Update for the current turn, leaving aside PAL emo-drama for the moment:
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 175
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Lakamha (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Mayapan (size 13) = 60 shields (+10)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum), Forge
Uxmal bites the dust, just two Imperio cities remaining...
Palace and capital moves to Mayapan, which is better for us than Lakamha. Mayapan grabs 10 shields, and Lakamha sits with nothing selected for a second turn in a row. This is just sad, folks. Can we please get another team or at least the AI to take over for the final few turns before the end?
PAL 334EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
Thebes (size 14) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Palace, Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Christian Temple, Christian Monastery, Aqueduct, Mausoleum, Parthenon, Sankore
Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 87 shields (+11)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Bank, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 10) = 21 shields (+1)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 29 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 7) = 58 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Byblos (size 6) = 8 shields (+2)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 6) = 35 shields (+5)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 4) = 56 shields (+27)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 18 shields (+18)
Infrastructure: Christian Temple
Our EP against PAL: 418
Needed for cheapest City Visibility (Alexandria): 514
Thebes hasn't chosen its new build yet from last turn, PAL being slow to log in this turn. Memphis finishes another military unit, as usual. Nothing too much else going on; PAL has actually lost a lot of its highest-shield producers in The Warning and Giza.
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 175
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Lakamha (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Barracks, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Mayapan (size 13) = 60 shields (+10)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum), Forge
Uxmal bites the dust, just two Imperio cities remaining...
Palace and capital moves to Mayapan, which is better for us than Lakamha. Mayapan grabs 10 shields, and Lakamha sits with nothing selected for a second turn in a row. This is just sad, folks. Can we please get another team or at least the AI to take over for the final few turns before the end?
PAL 334EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
Thebes (size 14) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Palace, Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Christian Temple, Christian Monastery, Aqueduct, Mausoleum, Parthenon, Sankore
Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 87 shields (+11)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Bank, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 10) = 21 shields (+1)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 29 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 7) = 58 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Byblos (size 6) = 8 shields (+2)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 6) = 35 shields (+5)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 4) = 56 shields (+27)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 18 shields (+18)
Infrastructure: Christian Temple
Our EP against PAL: 418
Needed for cheapest City Visibility (Alexandria): 514
Thebes hasn't chosen its new build yet from last turn, PAL being slow to log in this turn. Memphis finishes another military unit, as usual. Nothing too much else going on; PAL has actually lost a lot of its highest-shield producers in The Warning and Giza.