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Great War PBEM

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  • #46
    Re: The Times, September 1914 Issue

    Originally posted by El Awrence
    Destroyers Shoot Down Zeppelins Over London
    London.- The news of Zeppelin air raids over London caused great panic amongst the population of London. Despite the raid destroying some residential buildings, the people of London have been instilled with a great fear that seems to propel them onwards to war against the dirty Hun.

    As soon as the great cigars appeared on the horizon, a taskforce of destroyers departed from Newcastle to try to intercept the airships, but they were to late to avoid the carnage. They did however open fire upon the airships as they returned to Germany, catching the unsuspecting ships as they crossed the Channel.

    All in all, intelligence reveals that one squadron of airships was successfully decimated.
    That's a glitch. The air attack abilities of destroyers should have been turned off in the latest version. If they aren't, I need to fix that ASAP. Can you go back and play it again? I'll post the fixed files shortly.

    For those curious, destroyers were originally supposed to escort convoys of transports. The fighter and AEGIS tags were designed to help them defend convoys against barbarian "submarines" essentially cruise missiles. Some of the original playtesters might remember this. It didn't exactly turn out like I had planned, so I took it out.


    • #47
      Bah! It's a casualty... let it go Scott, you'll build others. In any case, non German nations need to defend themselves from airships.


      • #48
        It's hardly that German nations that are the ones with airships. Britain and Russia are the only nations that don't start with them. You want to defend against them? Build fighter planes. Don't cheat to get rid of them. And no, I can't build others.

        Anyhow, here are the updated files.
        Attached Files


        • #49
          Houston, we have a problem....

          I've never played a PBEM game before, so I've been making little mistakes. Well, a major one just happened. I didnt' hit crtl-N. At the end of my turn. I had been told to do this to make sure everything had moved, but I figured "well, everything is fortified anyway, so it doesn't matter." Apparantly, it does. Things are FUBAR in a major way. Few things that got messed up:
          I never left my defensive posistions in the west. I didn't lose over 50 units in such a foolish battle. I never sortied my fleet into the Atlantic. I ambushed a CS task force with 3 subs and a dreadnaught, but the casualty timeline shows me losing like 3 dreadnaughts and 5 cruisers. Eh? These were all in port. Most oddly of all, though least damaging, a fleet of warships formerly fortified at Pearl are now on their way to Tijauna. Not just that, but they were sent there with the 'goto' command apparantly. Eh? Needless to say this has completely screwed me. I ask that I be allowed to submit a new file for you guys to replay with. I promise not to redo anything except hitting control-N. I'll leave all my moves the same.
          A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
          A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
          A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
          A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.


          • #50
            According to FMK and Henrik's great PBEM guide, when you don't hit crtrl+N the AI moves all of your units which hadn't moved in that turn (eg the ones you'd fortified in your cities)
            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


            • #51
              So, basically everyone will replace their files, Hans will fix his turn, things will go to El Awrence, to Kirk, and so on.


              • #52
                eeek! I'm confused!

                I haven't been hitting cntl-N either, but I haven't noticed anything like that happening, but then again I haven't looked either, but I have been going until I get the "Press enter to continue" prompt thingy and at that point, cntl-N is blanked out, so's that cool?

                It figures that those huge stacks of ships just sitting there were too good to be true


                • #53
                  James- I have noticed that when I play my turn a lot of your ships move. If you press ctrl-N I don't think this should happen.
                  "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                  "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Jimmywax
                    James- I have noticed that when I play my turn a lot of your ships move. If you press ctrl-N I don't think this should happen.
                    Are you talking about on the turn I just played, the first one or both? Any way about it, I'll be sure to press it from now on. Does the game give any responce when pressing ctrl-N other than just going to the "Press enter..." thing?


                    • #55
                      Just on the first one. I haven't played your last one yet since I didn't know if Hans was getting a reprieve or not. Not to insult your tatical skill or anything Generalismo James, but I thought you were taking alot of cities pretty easy.
                      "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                      "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                      • #56
                        Geez Jimmy, with allies like you who needs the damnyankees?

                        I know the Confederacy pales in comparison to les super-glorieux Francaises, but I think we get by okay. Tacital Skill, Schmactical Schmill! It hasn't been easy, but my success is due to the time-tested "Haigian" method of conquest!

                        PS: I'm sure I'll have more questions about cntl-Ning as my turn grows closer, so bear with me, y'all


                        • #57
                          Ok, then Hans, press Ctrl-N and repost the turn, there's no need for you to replay it.


                          • #58
                            Thanks all. Will have it up soon.
                            A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
                            A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
                            A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
                            A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.


                            • #59
                              Lets kick it up a notch.
                              Attached Files
                              A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
                              A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
                              A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
                              A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.


                              • #60
                                played and posted.

                                Nothing happened. Grrr...
                                Attached Files

