


                            • a 4-pop whip cannot be for a unit. It generates 120 to 180 hammers (30*1.5, assuming forge and mono). It must be for a wonder or infrastructure.
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                              • The 4-pop whip could be a unit, if it was whipped from scratch with nothing in the box. Maybe an emergency defender? Can we figure out which city lost 4 pop?

                                A 4-pop whip could also be a unit if it's a settler (less than 10 hammers in the box and no forge), though that's probably unlikely.

