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The Department of Public Relations & Propaganda

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  • _____ is reporting on the latest game from Planetside Games. It is a bizzare RPG set in a futuristic Hive base called Hive Complex. The Self Aware Colony, commonly called "The Computer", runs Hive Complex. The Computer wants to have everyone to work . The Computer wants everyone to love each other, Yang and The Computer, to work for the good of the Hive, and kill the enemies of the Hive. Enemies of the Hive are people who spread evil ideas, like Yang is stupid, Greed is good not bad, citizens can rule themselves or life in the Hive is not great. Like everything else in the Hive, The Computer has SERIOUS problems, and needs help from loyal Hive Citizens. This is where you come in. You are a member of Hive Internal Security, and work to help keep Hive Complex working and kill enemies of The Hive. Your role can vary from testing out new gravaton guns (to hillarious effect), helping misguided drones, or even infiltrating enemies of the Hive. The average Internal Security Member has an average lifespan of 2 weekcycles, but don't worry. The cloning vats work around the clock to make sure Hive Complex never runs out of Internal Security Members.

    I tried some rounds of this yet to be named game:

    For this round, I am an undercover agent.

    The Computer: Citizen, you have a new mission for you: help feed the soldiers recovering from battle against the evil PeaceKeepers.
    Me: Undercover agents don't know anything about cooking, or feeding people.
    The Computer: Citizen, trust your friend computer.
    Me: Friend Computer, how do I feed the recovering soldiers?
    The Computer: Go to the nearest recycling center.
    Me: I don't know what this has to do with food, but ok.
    The Computer: Now press the button that says "submit for recycling"
    Me: Ok, I pressed the button, now... Oh My God!!! Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!
    The Computer: Good work citizen! Your trust lead to a successful mission! Citizen?

    For this round I am an undercover agent. I am with a partner and we have returned from investingating a destroyed factory. The evidence suggested a natural mind worm attack.

    Partner: The factory ruins really freaked me out.
    Me: yeah, it's really freaky to see what those mind worms can do. * I secrety shove a few things into his briefcase *
    Partner: You know, if the factory waste was put in barrels, then disposed at sea we wouldn't have to deal with those mind worms.
    Me: That's a good idea, we should tell the computer.
    * We arrive at base to debrief our superior *
    Partner: The factory was destroyed by mind worms.
    Me: It was a clever move by the Gaians, to use mind worms to fool us...
    Partner: We found no evidence for Gaian involvement in the factory's destruction.
    Me: Some Gaian transponders were found on the scene. They appeared to be modified.
    Partner: Uhh, we found no such signs. You said nothing about this.
    Me: * laughing * What do you mean you don't remember me talking about Gaian terrorism? I talked about it on the entire ride back. You seemed rather quiet and shaken during the conversation.
    Partner: What are you talking about.
    Me: I'll show you, if you look at this chart * I open my partner's briefcase, and then display dismay *
    Superior: What is it? * he looks in the briefcase *
    Superior: Gaian transponders? Burst and Encrypted communicator holopones?!?! A book called "Planet Dreams". Maps of the factory's security routes and times?!?! A snack pouch of organic Xenocarrots!?!? A Gaian Mark III personal Fusion Laser?!?! An article from the "Voice of The Planet" citing the Hive as the number one producer of polution on planet and that 'decise action' is necesary?!?! A secret badge similar to those used by the Gaian probe teams?!?!
    Me: Acusingly: You are a Gaian agent, aren't you! You got involved in this mission to block the investigation! This is grounds for termination of our cease fire!
    Partner: No! This was a normal mind worm attack in response to a poluting...
    Me: The Computer says all of our factories generate no polution! A true Hiverian would know that our friend The Computer is never wrong!
    Partner: No, err... I mean...
    Superior: You're under arrest! You will be escorted to the recycling center to help atone for your evil deeds you spy!
    Partner: NOOOOO!!!!!
    Superior: That's some good investigative work you did! A promotion is in order.
    Me: Thank you friend commander! I can't wait to help our friend The Computer fight the evil in Hive Complex even more!
    Last edited by arginine; October 27, 2004, 00:28.


    • Heya!

      I´m not back yet, just popping in to see if everything´s fine.

      Why didn´t we publish a third MorganLink yet??? We´re falling behind, the other teams are already making fun of us! We need to get another issue out!

      in other words, let´s see if we can slowly start working on it until October...
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • I'm going to try to work on it soon, it's just that my RL is busy right now. So if there is someone that can jump on that, I can expect a promotion being handed out...
        She cheats her lover of his due
        but still contrives to keep him tied
        by first deciding to refuse
        and then refusing to decide


        • +++ #endgameSoftwares 136.70 +20.0% +++ AndiD Inc. 57.20 +2.1% +++ ArchaicResearchInstitute 9.95 -28.7% +++ ArginineConsultings 24.98 NEW +++ ChaunkManagementGroup 92.19 +8.4% +++ GerikesSportswear 31.10 NEW +++ LoneAmigoInsurance 18.97 +31.9% +++ MeadMetal 25.68 +17.8% +++ MichaSystemsIntegrated 78.12 +58.3 +++ ParamirPictures 12.36 NEW +++ ScorpiCorp 25.41 +7.9% +++ VanderEntertainment 1.53 -98.4% +++ YodaSoda 36.68 +84.3% +++
          MorganLink Mag. Issue 3:
          "A relic of the past"

          Morgan Industries Insider[WrG]

          The Morgan Department of Criminal Justice has confirmed having in custody a person whom has engaged in the biggest violation of a Law in Morgan Criminal Law called "Deterence to Conducting Unprofitable Forms of Business Deals" It has been dubbed the "Greed Is Good Law". Namely, the Greed is Good law makes it illegal to knowly give goods and or services without recieving compensation in return. Many high ranking Morganites consider its knowing violation at odds with the very principles Nwabudike Morgan himself founded Morgan Industries upon. This person has been charged with over 500 counts of this heinous crime on the children of Morganites. Strangely, most of the victims are known delinquents, and a few have been caught violating the Greed is Good Law themselves! Far more children are reported to have recieved chunks of carbon.

          A father of one of the victimized said "I think this a Hive plot to undermine the values our society holds dear! The Hive hates us and what we stand for, because are wealthy, and they can't afford even a single Xenocomfort Pillow! I know my child has a weak spirit and can only calculate the values of options on futures, but not their derivatives, but this is too much. I hope Chairman Yang dies a slow death in the fungus without a single joule!"

          When asked for comment, the perpetrator said, "You are the greediest people on planet and need to learn the meaning of Christmas." When he tried explain the meaning of Christmas, many in the court shrieked in horror. Some even got heart attacks. A few hardliners are calling for his execution as a Hive spy. "He is really a Hive spy trying to subvert us! He even wears a red suit! You can be damned sure he's pushing for a planned economy!"

          This menace has been observed to terrorize all of the factions on planet with the aid of a prelanding sled and 8 xenodeer which seem to use gravantonics technology by ways our scientists have yet to understand. Somehow this fellon is able to conduct all his evil deals under in a single planet night. For some reason, this fellow terrorizes planet once a year at night, when the days are the shortest of the entire year. Historians say that a similar fellow lived on earth, but was suspected as a myth.

          By arginine

          From the creators of the Recon Rover Rick series comes a production of good vs evil, freedom vs oppression and capitalism vs beuracracy. This is the story of Litigator Linslow sent to the base Central Planning in the evil communist nation to negotiate a trade treaty. During his stay, Litigator Winslow sees the communist nation first hand is the hell it is know to be. Citizens are expected to feed and house the garrisons for free?!?! Property is owned by the state, and economic activity is PLANNED by commitees in the capital. Drone riots are prevented by brutal suppression by the military, and not with facilities, or simple luxuries like Xenocomfort pillows?!?! People are expected to work long hours for the good of the state instead of money in a civilized nation?!?! Even in death, the citizen serves the communist nation by "become one with the people". Litigator Linslow overhears plans for a surprise attack to conquer the luxurous base of Morgan Geothermal in the name of the chairman. Linslow thinks of his daughter pledging alliegance to the inept chairman and knows action must be taken. With the aid of his fellow litigators and 200 EC, they showed the righteousness of capitalism to the brainwashed people of Central Planning.

          Nwabudike Morgan himself calls in Linslow to scold him for endangering the peace. Linslow delievers a seething speach to Nawbudike Morgan for compromising his principles for the evil chairman. Morgan realizes the error in his ways, and refuses to give the emancipated people of Central Planning back to the evil chairman. Morgan then convinces neighbors of the communist nation to invade with the help the treasury. In the end, Linslow is congrajulated for his congrageousness by Nwabudike Morgan and given a substantial cash prize.


          To celebrate the glory that is Capitalism, the Executive Board of Morgan Industries has just wrapped up the opening ceremonies of the Capitalism Games, or the Wealth Olympics. The games, which run for the next two weeks, are to be held in Morgan Industries. More in line with the Olympics of Old Earth fame are more traditional events, such as Track and Field or swimming; where each division of Morgan Industries competes with the best Athletes that money can buy.

          In an effort to update the games, modern events have been created, such as the 1000m Hostile takeover and synchronized accounting. Also included is this reporter's favorite event of Office Medley: Where a team of four must be the first to complete a circuit of copying, faxing, promoting, and firings.

          The games will be held every other year, rotating between MI Field Offices.

          M.I.S.E. Update!

          After a fantastic two year climb, the Morgan Industries Stock Exchange has leveled itself into a safe (yet profitable) growth rate. Using the Value and Net Depreciating Energy Reserve formula (The VaNDER Formula), stock analysts have set the market Value at 1,385,004 EC and climbing. Those Analysts predict "There is no where to go but up!"

          In related news: MichaSoft Systems has been taken over by it´s own daughter company "MichaSystemsIntegrated", which now is the largest supplier of information technology on planet. While the management denies any relationship to the DataAngels faction, some analysts claim to have proofs for that faction being MSI´s main costumer...
          Previous Issue
          Quote of the day: "Knowledge is Power; so is Money. Whichever is true, I know that I have money."

          Morgan Industries unveils new "Department of Silly Walks"

          In an effort to understand why people are the way that they are, the executive board of Morgan Industries has opened a new Department. The Department of Silly Walks (DSW) will be accepting applications for everything from CEO to mail peon. All that is necessary is some sort of stride that is not normal, or silly. Send applications to Morgan Industries Center for Mail Management, 214 Euro St. Morgan Industries, Area code 0001

          Breakthrough in transportation research!
          Reported by Micha

          As "Morgan Institute of Research" (MIR) PR-manager Albert Kuftlheimer announced yesterday, another huge step has been taken in their BioTech program.
          For the first time in history, Morganic scientists and bioengineers managed to produce, or better breed, a food-producing automobile!

          Named "Motocattle", it can be used just like an ordinary cycle for personal transportation (note that it´s driven by Biomass, which it also produces in the conversion process); But the really remarkable thing is its ability to provide enough milk for a driver and up to three fellow passengers every day!
          Should you crash it, it´s not rendered completely worthless, no! It can still be "recycled" into 400 pounds of Goulash!!!
          This revolutionary discovery will also be beneficial for other factions:
          For the Gaians, because it´s not only ecologically friendly and quietly operating, it also presents a new species they can protect!
          For the Spartans, it´s a perfect reconnaisance vehicle, as due to its biological character it won´t be identified as military equipment.
          Even the Believers will finally be able to replace simple horse-driven carriages, as their religion might accept the "Motocattle" as god´s creation...

          Educating the Poor
          Reported by Arginine

          (Part One - Educating a Spartan)
          Reporter: How is the soldier from the Spartan Federation doing?
          Spartan: Sir! I am the Commanding officer of the five thousandth and eighty ninth recon rover assembly line! My current job is not as a member of the military, but I understand that I may be called into the military at moment's notice, at which time I will be of rank Corporal sir!
          Reporter: Are these rovers like the recon rovers used by "Recon Rover Rick"?
          Spartan: No sir! The recon rover used by "recon rover Rick" was rover model 1565! Our line now produces the rover model 1623 sir!
          Reporter: How have our efforts gone to train our friend here in the ways of "Wealth"
          Morgan teacher 1: It's a dissaster. He doesn't even desire the basic comforts like the ScorpioCorp Xeno Comfort PillowsTM! He prefers to sleep on the floor instead. He's had xenochoclate, xenorum, or even xenodoughnuts . The only thing that he enjoys are holovids of combat and war movies. Even then he says he feel 'inspired' to do 1000 pushups and run a few miles with a portable missle launcher on his back. If we can't get to his inner greed, we have no hope of teaching the Spartans "Wealth".
          Spartan: Sir! I would like that Gatling laser instead of these projectile weapons!
          Morgan Teacher 1: No! That's an advanced prototype.
          Reporter: At least he'll make a fine soldier.

          Stay tuned for the next edition´s chapter "Part Two: Educating a Gaian" !

          In Other News
          • Former Chief Editor Vander disappeared. Last lifesign a postcard from "Sunny Mesa" dated MY 2131 ...
          • Rumours say the last issue of MorganLink was published 34 Mission Years ago... Rumours lie!!!
          • All Gaians are naked pot-heads? Who knows...
          • [i]Several top managers drowned while taking a "bath" in their money bins...


          Rich and Ecentric Morganite collector of books is seeking to purchase copies of:
          "Planet Dreams", "The Spartan Battle Manual", "The Cat in the Vat and other Sleepchamber Stories", "An Idiot's Guide to Transcendence".
          Ludicrously high sums offered!


          Lone Amigo Insurance: We're your only friend.
          Want to do overtime but can´t find enough work? Feeling not fully stretched? Being called "lazy arse"?
          NEW!!! The MORGAN-WORK-GENERATOR will produce more work than you could ever manage! It randomly deletes parts of presentations, spreads oil over fresh polished floors, ruins food and many other things! See your activity rocketstart!
          Call 010-EXPENSIVECRAP and get your own MWG today!

          Editor this issue: Vander / Micha
          Editor in Chief: Vander

          Last edited by Micha; November 2, 2004, 07:59.
          She cheats her lover of his due
          but still contrives to keep him tied
          by first deciding to refuse
          and then refusing to decide


          • Advertisment:


            Lone Amigo Insurance: We're your only friend.
            Lone Amigo Insurance:
            "We're your only friend!"


            • Morgan XenoCuban Cigars:Made on Chiron, but they remind you of Earth.

              -- CTO #endgame
              #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

              Quantum P. is a champion:


              • In other news:

                A group of mercenaries has been found whom say they are suing Chairman Yang on the behalf of Lucus Films for copyright infringement.

                While everyone on planet knows Morganites are greedy, it is now official. Several VPs have argued that if Morgan Industries were truly greedy, we would not have paid 40 EC to officially be greedy.

                The Hive minister of economics recieved a D in a second grade economics class. The grade was quickly changed to an A when he offered to teach an expensive class in military science.


                • Originally posted by arginine
                  The Hive minister of economics recieved a D in a second grade economics class. The grade was quickly changed to an A when he offered to teach an expensive class in military science.
                  "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


                  • If you guys could finish the mag for me, that would be great. I have just been too busy with school to even think of new articles to replace the old ones still there.

                    BTW: you can edit other people's posts in the private forum....
                    She cheats her lover of his due
                    but still contrives to keep him tied
                    by first deciding to refuse
                    and then refusing to decide


                    • When I first read that, I thought you meant 'D' for "Distinction"

                      Oh, and I want some Mindworm insurance from LAI!

                      -- CTO #endgame
                      #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                      Quantum P. is a champion:


                      • PRESS RELEASE:

                        Morgan Ski Resort has bought a 20 year, 100 EC mindworm insurance from Lone Amigo Insurance, a major provider of insurance on Chiron. "Lone Amigo Insurance provides the backing of a reputable name brand for much less than an expensive trance anti MW garrison."

                        News briefs:

                        Rumors of Lone Amigo Insurance outsourcing call centers to low wage bases "Huddled Masses" has generated much controversy, especially since the call center will triple "Huddled Masses" annual income.

                        The Secret Project consortium has been founded to gain the benefits of recent technological breakthroughs. No single corporation can afford to build a Secret Project alone, hence making the consortium necesary for the profit seekers.
                        Unfortunately, there is no consensus on which project to build yet. Base Morgan Industries wants to build a gigantic futures exchange in increase energy output to complement its development rights to several energy bonus squares and crawlers. #endgame Forming Inc. is pushing for the Weather Paradigm in order to increase former productivity by 50%, and addition will enable condensors and boreholes many years earlier. Sceptics point out that condensors and boreholes are not worth much until restrictions get lifted. The Morgan tourism board is lobbying for a planetary transit system, to generate a massive influx of paying tourists. Lone Amigo Health Insurance wants the human genome to be extensively studied to dramatically reduce cases of cancer and genetic defects, thus improving the quality of life (and lower medical costs).
                        Negotiations have seen increasingly higher offers between the feuding corporations at amounts rarely seen, even within Morgan Industries. Some even believe the Legal Forces will be deployed to maintain the flow of commerce.
                        Last edited by paramir; October 24, 2004, 20:01.


                        • Shareholder activity on the decline:

                          Shareholders have been playing increasingly less active roles in management and discussion of corporate policy. While not a good sign, as long as management is active enough to ensure day to day operation, and moderate policy decisions are made, things will be fine. In fact, the low activity can be interpreted as being efficient, as other Morganites can spend their time in a reality other than Chiron. When the current management gets 'burned out', some less active managers can fill in as replacements. Rumors are circulating of burnout of the asistant CEO and plans to go on extended vacation for some time. Unfortunately, little has been heard from the actual CEO whom would be expected to fill the acting CEO's current role. This reporter was unable to get access into other interfactional data nets, but reports from some of the Moderators and observers have noticed the reduced activity. Some go to say it is 'boring'. This low level of activity might represent a more 'no nonsense' game, as faction policies are often planned ahead, and only a few people in each faction are needed to run the slow turns. However, if this reduced activity remains when intra factional contacts are established and the action picks up... It will be a sign that we indeed are in a boring game. Only time will tell.


                          • True, true... Would you like to finish the current edition of MorganLink Magazine? Just put all those articles together...
                            Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                            Let me eat your yummy brain!
                            "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                            • Breakthrough in transportation research!
                              As MorganResearchInstitute´s PR-manager Albert Kuftlheimer announced yesterday, another huge step has been taken in their BioTech program.
                              For the first time in history, Morganic scientists and bioengineers managed to produce, or better breed, a food-producing automobile!

                              Named "Motocattle", it can be used just like an ordinary cycle for personal transportation (note that it´s driven by Biomass, which it also produces in the conversion process); But the really remarkable thing is its ability to provide enough milk for a driver and up to three fellow passengers every day!
                              Should you crash it, it´s not rendered completely worthless, no! It can still be "recycled" into 400 pounds of Goulash!!!
                              This revolutionary discovery will also be beneficial for other factions:
                              For the Gaians, because it´s not only ecologically friendly and quietly operating, it also presents a new species they can protect!
                              For the Spartans, it´s a perfect reconnaisance vehicle, as due to its biological character it won´t be identified as military equipment.
                              Even the Believers will finally be able to replace simple horse-driven carriages, as their religion might accept the "Motocattle" as god´s creation...
                              Last edited by Micha; October 27, 2004, 04:03.
                              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                              Let me eat your yummy brain!
                              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                              • I'd say stick it in and publish, but I don't know how to copy & paste the html...

