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The Infotrader/Infiltrator Network - Diplomacy plug-in (III)

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  • Kataphraktoi
    good idea slow this down with as much diplomatic nonsense as possible

    morgans are brilliant economists,ask them to mediate. that way it looks RPish anything to slow the S down

    they have us infiltrated,im sure.

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  • ForesterSOF
    Pull as many of the factions as posible for mediation that way things will go slower.

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  • Mart
    We have the response from Sprtans:
    In response to the communiqué by IT Mart

    1) The flawed logic and mathematics in your communiqué may indicate why the Angel economy is performing so poorly compared to the Spartan one. The annual interest rate of the loan in question is 82/118, divided by 100 = 0.69%. This is ridicously low. By comparison, a common practice such as harvesting a forest with a supply crawler returns an annual profit of 6.7% on the investment. Almost ten times higher. Why, if the Angels believe a 0.69% interest rate is very high, the Federation would be more than happy to lend money from you after this matter has been arranged.

    2) We are not asking for any money to be transferred to the Federation. We are asking for the credits to be returned to Minerva Bank - with headquarters in the University Protectorate - from which the money was fraudulously obtained.

    Pedro 'Maniac' Riveira
    Colonel of the Spartan Federation
    We should not let this matter hang around in the air. we have to probably go on revising their claims as to a faction they made submissive, but I would remain on the possition, that Zakharov did it despite being submissive to them. He did not refuse, does not really matter it is an AI, just game allows it. If Spartans want to hold their grasp over the University, this is their rule, which we do not have to obey.

    They may be very unhappy coz of that.
    they will probably use it for making an excuse for attack

    Do we ask for mediation, as Geo wrote in C(P)PC also? Gaians? Morganities? I think a third faction in this matter may prevent more serious worsening of relations.

    And with regard to Spartan relations, this is in my oppinion quite hostile move on us by Spartans. I would use it at least in part for explaining refusal to their abilities exchange offer, but they seem to understand by now, that they will not receive these abilities from us.

    If Maniac comments our economy in this way, do they have infiltration on us? do they have infiltration through other faction? Gaians? Morganities?
    I am almost certain they do have this info.

    this is again quite a remainder that we do really have bad economy. We are almost at the limit of expansion. We can
    - improve use of the land we have
    - rise more terrain (quite long time
    - get territory from Yang
    We do need more formers

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  • Mart
    In ACDG2 Hive won cooperation victory with Drones. This ACDG3 setup is, I guess, to prevent creation of strong alliances like that. Still, noone prevents us from creating a temporary coalition, although Spartans clearly choose to play solo. They probably never entered any Pact with human player so far.

    I have some other ideas, how to make a demo game more interesting. There are methods to make it more builder style.

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  • Kataphraktoi
    well thats more boring and diplomatic that a DoW but i guess its the smart thing to do aye here

    Coop Victory was ruled out, by all factions, at the outset. There can only be one.
    One true faction to rule them all?

    edit; mart i was making a reference to LOTR, putting sparta as the orcs

    yeah reading the drone forum,some interesting stuff.the hive forum could use more analysis and less jamski
    Last edited by Kataphraktoi; September 4, 2005, 05:50.

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  • ForesterSOF
    Both are much more thourough. Go for it.

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  • Mart
    Proposed to be posted in C(P)PC thread
    In response to message by Colonel Maniac

    Data Angels are very sad and surprised that Spartan Federation sees recent events in such negative way. We would like to point the following aspects of this issue:

    1) We did in fact received 118 EC from Provost Zakharov, NOT 200.

    2) Some time ago Spartan Federation informed Data Angels, that the Federation would like to improve economic situation of University of Planet. We saw this opportunity exactly in this way. We believe that the recent economic operation will improve University of Planet economy. Zakharov will receive from Data Angels not 118 EC but together with interests 200 EC payed to him on a regular basis. This constitutes over 69 % more energy credits that was loaned to us, and this interest rate is very high and beneficial for University of Planet. We believe, that Provost Zakharov will spend this additional energy transfered to him in efficient way, what will have positive impact on Spartan Federation economy as well.

    3) We presently pay back the loan to the University of Planet on a regular basis and will continue to do so as long as the whole amount including the interest of 69 % will be transferred to Provost Zakharov. Therefore we see no reason to transfer any energy at this moment to Spartan Federation.

    4) In case if for any reason University of Planet would not be able to receive the energy credits for the loan from us, we would repay the amount to Spartan Federation, but not before Data Angels would be relieved from obligation to University of Planet.

    5) Regarding the claim, that Data Angels broke the law, Provost Zakharov did not mentioned to us any of the limitation to his economic decisions. We believe, that if Spartan Federation wishes to investigate this matter, Provost Zakharov should be questioned by you. We, of course, support Provost Zakharov, since as mentioned in paragraph (2) we consider it a very beneficial agreement for University of Planet and Spartan Federation.

    6) We believe, that Spartan Federation sees this as reasonable and will appreciate this economic agreement as very positive.

    Data Angels
    IT Mart

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  • Mart
    Also, we should improve labs rate, economy during next 10 turns. Gaians even have now 7 turns/tech. We should get more formers and do more boreholes and a couple of echelon mirrors more.

    In the light of possible conflict with Spartans, still do we plan a base on 15,53? west of Hercules Station? Sure we could defend it well, but just asking your oppinion

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  • Hercules
    I was thinking our capture of Yang Bases may increase our overall research rate.
    And if possible we may switch to FM for a short period of time.

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  • GeoModder
    'Early' still means another 15 turns or so. I only hope we can keep the Spartans at bay.

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  • Hercules
    Us and Gaians having Fusion and Orbital Spaceflight early would be a major advance.

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  • GeoModder
    We should try to delay a war with them till the HSA is finished.

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  • Hercules
    Coop Victory was ruled out, by all factions, at the outset. There can only be one.

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  • Kataphraktoi
    @above posts

    what do yall think of permapacts... if we had one with gaia,we would have no worries about coorperation....but as napoleon said ''id rather fight a coalition than be part of one'' and i dunno if the situation is that dire. im looking over acdg\drones at cgn,so that comes to mind....

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  • Mart
    Also, since we appear to have troubles with Spartans, we may keep more military in our territory:

    - Drop AAA will be moved next turn to EM
    - Two F-6 will be kept in EM.
    - Possible reinforcement of Mart's Pact
    - We should start building more AAA units, F-6 and BR-6

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