I think the bulk of their power increase was before Sullla restarted tracking the production. There was a period of turns where PAL were slaving 3-4 cities each time. If a unit is slaved it takes 2 turns to show up on the power graph.
No announcement yet.
Cloak & Dagger
Yes - PAL's Soldier count rating has flattened out over the past few turns. Presumably they whipped out a bunch of units to finish off the Rabbits, and are back on a more normal trajectory right now.
It does bear mentioning that Memphis has Heroic Epic + Moai Statues and is churning out a new unit essentially every turn. It's their own Cape Town, and unfortunately an even better location than the spot we have (plus, compare a size 13 city to a size 6 one).
Finally, they have been getting some Soldier count points from tech too, although nothing that would make a great difference.
Update for the current turn:
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 162
Imperio 455EP (+3 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 12) = 29 shields (+29)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = 177 shields (+23)
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = 75 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery
Uxmal (size 13) = 34 shields (+34)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 14) = 18 shields (+18)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 9) = 64 shields (+10)
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple
Oxhuitza (size 3) = 51 shields (+2)
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary
Imperio doesn't complete a single build this turn, but they do gain 4 pop points.
PAL 230EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Theocracy
The Warning (size 10) = 22 shields (+22)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = 47 shields (+47)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 42 shields (+16)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Alexandria (size 7) = 30 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 9) = 15 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 9) = 93 shields (+83)
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University
Byblos (size 3) = 101 shields (+81)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 6) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 3) = 48 shields (+6)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse
Cities without visibility: Thebes, Elephantine (contain Mausoleum and Parthenon), Eisenburg
I have no idea what Navajo finished; some kind of relatively cheap unit, around 50 shields is my guess. Catapult (?) Giza (11->9) and Byblos (5->3) were both double-whipped this turn, which explains their huge shield outputs. Of course the big news is PAL capturing Eisenburg this turn; for some reason, we now lose visibility into the city with it changing hands. Need to get a new map from Banana over here!
Soldier count update (T162):
Nothing too terribly important here, more just wanting to share our current situation with the rest of the team. We are out in front still, with PAL's power rising to match, Imperio a long distance behind, and then the other three teams concentrated in a bunch... well, at least according to the graph (which is already outdated, as I'll explain in a second). I am not breaking down Imperio's Power rating, because nothing has noticeably changed since the last such post. They built the two muskets in Mutal and as far as I can tell, there's been no other changes aside from pop increases. Imperio has their uberstack and their tiny garrisons, and that's it.
Now as far as PAL and Rabbits are concerned, we can measure their current rating because they show up as the "Best" and "Worst" rivals in the military department. PAL is currently rated at ~550k points, so they lost about 25-30k in their capture of Eisenburg this turn. The poor Rabbits, on the other hand, are all the way down at 190k, so they took an absolute pasting in the loss of their city.Looks like it very well might have been their whole military, or close to it in any case. We won't see this dip on the bar graphs for two more turns, but it'll be dramatic on T164.
Long-term trends show RB and PAL clearly pulling away from the rest of the pack. Look at how we compared to Imperio around 400AD for clear evidence of this. You can also see how we beat down the Templars on three separate occasions at Jericho, wiping out their invasion stack, and then again at Jerusalem.
Update for the current turn, with some interesting info:
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 163
Imperio 458EP (+3 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 12) = 55 shields (+26)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = 83 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery
Uxmal (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 14) = 30 shields (+12)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 9) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple
Oxhuitza (size 3) = 54 shields (+3)
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary
Lakamha finishes a bank, which certainly makes sense given that it's their Shrine city. Presumably it's now free to go on military, with Templars declaring war (not so good for us...) Uxmal finishes a cheap unit, around 50 shields - very likely a catapult, maybe a longbow. Calakmul finishes the maceman we can see in the city with our unit present. And yes, even though this city is working several water tiles, it still lacks a lighthouse!
Clearly, this team is building more military than they were previously.
PAL 238EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
The Warning (size 10) = 44 shields (+22)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 57 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 9) = 15 shields (-)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 45 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 9) = 23 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 9) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery
Byblos (size 4) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 7) = 8 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 3) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 2t resistance
Infrastructure: none
Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum and Parthenon)
PAL discovered Economics, took the free Great Merchant, and swapped to Free Market this turn. We also gained visibility into Elephantine and Eisenburg, thanks to the map trade with Banana. Now only Thebes remains an unknown factor, and we do know the exact tile on which it's located!
Memphis finishes a unit build that could be just about anything, anywhere from 50-90 shields. The whips from last turn complete: Confucian Monastery in Giza, Barracks in Akhetaten, a unit in Byblos that cost 100 shields. Gonna state with pretty near certainly that Byblos just whipped out a settler, so expect another city from PAL soon. Current city count looks like this:
RB: 16 (with Jerusalem in resistance and Sweet Tooth just founded)
PAL: 12 (with Eisenburg in resistance, likely soon to be 13)
The next closest are Banana with 8 and Imperio with 7, so this game is definitely shaping up into a two-horse race.
* * * Update * * *
The Warning (size 7) = 201 shields (+157)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Academy, Oxford University
Navajo (size 4) = 120 shields (+112)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
PAL does two triple-whips, one at the capital that adds a whopping 157 shields (!) at The Warning, the other at Navajo that grabs 112 shields. Obviously some of this is overflow... Can anyone read something into the amount of shields they got from their triple-whips? Definitely some production modifiers in there.
157 hammers / 90 base hammers is a multiplier of 1.75. Are they still in Bureaucracy? Then it's just Bur + forge and could be anything that costs greater than 60 x 1.75 = 105 hammers.
112 hammers for a triple-whip is a multiplier of 1.25, just forge. Again it could be anything that costs more than 60 x 1.25 = 75 hammers.
This is a bit late, but I ran across this post on the mechanics of trade route paths:
Perhaps the other civ had mapped out the coast and therefore had a coastal path. Which leads me to a question: If I don't have astronomy and sign open borders with an inter-continental Civ and we are both in something other than mercantilsim, will the other civ benefit from increased trade...
The relevant bit for us is that for calculating trade route path eligibility, Open Borders with intermediate parties does not matter. Open Borders only matters between the two civs actually involved in the trade route (source city and target city.) For intermediate parties along the trade path, all that matters is that they're not hostile. This is why we kept our trade routes when Templars declared war and Imperio closed borders but did not declare war yet.
Also, trade routes are calculated separately in each direction. This is why, during our dual war, Banana had trade routes to us but we did not to Banana. From Banana's POV, Imperio and Templars were neutral parties (OB status again irrelevant) so their trade routes to us stayed active.
Thanks T-Hawk, that's very interesting to know. I always wondered why trade routes functioned so strangely; I think part of the confusion is that barb cities block those trade routes, and now we know that's because you are always "hostile" with the barbs. Very weird that Open Borders are not necessary at all with the intervening civs!
Anyway, here are the numbers for the current turn:
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 164
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 12) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = 27 shields (+27)
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery, Library
Uxmal (size 14) = 14 shields (+14)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 14) = 45 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 9) = 13 shields (+13)
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple
Oxhuitza (size 3) = 87 shields (+33)
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary
Mutal builds something costing 70 or 80 shields: either a maceman or musket. Could be either. We will likely see this unit moving south past our chariot before Imperio ends their turn. Chichen Itza finishes a 90-shield build: another belated Library from Imperio. Oxhuitza gets a forest chop towards whatever it's building.
So, for anyone reading, here's the value of doing the builds: the fact that Chichen Itza just built a library lets us know that Imperio is still on an infrastructure kick, and they don't suspect an attack from that quarter at all! They even turned off Espionage against us. Plus, they want to trade us a very valuable military tech!
PAL 246EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
The Warning (size 8) = 34 shields (+34)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = 42 shields (+42)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 72 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 9) = 20 shields (+5)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 60 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 10) = 31 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery
Byblos (size 4) = 38 shields (+38)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 4) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 3) = 47 shields (+47)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 1t resistance
Infrastructure: none
Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)
PAL builds University of Sankore and pops a Great Artist, both at Thebes this turn. They also signed peace with Rabbits! On their domestic front, the triple-whip at The Warning last turn produces a Bank, along with sizable overflow. Giza sits on no shields in the box for two straight turns, either a swapped build or something really cheap out of there last turn. I don't know what the triple-whip in Navajo produced, as no new buildings are visible in the city. It could well have been a cannon, actually. Overall though, a pretty quiet turn in terms of PAL builds, not much finishing.
Yes, it's as simple as looking at it on the map. That's how we've deduced the infrastructure in every single city here, by looking at the visual representation on the screen. One of the features of Civ4 that's usually pointless eye candy is actually very important to the C&D department.
Update for the current turn. PAL news not quite as bad as we had feared:
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 165
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 12) = 26 shields (+26)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = 47 shields (+20)
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = 14 shields (+14)
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery, Library
Uxmal (size 14) = 30 shields (+16)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 15) = 60 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 9) = 30 shields (+17)
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple
Oxhuitza (size 3) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
Damascus (size 4) = 5t resistance
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Apostolic Palace (Christianity)
Aside from the big capture of Damascus, this is a very quiet turn for Imperio. Oxhuitza finished a Library, and that was it. Damascus sees a Granary survive capture.
PAL 254EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
The Warning (size 9) = 58 shields (+24)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = 80 shields (+38)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 87 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 9) = 25 shields (+5)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 75 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 8) = 114 shields (+83)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 8) = 85 shields (+85)
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery
Byblos (size 3) = 119 shields (+81)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 3) = 105 (+105)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 4) = 54 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: none
Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)
Pi-Ramesses, Giza, Byblos and Navajo were the four cities PAL double-whipped last turn. (Unfortunately they did it at the very end of the turn, so I couldn't get a C&D read on the whipping production.) And yet none of the four FINISHED their builds, so I can only imagine that they whipped knights and then got the auto-upgrade to cuirassiers when the Military Tradition trade came in... or something like that! Alternate theory: some of those coastal cities may be building Drydocks. Anyway, it appears as though some sizable military builds going on here, yet maybe it's not quite as dire as we initially thought, because those double-whips didn't immediately produce cannon. (Just likely to come out in another turn or two...)
Update for the current turn. Also known as the turn all of PAL's whipped builds completed!
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 166
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 13) = 47 shields (+21)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = 91 shields (+44)
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = 27 shields (+13)
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery, Library
Uxmal (size 14) = 48 shields (+18)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 15) = 75 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 10) = 47 shields (+17)
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple
Oxhuitza (size 3) = 10 shields (+10)
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
Damascus (size 4) = 4t resistance
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Apostolic Palace (Christianity)
Not a single build completes across Imperio territory. Very quiet turn here. Just gained two pop.
PAL 262EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
The Warning (size 9) = 80 shields (+22)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 102 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 10) = 30 shields (+5)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 8) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 9) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery, Confucian Temple
Byblos (size 4) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 3) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 4) = 61 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 2 shields (+2)
Infrastructure: none
Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)
Memphis finishes another unit, almost certainly a cannon or cuirassier. Alexandria finishes a unit costing exactly 90 shields: knight (?) Alexandria and Memphis appear to be PAL's unit pumps, no infrastructure just crank troops constantly. (Not a bad plan at all!) The cities that were whipped previously all finish their builds this turn, and I had a devil of a time trying to figure out what they all did!
Pi-Ramesses finishes a unit of some kind, which makes sense seeing as how it's right on the Banana front lines. Giza finishes a Confucian Temple (for Sankore bonus beakers). Byblos whips out a unit of some kind, and Navajo seems to have done a unit whip as well. PAL's Soldier Count is up almost 60k as a result of all these unit builds/whips, and they will pass us shortly. Hopefully Banana can cut them down to size a bit...
Info for the current turn. Next turn will be the really important one, in terms of attack planning...
Foreign Builds from C&D: Turn 167
Imperio 458EP (+0 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Decentralization, Organized Religion
Mutal (size 13) = 73 shields (+26)
Infrastructure: Palace, Barracks, Granary, Monument, Forge, Library, Stonehenge, Oracle, The Sistine Chapel
Lakamha (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Barracks, Monument, Granary, Library, Bank, Islamic shrine, Notre Dame
Chichen Itza (size 8) = 40 shields (+13)
Infrastructure: Granary, Monument, Lighthouse, Barracks, Christian Monastery, Library
Uxmal (size 15) = 66 shields (+18)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Ball Court (Colosseum), Lighthouse, Library, Statue of Zeus
Mayapan (size 15) = 90 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Monument, Barracks, Granary, Lighthouse, Ball Court (Colosseum)
Calakmul (size 10) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Monument, Library, Barracks, Granary, Islamic Temple, Lighthouse
Oxhuitza (size 3) = 20 shields (+10)
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Library
Damascus (size 4) = 3t resistance
Infrastructure: Monument, Granary, Apostolic Palace (Christianity)
Lakamha finished a build in the 90-110 shield range; this is very likely a cuirassier. Thank goodness we will cut their iron supply if (when!) we raze Mutal. Don't want to see too many of those units. Calakmul finishes a 50-60 shield build; we can clearly see it's a belated Lighthouse.
PAL 270EP (+8 EP)
Current Civics: Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, Theocracy
The Warning (size 9) = N/A, zero shields invested
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Lighthouse, Library, Forge, Confucian Temple, Obelisk, Harbor, Confucian Monastery, Taoist Monastery, Christian Monastery, Grocer, University, Christian Temple, Bank, Academy, Oxford University
Memphis (size 13) = 56 shields (+56)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Lighthouse, Heroic Epic, Moai Statues, The Great Lighthouse
Heliopolis (size 10) = 117 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University, Grocer, Confucian Shrine
Elephantine (size 10) = 38 shields (+8)
Infrastructure: Granary, Barracks, Forge, Library, University
Alexandria (size 7) = 25 shields (+25)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Pi-Ramesses (size 8) = 27 shields (+27)
Infrastructure: Granary, Courthouse, Library, Barracks, Forge, Obelisk, University
Giza (size 9) = 48 shields (+48)
Infrastructure: Granary, Lighthouse, Forge, Library, University, Confucian Monastery, Confucian Temple
Byblos (size 4) = 26 shields (+26)
Infrastructure: Obelisk, Granary, Forge, Barracks, Lighthouse
Navajo (size 3) = 15 shields (+15)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Barracks
Akhetaten (size 4) = 68 shields (+7)
Infrastructure: Granary, Forge, Courthouse, Barracks
Eisenburg (size 1) = 4 shields (+2)
Infrastructure: none
Cities without visibility: Thebes (contain Mausoleum, Parthenon, and Sankore)
The Warning finishes a build costing around 100 shields; I don't see any new buildings so this is almost certainly a cannon or cuirassier. PAL gets whip overflow into about a million cities this turn, which is why the production numbers are so large. Overall, a quiet recovery turn for PAL after last turn's excitement.