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The Infotrader/Infiltrator Network - Diplomacy plug-in (III)

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  • Mart
    It would be good to revise the diplomatic standing with Spartans. The last attempt to renegotiate AV put a shadow on our relations, at least from our point of view. Unless you have different view.

    Re recent message:
    1) they know we have MMI. How? Seeing CF on F5 screen.
    2) Would they think we do not instabuild it?
    3) Spartans seem to have precise info on our techs. Do they have infiltration?

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  • GeoModder
    Not much needed for the Spartans, me thinks.

    But if flowery wordings are needed, I'm sure capable of putting something together. I just prefer that another Angel transmits/receives interfaction communiquees.

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  • ForesterSOF
    Letter to Spartans

    Dear Spartans

    We thank you for your concern; however our situation has not changed.

    DA Ambasador

    As you can tell I am not much for talking andflowery wording.

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  • Hercules
    We can't change the CF now anyhow. It is built (to be confirmed on opening the turn of course). So we can advise them of that fact after it is confirmed.

    Re trading MMI We need to restrict trading as Spartans will get it automatically after 3 other factions have it.

    Re AV we don't have sufficient crawlers to build it at the moment anyhow. Maybe when we get AMA we can trade it to the corporation for PE and the AV: at least get a promise from them re the AV.

    However I would resist going back on our views re AV and the Spartans unless we could secure a watertight agreement on a future tech and juicy SP. I don't think we need their permission for HSA for example.

    The attraction of AV for us and Spartans is the +1 police. It is of less use to the Morgans until they go green.

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  • ForesterSOF
    After CF, military and Yang then we may consider AV again I feel.

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  • ForesterSOF
    Yes; as soon as CF is done go military crazzy.

    Also got a new letter from Spartans. They still act perplexed as to our decisions on PE and AV.

    To the Data Angels:

    The Junta is perplexed as to why the Data Angels are unwilling to consider a deal regarding the Ascetic Virtues secret project. As you can no doubt deduce, the Federation will imminently acquire Planetary Economics. While our current agreement with you prohibits us from adopting Ascetic Virtues, there is no agreement between us giving the Data Angels the sole rights to the Ascetic Virtues, nor one prohibiting us from trading the technology Planetary Economics to other factions.

    Before we turned to the Gaians and even later to you to research Intellectual Integrity for us, and before our relations with the Corporation deteriorated to war because of the unfortunate SCC Hunter incident, we were in fact discussing a leapfrog with the Corporation to get to Intellectual Integrity and Planetary Economics, so that the Federation could found the Citizen's Defence Force, and the Corporation could build the Ascetic Virtues.

    This was attractive to them with its ability to build larger bases pre-hab complex than just size four.

    If you insist on prohibiting us from building the Ascetic Virtues Secret Project, the Junta is therefore confident that our refound friends - the Corporation - would be more than happy to buy Planetary Economics from us and with it the ability to adopt Ascetic Virtues.

    Frankly, as you can see, there's ltlle likelihood at all that you would be able to adopt the Ascetic Virtues yourselves. Why then do you insist on keeping spurious title to this Secret Project? We assumed it would be a trivial matter to buy back the secret project rights, so to speak. Either you gain something, such as a Global Trade Pact and Cyberethics without having to incur extra costs, or else you gain nothing.

    Where lies the problem??

    Colonel Googlie

    I can not think of a new way to say no then the way we already did. What you say.

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  • Mart
    From Spartans:
    Might the Data Angels be interested in a straight exchange of Planetary Economics for Mind-Machine Interface?

    If so, we'll stall our discussions with Morgan on trading them PE, which would let the Angels proceed with the build of the Ascetic Virtues SP We, of course, would still like to build the Cyborg Factory, as we do see that ultimately we will be the faction to stare Yang down to get the Hive out of the game, so the CF is an almost must for us.

    So any deal would be contingent on the Angels changing your SP build from the CF to the AV, and letting the Federation complete the CF


    Colonel Googlie
    It is too late anyway for any SP agreement, since we will probably have cyborg Factory next turn.

    Something that will probably will keep Spartans really angry: DA having Cyborg Factory.

    I would like to point you one thing. As recently an estimation was made how we look like militarily compared to Hive. And we are just completely weak compared to them. And now, which faction is indicated as the leader in military strength? Hive? Nope. It is Spartans.

    Time to stop fool around with our weakness. Spartans may hit us any turn now and take our 2 SP. We have to build military and do it pretty fast.
    Last edited by Mart; June 17, 2005, 01:00.

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  • Kataphraktoi

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  • Hercules

    maybe we will hear from the Gaians this turn
    Last edited by Hercules; June 10, 2005, 15:26.

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  • Hercules
    We'll find out fairly soon now the Gaians and Spartans current positions.

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  • ForesterSOF
    If we tell them anything they will be able to infer what we have and need.

    For this reason I would go for atleast 3 years of not trading.

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  • Kataphraktoi
    lets get the CF for ourselves

    unless they also agree to go to BE not mmi then we could trade that off...but we would have to reveal we had MMI by implying that they shouldnt waste time getting it

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  • ForesterSOF
    Was looking at PE and that got me to thinking about a trade with M.

    We give NG for them giving us PE.

    They still have a while till their NG is done so we would be shortening their research time.

    With NG they could go to BE or MMI.

    We will be done with MMI before they finish MMI due to the timming of the trade.

    ON second thought no.

    Their income is to great and the posibility of them getting the CF could exist.

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  • The Infotrader/Infiltrator Network - Diplomacy plug-in (III)

    The Diplomacy Part (II) had passed the 500 mark.

    Good work keep it going

    Diplomacy Thread Part (II) Here
    Last edited by Hercules; June 10, 2005, 15:25.