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The Department of Public Relations & Propaganda

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  • Property is owned by the state, and economyic activity is PLANNED by commitees in the capital.
    Economyic isn't a word. This is in arganine's section "From the creators of Recon Rover Rick"

    Stop the press!

    -- CTO #endgame
    #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

    Quantum P. is a champion:


    • Hehe, you can edit his post to wipe out typos
      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
      Let me eat your yummy brain!
      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


      • Another article, I suppose we should publish our paper as it is now and save this article and a few others for the next issue:

        Reporter: How is the soldier from the Spartan Federation doing?
        Spartan: Sir! I am the Commanding officer of the five thousandth and eighty ninth recon rover assembly line! My current job is not as a member of the military, but I understand that I may be called into the military at moment's notice, at which time I will be of rank Corporal sir!
        Reporter: Are these rovers like the recon rovers used by "Recon Rover Rick"?
        Spartan: No sir! The recon rover used by "recon rover Rick" was rover model 1565! Our line now produces the rover model 1623 sir!
        Reporter: How have our efforts gone to train our friend here in the ways of "Wealth"
        Morgan teacher 1: It's a dissaster. He doesn't even desire the basic comforts like the ScorpioCorp Xeno Comfort PillowsTM! He prefers to sleep on the floor instead. He's had xenochoclate, xenorum, or even xenodoughnuts . The only thing that he enjoys are holovids of combat and war movies. Even then he says he feel 'inspired' to do 1000 pushups and run a few miles with a portable missle launcher on his back. If we can't get to his inner greed, we have no hope of teaching the Spartans "Wealth".
        Spartan: Sir! I would like that Gatling laser instead of these projectile weapons!
        Morgan Teacher 1: No! That's an advanced prototype.
        Reporter: At least he'll make a fine soldier.

        Reporter: Now, we check up on the progress of our Gaian student.
        Gaian: ... and that is cacupuncture. Feels nice, doesn't it?
        Morgan teacher 2: Yes it does feel nice. How would you like to go into business with me? We could open up a line of cacupuncture spas and make a fortune!
        Gaian: Is all you think about money?
        Morgan teacher 2: No! that's ridiculous! I also think about making money. I think of how I can save money, where I can buy things for the least amount of money, I look for stocks that will make money...
        Gaian: I get the idea.
        Morgan teacher 2: Now where was I, oh yes. The Morgan economy is a Free Market economy. Namely, the market and private company owners know best what to do and are in many cases right. The less knowing central government acknowledges that and listens to the market for guidance instead of vice versa in many factions...
        Gaian: What about the local wildlife? Aren't they taken into consideration?!?! What about the air! If it was profitable to make toxins to dump
        Morgan teacher 2: profitablity comes from performing a desired good or service cheaply. If it were for former gas tanks then...
        Gaian: So yes.
        Gaian: Have you hugged a tree recently?
        Morgan teacher 2: There's no money in hugging trees if you don't have a tree farm, which I don't, so no.
        Gaian: Your economy should listen to planet. Planet is sort of sentient, so you can learn many things. By slowing down, and giving room for planet to speak, you can learn much from planet on making your faction more efficient and more ecologically friendly.
        Morgan teacher 2: But, that land is needed for our luxury condiminioms and holotheatres. How our we supposed to grow without that land?
        Gaian: Well, my faction has not gotten to this point yet. We still have a large commitee that decides what the Gaian Union need for the upcoming few years and comes up with a plan on what to do.
        Morgan teacher 2: You don't mean it's....
        Gaian: Oh it is. Our wise leaders plan every last screw, every last . Our industry has boomed like you never believe and there is plenty of housing so everyone is growing. It's just like the plan says.
        Morgan teacher 2: So it is a....
        Gaian: Planned Economy!
        Morgan teacher 2: AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" *falls on the floor, huddled up* A committeeeeeeeee deciding what the factooooory owner haaaassss too doooo.
        Gaian: Oh no. We don't have much his, or hers right now. Everything is shared and owned by no one.
        Morgan teacher 2: NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *he falls unconcious*
        Gaian: Does this mean today's class is over?

        Reporter: Sorry about the unexpected emergency! In our final room, we see a member of the Data Angels being taught the way of Police State to cut unrest and reduce support costs.
        DA: n0, d00d. p0l1c3 s7473 15 wr0ng! 3v3ry0n3 15 4lw4y5 w47ch1ng j00. H0w 4m 1 5upp05ed t0 h4x 0r g37 4 g4m3 0f Qu4k3?
        Morgan teacher 3: But, people will feel more secure with police keeping you safe. Not to mention it is cheaper to support military units.
        DA: wh7 d0n'7 j00 h4v3 4 p0l1c3 s7473?
        Morgan teacher 3: It is also inefficient. Policemen tend to lose their wallets and credit cards since they pay so much attention watching over everyone and fighting crime.
        DA: 50 m0n3y 15 m0r3 1mp0r7an7 7h4n s4f3ty t0 j00?
        Morgan teacher 3: Well, you can always hire private security and they are rarely too busy to lose their wallets and credit cards.
        DA: S0rry, bu7 1 mus7 h4x!
        Morgan teacher 3: Have you considered joining the Angels' legal forces?
        DA: 1'm n07 1337 3n0ugh...
        Morgan teacher 3: You can join the Morgan Legal Forces, we pay very well and you can also join the DA's legal forces as well. We'll even help you get in!
        DA: 4r3 j00 4sk1ng m3 t0....
        A guy in a black suit: I'm sorry, but the rest of this conversation is classified, just move along. Nothing to see here.

        Reporter: And there you have it. Morgan Industries helping to educate the peoples of Planet in economics and making money in general.
        Last edited by arginine; October 27, 2004, 00:25.


        • Xenospam
          "I used to give my kids normal spam in there lunches but they didn't like it, so i switched to xeno spam. Now they can't wait to get at there lunches."
          -Mamole Xenopia
          mother of 6

          Do you guys like it? the name needs changing, but it's otherwis decent IMUO
          What type of idiot quotes himself


          • Excelent, more material for our next issue of Morganlink.


            • Rich and Ecentric Morganite collector of books is seeking to purchase copies of:
              Planet Dreams
              The Spartan Battle Manual
              The Cat in the Vat and other Sleepchamber Stories
              An Idiot's Guide to Transcendence


              • the poll should be something along these lines

                why do you think the morgans are the highest rated huma faction on the power graph?

                -They have the best players
                -Money is the best motivator
                -the planet revolves around money, and therfore by having the most the planet revolves around them causing them to be supirior to every other faction
                -all of the above
                What type of idiot quotes himself


                • Originally posted by arginine
                  Another article, I suppose we should publish our paper as it is now and save this article and a few others for the next issue:

                  Well, we cannot publish MorganLink as it is now, because the right half is missing and we have no adverts included yet. But I will compose a complete issue today. All we still need is a title...

                  arginine, do you mind me splitting that big article into three parts? It´s always good to have a series, whose continuation can be announced for the next issue... To keep the readers interested
                  Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                  Let me eat your yummy brain!
                  "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                  • Paramir:

                    Nice! Thanks for your help!
                    Haven´t seen you around here before, but could be my age hitting back

                    Welcome anyway!
                    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                    Let me eat your yummy brain!
                    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                    • Can somebody think of an article about our two secret projects? (The Human Genome Project, The Planetary Transit System)

                      Should be something funny, but also demonstrating power...

                      I´ll also try to find something to curtail Gaian´s Weather Paradigm´s benefits in an article...
                      Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                      Let me eat your yummy brain!
                      "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                      • Gaians eat fungus and WP doesn't alter fungus forming speeds.

                        -- CTO #endgame
                        #play s.-cd#g+c-ga#+dgfg#+cf----q.c

                        Quantum P. is a champion:


                        • Ok, split it up. Just copy and paste whatever is needed.


                          • Haven´t seen you around here before, but could be my age hitting back
                            no, i spend most of my time in corners
                            Last edited by paramir; October 29, 2004, 21:41.
                            What type of idiot quotes himself


                            • The State of the Department


                              My name is Gerikes Markholm. I was first employed by Morgan Industries to help in the Department of Public Relations & Propaganda, assuming a position to be named later. I hope to be a strong employee and a member of a profitable venture in this wing of our economic superpower that is Morgan Industries.

                              Introductions aside, I will get right to the point. I believe that Morgan Industries has done well in their strong recruitment of talent, and all that remains to bring MorganLink Magazine, as well as possible future public relations projects together is a strong structure of leadership. With these two things, we can quickly find our press outlets amongst the top of the World's market: the same position where we find other parts of our economic empire.

                              Unfortunately, looking through the minutes of past meetings has only given me a vague idea of the history of the department, so please correct my errors if they come about. The current title-holding executive of this department has been on RL-leave, and it is apparent that Micha, Morgan Industry's historian, has begun to challenge the idea of heading up the Magazine. Micha, having been my first contact within the company, has left a good impression on me that he can get the job done, but he will need help.

                              I would like to propose that we rethink our business strategy, particularly with MorganLink Magazine, to remain competitive with other news publications. I hope that we can put together a strong course of action to bring Morgan Industries to the front of the news sector. The development of new positions and filling of those positions are in my mind a strong start. I believe others should post their ideas below for discussion.

                              As for myself, I can contribute through writing articles and editing / proofreading, so as to help this publication become the world leader.

                              Thank you for your time, and I am anxious to get to meet you all.

                              - Gerikes Markholm


                              • What we really need is someone to put the articles we have into an issue. We have enough to publish an issue right now. In fact a nearly completed issue has been sitting around for 2 months now. Some of us will write articles or ads or press releases from time to time. When we have enough, we publish an issue.

