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Seriously Tricky Sticky Game

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  • Ows the Empire?
    Not growing any longer, but lux are set at 30%: we set them at 20.
    Orlando (size 5) has an aquaduct : we sell it.
    Small World (size 2) has a courthouse: we sell it.
    We have 26 cities and only 6 engineers at work: we shift most cities to building engineers (and disband the remaining 4 settlers who eat good food and don't work so hard).

    What happens next?
    1766: Coal (Disney China) to Atzcapotzalco = 127g; Dye (Eurodisney) to Tenochtitlan = 312g; Cloth (Thunder...) to Atzcapotzalco = 72g; our destroyer sends Aztec frigate to the bottom and becomes vet.

    1768: Electronics discovered; Espionage chosen ; Roman musketman lands near Splash Mountain.

    1770: Our (empty) transport sunk by Aztec frigate.

    1772: Espionage discovered; Leadership chosen;
    Hut = 7 barb knights ; hut = advancer (Milouville)

    1774: Roman musketman kills our rifleman, destroys Splash Mountain and acquires Explosives

    1776: Pearls (MagicK) to Tenochtitlan = 176g; hut = Tintin City.

    1778: Leadership discovered; Tactics chosen; Aztecs take Jungle Cruise (after naval bombardment by ironclad) and acquire Explosives. Barbs take Tintin City, that we bribe back for the modest price of 26g: cool:

    1780: Greeks take Milouville (and acquire Direction ). LF says "ralbol" and resigns.

    Where are we now?
    Espionage; Tactics to be discovered next turn; UN half built; 20 engineers at work: I guess my successor can start conquering the world if he feels like it
    Attached Files
    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


    • La Fayette:

      How is the rest of the defense? I didn't like leaving so many cities short, but we did not have many options.

      Good job on the deliveries

      I suggest that our next leader crank up taxes to 80 percent once tactics is discovered. This way we can roll across our enemies and use the cash to bribe some cities.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • obiwan

        1) Our main problem with defence at the moment is that we have many tiny cities far away from our main island and very difficult to protect. We don't care losing those cities, but the AI acquires one of our precious techs any time one of those cities falls.

        2) That is why I would agree with a 'low science' policy, at least for a while (since we can hardly expect a strong tech lead under those circumstances).

        3) I love vet spies, but I hate bribing (spoils the fun ).
        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


        • Order of Play

          Third Round

          Obiwan18 - 8 Turns
          La Fayette - 8 Turns
          SCG - 8 Turns
          SG[1] - 8 Turns
          STYOM - 8 Turns
          SG(2) - 8 Turns
          Hydey - 8 Turns
          DrSpike - 8 Turns
          Straybow - 8 Turns
          -Jrabbit - 8 Turns


          Looks good LaFayette
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • 3) I love vet spies, but I hate bribing (spoils the fun).
            We already handicap ourselves so much, why not take advantage with the spies? It's been hard enough just getting to this point.

            Of course, steamrolling Calvary will be more fun, though slower.
            Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
            "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


            • Let's not have pity for the poor AI, after we crippled ourselves so much. Bring on the spies.


              • ah, finally have the save - will take a look and see if i can finish this weekend. I ilke the idea of espionage also favor lowering of science rate, although not sure at this late date that it will significantly affect AI research. UN also will be a boon when completed.
                Insert witty phrase here


                • only about half way through and not sure when I'll get the time to finish. My evenings after work don't seem to be spent alone at my appartment any more I should be able to finish at some point this week, just not quite sure when yet.
                  Insert witty phrase here


                  • Originally posted by SCG
                    My evenings after work don't seem to be spent alone at my appartment any more

                    Good luck.


                    • We have 26 cities and only 6 engineers at work: we shift most cities to building engineers
                      Ah, a man after my own heart. What do these people keep doing with all the lovely Set/Engrs we build??

                      Every major city should be supporting one or more permanent works Engrs. Late in the game build Engrs from small cities only when you intend to found a new one right away. Don't want to delay celebration growth in Rep/Dem, and don't want to drain food for growth in other govmts.
                      (and disband the remaining 4 settlers who eat good food and don't work so hard).
                      "Disband?" No! Build new cities or add to small cities at some critical location/development.
                      1780: Greeks take Milouville (and acquire Direction). LF says "ralbol" and resigns.
                      "Direction" is ummm, "Leadership" maybe? "ralbol"
                      Last edited by Straybow; April 16, 2003, 10:38.
                      (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                      (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                      (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                      • My evenings after work don't seem to be spent alone at my appartment any more
                        So, have you 'splained your Civ addiction yet?
                        (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                        (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                        (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                        • Originally posted by Straybow
                          My evenings after work don't seem to be spent alone at my appartment any more
                          So, have you 'splained your Civ addiction yet?
                          she found it amusing - she has a son who plays PS/2 a lot, and therefore she doesn't have a PC in her apartment. I suppose i could bring over my old Pentium and play a little from time to time

                          i should be able to finish my turns today or tomorrow btw. haven't gotten much growing done, but have picked up a few minor cities and gathered a few more techs (2 captured, 2 discovered) -
                          Insert witty phrase here


                          • Originally posted by SCG

                            she found it amusing - she has a son who plays PS/2 a lot, and therefore she doesn't have a PC in her apartment. I suppose i could bring over my old Pentium and play a little from time to time

                            That seems to be the reaction of every girlfriend I've had, to Civ... amusement
                            "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                            "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                            "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                            • first thoughts:

                              0 caravans, although 14 in production. UN partially built so only Greeks have embassy - 16 cities. We really didn't do much growing at all during the game, so we are really going to have to rely on caravans for our production and our gold (we only have 1 city with a net 10 production...) I see 19 engineers, not 20 - 20th is in production. gold is at 467. look for caravans to tickle. rush caravans in several cities. contact greeks to get them out of democracy. press enter

                              1782: Aztecs aquire leadership, greeks get electricity in return, Aztecs trade for the corporation using electricity with the romans, Greeks then aquire corporation in exchange. Greeks steal Electronics (hey, you forgot to mention there was a diplomat that landed by Columbia underneath that catapult!), greeks aquire atomic theory. We discover Tactics, ponder what tech to research (genetic engineering for CfC, refining, refrigeration, steel or theory of gravity) since we missed out on a number of happiness wonders, go for genetic engineering, forgot to see if Ike's had been built yet - yep, built in Kolhapur... hmm, trading with the french looks to be out of the question atm. hut (NON musketeers) there's someone near Goofyville... diplo says its near Bengale, Spice (d,78) to Dumbo... Gold (d,114) to DisneyChina. Elephant kills greek cat, stays green. rush some stuff

                              1784: Aztec ironclads make vet musketeers, hut (Advanced Tribe???) means we are now short military on the frontier... named Camp Wannaweep, ponder how to defend as we have a barb knight 2 spaces away and knight has 1 movement left. decide to sacrifice knight and look into rushing military or spy in both Camp Wannaweep and Tintin City. New vet Cavalry barely survives attacking unfortified roman musk on hills. exploring destroyer finds chinese destroyer on 2nd to last move, moves in for kill, now yellow. exploring freight finds indian freight stacked with something, they confirm they want war. hutfinder says another hut to the south, ponder if its an indian advanced tribe since the main indian cities are far to the southwest (they built wonders). move non-musk and diplo south.
                              exploring spy finds greek city of Pergame

                              1786: Greeks revolt back to democracy. find greek frigate while trying to deliver gold freight to Mycenae, find Bengal right where hutfinder said would be a hut... will revolt for 476 gold. indians must have a bit of a treasury. deliver 3 more food freights to complete UN. contact greeks, they become communism, we purchace Pergame and spy escapes to Small World. we capture Atomic Theory and get a rifleman.

                              1788: Aztecs develop electronics, greeks force cease fire with senate, indians kill musketeer with frigate in thunder mountain, barbs spawn by columbia and Orleans (french), build United Nations, indians, chinese, and romans abandon, gold (d,258) to Mycenae, gold (d,168) to PiratesoCarib, purchace Bengale (Theory of Gravity), indians force peace with UN.

                              1790: Aztecs revolt, indians start Hoover's, Indians proclaim Ghandi comrade, we discover Genetic Engineering, choose Steel, Gold (d,116) to DisneyChina, take out chinese destroyer. find Virconium (Roman, size 2), purchace. get a rifleman and that's it

                              1792: French revolt, Aztecs become Democracy, ack, 2 musks become stacked... lose elephant, rifleman becomes vet. hut (Advanced Tribe size 3, replete with Granary, marketplace and temple - named Zenon). finally a coastal town on that island - wow, that must be 3 Advanced tribes just realized Haunted mansion is down to a canon defending and size 4, darn musks all died. aztecs haven't spoken to us this turn and say we've wasted too much time chattering? bring spy and only rifleman from home continent, rush city walls. use cannon to kill dragoon on very last hit point and get vet!

                              1794: French form Democracy, rifleman barely defeats Aztec Crusader, gets promoted, has city walls now. Wine (d,510) to Tlaxcala, oil (xd, 76) to Tlaxcala, aztecs still say we've spent too much time chattering, we haven't been able to talk since before they revolted several turns ago... sell granary in Zenon, have enough to subvert Mycenae, spy vet! we need roads - every unit in there is vet (2 rifleman, knight, dragoon and cannon, hate to waste vets with our measily army atm. indian freights are 410 gold each!!! may not be worth bribing...

                              1796: Greeks break Cease Fire, destroy Pergame, French aquire Theory of Gravity from Romans for Electronics, Romans trade Electronics for Refining with Chinese, trade Refining for Atomic Theory with Greeks, Romans gift Refining to indians, we find Beijing, We steal Refining from Pharsalos after finding city is not on sale (1500 gold - almost double Mycenae's price), rehome mycenae knight and dragoon, pick up a spare musketeer outside Columbia. Gems (xd,124) to Tlaxcala

                              final thoughts: Steel will discovered next turn at 20% science as is. we have several cities that can build demanded freight (Mycenae Wine would be one of the most lucrative), we have 2 freights waiting for whatever wonder we wish to build - Hoover would need to be rushed soon if we want it before its built by the AI, the CfC would aid in war as well as celebrations if we want that one more. We have 3 freights due to be built next turn, and close to enough gold to rush most of the rest needed (would need to move galleon from Donald Duck to NeverNeverLand this turn if we do rush them). We are a little weak on military atm - most of the advanced units are in the outlying colonies and without backup. I left most of the active spies and transports without cargo with their movement for the next player to organize. also, the Representative govt AIs seem to be refusing to hear us even if we haven't talked in several turns...

                              anyway, after a long delay, the save
                              Attached Files
                              Insert witty phrase here


                              • Wow, 1796 already.

                                Over to SG[1]

