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Great War PBEM

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  • #61
    Originally posted by JamesJKirk
    I know the Confederacy pales in comparison to les super-glorieux Francaises, but I think we get by okay. Tacital Skill, Schmactical Schmill! It hasn't been easy, but my success is due to the time-tested "Haigian" method of conquest!
    Ha! Ha! The French are only good for one thing, retreating . Also I am not familiar with your method of conquest. What is it?
    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
    "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


    • #62
      I'd say that the 'Haigian method' of conquest involves defeating your oponents by attacking them with more soldiers then they have bullets, and is named after Field Marshal Douglas Haig who invented it and bravely contined using it despite some inital setbacks (eg the Somme, Pashenadale, Poziers, etc)
      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


      • #63
        Well, it's all about the Grand Plan that will lead to Ultimate Victory. It consists of climbing over the trenches and walking very slowly across No Man's Land and storm the other trenches.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Case
          I'd say that the 'Haigian method' of conquest involves defeating your oponents by attacking them with more soldiers then they have bullets, and is named after Field Marshal Douglas Haig who invented it and bravely contined using it despite some inital setbacks (eg the Somme, Pashenadale, Poziers, etc)

          Ding ding ding ding! Yeah, that's it, or just throwing units at a place until they've got no more defenders or you've got no more on to my turn!


          • #65
            There should be a "w" after that "no" up there...

            Anyway, I haven't really gotten to my turn yet, but after copying the files, I figured I'd run the batch file to make sure everything was set to the right year. Well I got the messages that 4 files were copied, but after that instead of saying "events file removed" it said "events header not found." Which is the same thing it says when I run the batch to play part 5 before Civ2 crashes to my desktop. I loaded the savegame to see if I'd have the same problem, and it didn't crash, which is nice. But still, should I be wary of this? Also, have you figured out what causes it to do that when loading part 5 for some people, Scott? I didn't have this problem with v1.1, but do now...well, I suppose there's time to figure it out. Anyway, thanks for your help guys


            • #66
              Well I played my turn anyway, apparently with no game problems...

              Hey Hans, you wouldn't have gone and done something dastardly now, like say sending a few extra units into Dover since you magically forsaw that I was going to take it, now would you?

              Anyway, not too much to report, a little sea battle, which is a shame, since I really liked the name "Battle of the Bermuda Triangle"

              well, here's the file, Jimmy:
              Attached Files


              • #67
                Not much to report from my front either. The mexican navy has moved into the Atlantic to support confederate forces there and French Battleships, destroyers, and cruisers have moved into the Meditteranian and north atlantic to support British forces. While our men are fighting the rest of the country is going bankrupt.
                Attached Files
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #68
                  As I'm going up to Sydney for a week I've asked Jimmy to play my turn for me
                  'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                  - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                  • #69
                    Scooooooootttt! where are you Scott. Are you on vacation. Are you giving up because of the tenacity of the French people. Am I too much for you to 'andle. Come on Scott, if you come back I will take it easy on you.

                    Who am I kidding, the French suck. Do we have any frenchies in this forum. I cannot say that I have ever seen one. Maybe they are to sophisticated to play a great game like this.
                    "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                    "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                    • #70
                      I'll wager that he has a thanksgiving break and that he was kicked out of his dorms or whatever to go home or something of that sort...or he's abandoned us....or maybe that French thing you said

                      I've seen a few French people in the forums occaisionally, but not too many...I can speak French though, if that counts.

                      Bummer for you though, Jimmy, I guess you won't get to play the Russians before case gets back


                      • #71
                        Scott went home for Thanksgiving I'm sure. His connection there is intermittent at best, so he probably couldn't get online. He'll be back to the dorms late tonight I imagine, so we'll see his turn then or tommorrow.
                        A plane ticket to Afghanistan: $800
                        A high powered sniper rifle: $1000
                        A hotel with accessible roof and visibility: $100
                        A shot at the head of a piece of **** like Osama bin Laden: Priceless. For everything else there's Master card.


                        • #72
                          Yes, I've been netless in exile at home for the past few days. Stupid cable box.

                          Anyhoo, I shall play my turn later tonight. In the meantime, I shall tide you all over with a glimpse of the glorious airplane units that I drew while netless at home.
                          Attached Files


                          • #73
                            Damn nice planes
                            "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                            "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                            • #74
                              All Quiet on the Western Front

                              An uneasy quiet has descended upon the western front, with German troops digging in to their fortifications to resist any possible Entente counteroffensive. The formation of lines and rows of so-called trenches has resulted in a solidification of the battle lines in the west, a stark contrast to the much more fluid situation in the east. Rumors abound of a new offensive that will complete the push started in August and drive the French from Paris, knocking France out of the war once and for all.

                              Zeppelins Punish England Again

                              After the British Empire has so cruelly refused to even respond to Germany's first demand that the inhuman blockade that even now threatens to starve innocents in the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark to death, German zeppelins under the command of the great Peter Strasser again took to the skies to punish England as England has decided to punish innocent neutral nations like Holland. The zeppelins conducted raids on the coal fields south of Liverpool, taking the war to the enemy once again. Even now German submarines are secretly taking up positions around England, laying in ambush for British merchantmen and warships that dare to venture into the open sea. As England blockades the innocents, so shall Germany blockade England.

                              Austrian Cruisers Slip Past Entente Patrols

                              Austrian cruisers, sailing from the Adriatic port of Sarajevo, have slipped past Entente patrols and vanished into the Mediterranean to begin raids against French and English shipping from Africa to Europe. Hopes for the expeditions are high, and the crews have been promised prize money for each enemy vessel that they sink during the campaign. Rumors that the submarines were accompanied into the Mediterranean by a number of U-Boat submersibles have met with no comment in Vienna.

                              French Destroyer Sunk off Smyrna

                              In a brief naval skirmish, Turkish naval forces sailing from the port of Smyrna in western Anatolia have attacked and sunk a French destroyer that ventured too far into Turkish waters. The Turkish destroyer then slipped back into port to repair the minor damage incurred during the battle.

                              Kaiser Wilhelm II Addresses Reichstag, Hints at New Offensive

                              Speaking to the Reichstag, the Kaiser called on all Germans to make "small sacrifices" to help with the war effort. In the continuing effort for total war, the Kaiser has announced the formation of the War Raw Materials Section, or Kriegsrohstoffabteilung (KRA), under AEG chairman Walther Rathenau to distribute vital raw materials and minerals to German industries so that they can be best utilized for the war effort. The Kaiser proclaimed that "every effort must be made to give our forces in the field every possible advantage which will be so necessary in the coming months as we renew our great push to bring the war to a swift and decisive conclusion."
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                Yoohoo... Case...


