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The Sweetness and Light Game

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  • Re: The Sweetness and Light Game

    Just a reminder, guys...

    Remember NO BRIBING!!

    Therefore the harem is of limited utilility...

    Originally posted by Scouse Gits
    The Rules as laid down by the Dean of The Academy

    This is a Giga map - therefore MGE.
    Victory by conquest, but the AI can build spaceships

    At all times:

    * Spotless Reputation
    * No bribing - except Barb units
    * No nukes

    Before 1850AD and Hard Fundamentalism

    * No attacking except on Holy Home Continent - may repulse invasions
    * No military land units or Settlers or Engineers may leave the Holy Home Continent
    * Any goverment at any time, BUT once Fundamentalism is discovered we MUST take it at the next oedo year and stay in it thereafter
    * All Wonders except SoL - only the except SoL part is mandatory

    After 1850 and Fundamentalism

    * The gloves are off boys - but remember the first 3 rules

    The SGs in concert
    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • Play Order

      Bloody Monk
      La Fayette
      Old n Slow

      10 turns each please
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • Played 8 turns since we are getting into the modern ages.

        We have a real power democracy going.


        Are we ready for Fundy?

        We have 9.87 million people on our small island.

        Fiddle with sliders:

        Decide to stick with 20/40/40 to celebrate in:

        Green meanie, Heavens Gate, Big Bad Bill and Beggarsville

        Tech rate increases to 4 turns/tech.

        Note, we have Marco Polos:

        Requirements for Tactics:


        Requirements for Howitzers:

        Machine Tools
        Mass Production
        Mobile Warfare

        Americans are researching Warrior Code!

        we need 3 more libraries to properly upgrade infrastructure!
        Rush 6 freights to build CfC.

        Hit enter.

        Celebrations in 4 cities.
        Dye to Rome 202 gold, Spice to Rome, 98 gold.
        Not very big bonuses.
        CfC to be finished in two turns.

        Electricity discovered:
        Select Electronics for Hoover Dam
        Population now 10.35 million.
        Spice to Veii 125 gold.
        Rush Sewer in Heaven's Gate, Libraries in LeroyBrown and BigBadBill
        Prep cities for celebrations.

        CfC built in Mean city

        Population at 10.73 million
        All cities set to WLtD!

        Population now at 11.14 million
        Readjust to 30/30/40 to beef up cash for Hoovers, improvements.

        Population now at 12.3 million people
        Need sewer in Big Bad Bill, Factory in Mean city.

        Discover Electronics, Select Steel
        Population at 13.39 million.,
        Rush sewer and Freight.
        Readjust taxes to 20/40/40 down to 3 turns/tech.

        Population to 14.68 million
        Shipchain aligned.

        Population now 15.88 million
        Note 60% science nets techs every 2 turns.
        To allow Heaven's Gate to grow, Mean City currently has food shortage.

        Sticky Meany currently celebrating, though without a food surplus.

        Switch square shared with BadLeroyBrown if you want to encourage city growth.

        May wish to build universities/superhighways in all cities after Automobile discovered.
        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


        • And the save.
          Attached Files
          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


          • Bloody good work obiwan!

            The SGs sloshed as usual
            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


            • very nice rounds - good job getting the primary cities a bit more up to snuff excellent initial use of CfC Nice to see we have more of a shipchain to the romans too. I'm a little surprised that the indians haven't finished Hoover's dam - that would be a useful wonder for quicker production once we switch.
              Insert witty phrase here


              • They just got Electronics.

                Not enough time for them to finish.

                We have half the freights needed to build Hoovers, so we should be able to finish before they do.

                Should I have techgifted the Indians?
                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                • i must be getting my various games mixed up - one one of my games i thought i remembered the indians starting a wonder, and thought it was the hoover dam just reread my log on this one - maybe it was Ike's? dunno, guess it's just Civ II withdrawal symptoms
                  Insert witty phrase here


                  • 1790 -- We discover Steel -- & choose Auto. We also see open geen space on the Isle & decide to fill it with Weenie Meanie. pop = 16M. Toggle some faces, do a little IRB & other tweaks. We lose MPE (The Babs start UN, so gee, I wonder who...)

                    1792 -- Move a Silk truck & exercise the ship chain

                    1794 -- More IRB & some move

                    1796 -- Discover Auto & opt for Commy (The Amerks start the UN, no wait, they switch to Hoover what a sucky deal...) Deliver an Oil (n) = 100 +/-, & Silk (d) = 378 to Rome

                    1798 -- We love starts in Land's End; we rush the factory in Mean City -- because...

                    1800 -- Mean city builds the Hoover Dam (Amerks switch back to UN.) Hmmmm we're seriously ahead in Science, and the UN would be nice...toggle the numbers back to 5.4.1

                    1802 -- not much

                    1804 -- Weenie Meanie starts a We Love; Discover Commy -- opt for Refridge (over AT, Feud, Fun) Pop = 18M

                    1806 -- Discover that the great Courthouse surge ven with a few Banks don't add much Luv'n. MMaybe they'll add later.

                    1808 -- Watch a cute movie as we build the UN -- & the Babs & Amerks abandon.

                    Note to next player -- Land's End has a slot for Silk (demanded by Rome) open.
                    Attached Files
                    Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                    • Old n slow:

                      We have CfC.

                      Not much benefit from courthouses.

                      Colosseums on the other hand keep away the discontented people. The reason why the banks do not net us much is because at 40% luxuries, we are near the top of our luxuries barrier. Anything beyond 2 goblets per citizen will not make people happy.
                      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                      2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                      • Originally posted by obiwan18
                        Old n slow:

                        We have CfC.

                        Not much benefit from courthouses.

                        Colosseums on the other hand keep away the discontented people. The reason why the banks do not net us much is because at 40% luxuries, we are near the top of our luxuries barrier. Anything beyond 2 goblets per citizen will not make people happy.
                        in democracy, courthouses act like a palace, not CfC, so they add an extra happy person after luxuries are figured in. as a demonstration, here's a city from the game with the courthouse, and then after it was sold.

                        of course we're only going to be in demo for a little while longer, and i haven't spent enough time in fundy to know if a courthouse is a worthless structure or not for that government.

                        as for colosseums, they'll allow our cities to celebrate in demo, and produce 4 gold in tithes in fundy, so would be a very good investment
                        Attached Files
                        Insert witty phrase here


                        • We don't need any more happy people.

                          What we do need are fewer unhappy people. Colosseums are a much better build for the reasons you listed.

                          Thanks for the screenshots SCG.
                          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                          2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!


                          • Originally posted by Scouse Gits
                            Play Order

                            Bloody Monk
                            La Fayette
                            Old n Slow

                            8 turns each please
                            We will get on it on Friday - 21 more turns pre-Jihad - 8 turns seems about right until then - perhaps we drop to 5 after since there will be a LOT to do once we start the conquering game

                            Good turns OldnSlow

                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • Well you live & learn -- I’ve always had the CH instead of the Col -- maybe the coin extra carrying cost (nulled by AS) was the difference. Well the CH may make a minor difference for the one turn of switch -- otherwise we can get a few coins with the great CH fire sale after the final switch.
                              Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                              • Friends,

                                With a heavy heart, I must withdraw. It has really been swell spending time and sharing our love for this great game with you. Good luck and happy CIVing.

                                Please forgive the brevity. There is more at:

                                so long and thanks for all the fish

