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History PBEM

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  • #91

    New League of Nations secretary-general elected, although, Austro-Hungarian Allies the Germans, and Ottomans did not vote, the majority rules.

    The New secretary-general Sean von Riechwehr made a new speech today:

    This will be peace for our time! All nations should be on in industry, Sweeden, Denmarck, Spain, Portugal, and Morrocco shuold be 'forceably' brought into the arms of the 7 powers of Europe.

    Votes up for propositions:

    1:We need 3 Members for a League of Nations Security Forces. For a united LN Forces to go to hotspots and act as a 'peacekeeping forces' in time of war.

    2:There will be a peroid for industry build up, say 3-5 turns.

    3:European Economic Trade Union to be formed so we can have free trade and unlocking the borders between all nations, all russia/austro-hungarian, france/germany.

    4.Maybe even the 'restoration of land' to perivous owners, as to say Egypt back to Ottomans over time... etc.

    Orders of the DAY:
    -Swtizerland shall remain in French hands, but the secretary-general's office will be there.

    -Status of Land Treaty has now be ratified.

    -Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits will be used by Russian and Turkish warships only, only Foreign Trade Vessels are allowed, if foreign warships found, they will be captured or destroyed.

    -Spain is left to France/Italy/Britian to decided, with secretary-general mediator, to be finalized.

    (btw- i finally found a really good quote)
    Last edited by Soundwave; April 18, 2002, 00:57.
    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • #92
      Thank you, SG von Riechwehr, Greece has already been cleared up as I am ready to compensate the Ottomans for the land.

      Italy: Crete was under Turkish jurisdiction from the start and could have easily been invaded by them, but they left it open for Britain, as per agreement. So Crete never was under Italian influence and the transaction was completed a month before.
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • #93
        So Greece/Crete will be under British Protectorate thats good, sorted.
        Last edited by Soundwave; April 18, 2002, 00:58.
        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


        • #94
          All I care about as the major power in the east, is that there is peace along my borders.

          The peasants of Russia desire no armed conflicts, and we wish to build up our industry and our economy so that we may grow to a major power, not militarily, but economically.

          As of right now, the only problem I can see that would cause Russia to an armed response would be a blockade of the Bospourus Pass.

          Tzar Papismonovich


          • #95
            BTW -Guys get the update rules.txt or your cheating! (kinda)
            Attached Files
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #96
              I'm abit worried guys.. this game has been going for over 10 days, and still we havent managed two rounds yet...
              Last edited by sas; April 18, 2002, 04:32.
              If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.


              • #97
                Sorry about the delay...

                Sorry about the delay guys, I wanted to play yesterday but Real Life has been intruding!!

                I'll play tonight!!

                And about Creta: no, the Ottoman could not have invaded it AND Athens in the first turn, which means I could have taken (and still could!!) the other one! And it never was under Ottoman juridiction!

                And just because Britain and the Ottoman agree on it doesn't mean it's settled!! I mean, if the Russian and the German were agreing on Gibraltar being German, maybe you would mind (not exactly the same, as Gibraltar is already yours, I know...)??

                Italy is adressing a formal complaint to the Secretary-General for unfair treatment as it's revendications are purely and simply ignored by the League of Nations!!!
                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                Discworld Scenario:
                POMARJ Scenario:
                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                • #98
                  Yes, Poly is up at last!!!

                  After thorough negociations with their british counterpart, the italian government gave orders and the Italian Navy turned back, leaving Crete for Birtish occupation!!

                  The Napoli flottilla is closing to the spanish coast.

                  BTW, Soundwave: I changed the files (events and rules) but a neutral conscript appeared again in Roma!!

                  And here is the save:
                  Attached Files
                  Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                  Discworld Scenario:
                  POMARJ Scenario:
                  LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                  • #99
                    Finally its up again!!! YAY!! Hip hip hurray!

                    I know about the events, it wont work, coz we are running on the events we first started with, so just delete the neutral conscript, please, all of you, just get more production for dsibanding it.
                    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                    • Can we get this to hurry up a little!
                      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                      • The problem is that the events file cannot discriminate between the various types of "Conscript". When it sees "Conscript" it goes to the first one listed in the rules file, and then creates one in the location indicated under the control of the civilization indicated. In this case, the first one listed is the neutral-looking "Conscript".

                        The solution to this is to have a "G Conscript" for the Germans, an "A Conscript" for the Austrians, an "F Conscript" for the French, and so on, with the events file changed accordingly.


                        • Ohhhhhh.... well buggar me!
                          "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                          • UK goes, nothing much.

                            The British EMpire is ready to make the transaction for Greece with Turkey.
                            Attached Files
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • Turkey gives the cities of Athens and Volos to the British Empire.
                              Also, new steel mills and factories are being build all over the Ottoman Empire.
                              Attached Files


                              • I can't download it!

                                I think it is because of the server change!


