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  • I haven't received any such message. I am going to post it on eventis.
    How about that additional gift? Is there an aproval for that? We can still decide what that might be. I just thought about ECs.
    One more thing - there are some new applications/application to our faction
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    • From Illuminatius.

      Turn is in our hands...
      ...please inform Chaos Theory about the deal with Spartans you have/will have sealed. I believe he won't play the turn until he gets the news about concluding the deal. And just in unlikely case you haven't noticed, I responded to you in diplo forum.

      Yes to the additional gift when we have the ecs.
      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


      • Note I am about to authorsie Civilian Jones, who likes to roleplay. Great for our faction I hope.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • I have just sent a note to Chaos Theory. If everything goes ok we gonna do the trade with Spartans in 2148 - this year.
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          • Sounds great!

            Same with the ec gift to Gaians when we have it.
            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


            • I think that the following issue should be also discussed:

              If we have Doc. Loyality this turn, should we send it pre-accepted to Spartan Federation or in the negotaiting state. In this last case we do not loose anything, but Spartans will receive Loyality one turn later:

              2148 Angels - give Loyality
              2148 Sparta - give Flexibility and accept
              2149 Angels - accept - finalized
              2149 Sparta - finalized

              Would we have enough trust for Spartans do send pre-accepted Loyality? My concern is that they might freak out in the middle, like they find out we have Loyality traded not researched. But I doubt it. On the other hand you never know...
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              • Not a good news,
                2148 came without pre-accepted techs. It appears that Gaians (whoever was doing the turn) did not look into diplomacy maybe. Thus we have neither Loyality or Mobility at the moment.

                In this case I am not sure what to tell Spartans now. Seeing how things may be screwed up, I would not recommend to accept their counterproposal, simply because we may finally not have the tech. The following message I wish to put on Gaian commlink - eventis:
                To Gaian Union,

                We have received the 2148 turn without the technologies Doctrine Loyality and Doctrine Mobility. In this case the possibility of forwarding Doctrine Flexibility to Gaian Union in 2149 will be delayed one more year or possibly more, if Spartan talks will fail. What is the current status of the Gaian Union position towards the proposed exchange, Doctrine Loyality and Doctrine Mobility for Doctrine Flexibility and Ethical Calculus?

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                • Actually they have reneged on their deal and also did not forward Doc: Mob even by itself.

                  This unacceptable and an explanation is required from Ill or Chaos.
                  On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                  • I am going to ask them that too. Let see what they have to say about the situation now. I have impression that they may have some "mess" around there.
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                    • A response from Illuminatus:
                      Hello respected Angels, I have just returned. I have no idea currently what happened, but according to our presend turn, CT sent you only Doctrine: Mobility, not accepted. What is more puzzling is that he said he is aware of your communications to us ( Yep, I'll send those techs. he said in our turn planning thread yesterday when we informed him of this), and that Lord Aran confirmed this . I believe that proposed technology exchange was agreed by us, since Council rated proposed exchange as positive. I don't see why we would he go against Council wishes, and I do not see why he would break our diplomatic code. I have started investigation about what happened and why these technologies were not forwarded to you, and I will inform you of results as soon as CT goes online again, and explains. Accept my apologies, especially since Council agreed to your proposal. but I currently don't know what happened in my absence.
                      So it looks like mess over there. Gaians seem to have various oppinion on some issues. Not good.
                      I have to rethink the whole thing. I am worried about Spartans, they may finally get discouraged and pull out of the deal. Also, we may finally be forced to forward Doc Loyality pre-accepted, and if Spartans will not forward Flexibility in return than we are fried...
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                      • I posted a short message:
                        Lord Illuminatus,

                        Thank you for your reply. One turn delay may or may not complicate things. It is difficult to say at this moment. The talks with Spartan Federation we are currently in are not very easy, and I can only hope they will not get discouraged. The value of Doctrine Loyality for Spartan Federation is in a fragile balance for various reasons, therefore we wanted to make the exchange sooner.

                        IT Mart
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                        • I am sceptical of this accident / mistake message. But there is nothing we can do about it.

                          Maybe they decided to deal with Spartans direct.
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • Yes, I directly asked Gaians if they wanted to trade directly with Spartans some time ago. The answer was that they were just opening the embassy again. Maybe they finally repaired their relations.
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                            • In light of your recent communications from the Gaians:

                              We will need to refer the matter to the Mods. They have access to all Forums and in a better position to judge.

                              I doubt if they will permit the second turn as one has already been posted in the main Forum.

                              A mistake is a mistake.

                              Let us explain the situation to the Spartans (discreetly).

                              Like me, their initial reaction might be one of scepticism.

                              The 'mistake' ploy was used as a tactic by a number of factions in the last ACDG.

                              The circumstances, this time are less critical and a 1 turn delay may not unduly harm anyone, unless the Hive are about to build the CN.
                              On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                              • We actually do not need to explain this much to Spartans. Just talk with them about the trade in 2149. It may work this way. It would be better if Spartans do not learn about mistakes we do in our Gaian diplomacy. I think Spartans may still build CN faster than Hive.
                                Map creation contest
                                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

