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The Infotrader/Infiltrator Network - Diplomacy plug-in
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Method ruled that you can use the altered turn.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Thank you for the message.
So far I will play the turn. However I have to inform you that smax works this way, that although the altered turn is somewhat different, still a message of reload was given.
Playing the turns I usually save few times in the middle to go out of the game and then back in, like:
I hope I will not mark this many times reloads. In normal case these are not reloads.
About diplomacy with Spartans. Lieutenant-Colonel Googlie responded to my inquiry regarding Ethical Calculus:
To: Data Angels:
Ethical Calculus - indeed a key technology for a faction wishing to boom its population, allowing a change to DEMOCRATIC government and the building of Children's Creches.
Our position is simple. The Junta sees 2 alternatives:
1) We will sell it to the Data Angels on the condition that it is never onward traded to the Gaian Union (including a prohibition on the Data Angels pre-approving a Gaian probe operation for it - and should the Gaians successfully probe it from the Angels, the resulting Vendetta between your factions must last at least five years). The price for option 1) is 200 ec's, cash up front.
(Our social analysts indicate your research cost after acquiring Doc: Mob, SocPsych & Doc: Flex (but not Doc: Loy - it would be unfair to increase prices because you'd research a tech we'd like) will rise to approximately 400 labs. In other words, by buying EthCalc from us for 200 ec's you would save 400 labs. You'd save half the cost in energy! We hope you will acknowledge this is a good deal for you indeed.)
2) We will sell it to the Data Angels on an unrestricted basis - you are free to do with it whatever you want. The price for option 2) is 500 ec's, cash up front.
Lieutenant-Colonel Googliefaces now. Let's analyze the situation.
We will not probably be able to pay 500 EC for this tech in order to forward it to Gaians. With 19 EC/turn now, its over 26 turns. With PEG and some crawlers, population increase half of that? 13-14 turns? I think this is beyond what we can afford. I would continue talks with Spartans, maybe we would be able to reduce this price.
Meanwhile, as you pointed Hercules, change the research rate to 40% and have our next tech (we probably switch to Adaptive Economics I presume?) in 2150. From 2150 I would research Ethical Calculus or actualy Social Psych. We get Social Psych from Gaians (for Progenitor Psych or Adaptive Economics or other arrangement) and switch to Ethical Calculus. In case all our efforts to trade little-restricted or unrestricted Eth. Calculus from Spartans fail, or we will not get it from probe actions or Alien Artifact, we may by speeding research by Network Nodes, and alreaady having PEG get finally Ethical Calculus around 2160 (hopefully) Thus we will fulfil our end of the trade. We already benefited from this greatly, let's make effort to return it to Gaians as soon as possible.
Regarding Loyality for Flexibility trade, I will post a proposed note to Spartans below.
To Spartan Federation,
We would like to thank Spartan Federation for completion of our recent technology exchange. We have received Gene Splicing as planned. We hope that both our factions will benefit from the exchanged advances.
Regarding Doctrine Loyality, we would like to inform you that we are finally in possesion of this technology. We agreed within our faction to proceed according to the counterproposal sent by you for exchanging the two technologies: Doctrine Loyality for Doctrine Flexibility. We will send Doctrine Loyality yet in this MY 2148. We ask you for Doctrine Flexibility in return, as planned. We believe that Spartan Federation will be able to build Command Nexus before Chairman Yang would be able to do it. We also hope that this Secret Project will be very helpful for the Spartan Federation should it be attack by the Human Hive.
We thank you for the proposal of the exchange of Ethical Calculus. I have brought it to the attention of our faction members and we presently debate on it.Last edited by Mart; November 19, 2004, 05:29.
Message to Spartans is fine. There is no way we would agree to either Spartan proposal for Ethical Calculus. So we will just have to research it or steal it.
Meanwhile the gods look kindly on us. Good news indeed.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
A short note about Loyality Flexibility trade.
I am going to put Loyality into commlink in the state of negotiations. Spartans will have to put Flexibility and accept in 2148 (this year) we all get it done in 2149. So they instabuild (if they want and can) CN in 2149 and get it completed in 2150.
I wish they were more inclined for releasing Ethical Calculus. They are quite tough in negotiations. Really Spartans...
Originally posted by mart7x5
Thank you for the message.
So far I will play the turn. However I have to inform you that smax works this way, that although the altered turn is somewhat different, still a message of reload was given.
Playing the turns I usually save few times in the middle to go out of the game and then back in, like:
I hope I will not mark this many times reloads. In normal case these are not reloads.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
Originally posted by Snowflake
Did you get a message saying that a warning message will appear next turn?
A message from Googlie. They asked for pre-accepted Doctrine Loyality:
Posted by Googlie in the Embassy
To: Data Angels
This is great news indeed - and we likewise trust that it heralds a strong bond between our factions.
Might we presume upon you to send the technology on a pre-accepted basis? Our own tecnology matures this same year and we would like to be able to choose our next with Doctrine: loyalty alreadyu in our possession (our analysts tell me that the one we want to start is our "rogue tech" for our research path, but that Doc Loyalty will then put it in play and create a different "rogue tech". I don't fully understand these tech choice limitations, but I gather that some innovative work has been done by - I believe - Method and Rubin in times past)
We, of course, will send Doctrine: Flexibility immediately on return on a likewise pre-accepted basis
Thanking you in anticipation (if that's not too presumptious)
Lieutenant-Colonel Googlie
So in this case:
1. We do not trust them, go negotiated as planned and have to accept rather cold response from Spartans.
2. We trust them and maybe in the future they will trade to us Ethical Calculus based on our trust. Provided they will not feel bad about fact that Gaians have Loyality now.
3. As you Hercules pointed in 2140-2150 - we may switch to Flexibility rather than Adaptive Economics. This way we will get possibility to go to Adaptive Economics if they do not play with us.
Originally posted by mart7x5
Yes, I got. And I remember that happened in one of my other multiplayer games too. I do not know how this feature exactly works, but I think it is not a bug - just it works this way.Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden
I will contact him on that. Thank you for your answer.
Meanwhile - can some other Angel play the turn still if we are not able to clear this issue?
There will be little to do in this turn.
Alternatively, Snowflake, this is a request for you. Would you be able to play this turn for us?
I will prepare a list of intended stuf to do. Not much in this turn, so you would like loose maybe 5 minutes on that. Approximately.
So any available DA member, If you haven't opened 2148, please post your email (spam protect it!), so I can send the 2148 to you.
I will also post it in 2140-2150 thread with list of stuff to do. We have important issues there - accept trade, offer new one for Spartans. Overall there is little to do though.
Of course I can help if needed. However I don't think we would need to go there. Talk to Method see what he says first ok?Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski
Grapefruit Garden