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Beach Assault: Creation Thread

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  • #91
    Everything but the sounds, the title graphic, and some more unit graphics are done.

    I've run through it, and I'm adding some more little tidbits to spice up the gameplay a bit more. I've added some bonus areas for the defenders and I think I might add some small metro areas to compliment the greater area. All in all it plays as planned and is tough going from the start on Deity. I think in the next few days I can get it out there for playtesting.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
      Everything but the sounds, the title graphic, and some more unit graphics are done.
      I think in the next few days I can get it out there for playtesting.

      If I can help you with the playtest, don't hesitate...
      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
      Discworld Scenario:
      POMARJ Scenario:
      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


      • #93
        Well Chris I hope you weren't to far into the Brainiac unit. I tried my hand at it tonight and I think it came out fairly well. I used a unit from X-com as the base, your eyeball from the war wheel, and the tentacles from Moria. I washed them out with grey and combined. Voila.
        Attached Files


        • #94
          Well I think it's time for playtesting. Some notes:

          -Read the opening text so you know how to play. Tell me if the Caps are too much.

          -I have not included sigs on the units yet. They will be included for the release. The vast bulk of the units are easily recognizable as being creations or derivatives of Sarsstock, Curt Sibling, and Fairline.

          -Play only as the Defenders for now.

          -It's MGE of course.

          -Everything is in beta, so please give me some tips and advice.

          -A big thanks to Chris for his tremendous work!

          -Cyrion, play away.
          Attached Files


          • #95
            Looks incredible!

            I am starting a game now...!



            • #96
              *The robots seem to keep attacking the twin spike gate thing on their ship...
              Perhaps an alliance with the AI that controls that unit is in order?

              *Damn robots are well-hard...I was left with no defenders at turn 6!
              Beefing up the the tanks (a little) would be nice!

              The events are a total hoot! Great work!

              Last edited by curtsibling; July 13, 2006, 06:21.


              • #97
                Apologies for not responding for afew days, I was up North on vacation since Saturday. Glad to see the Beta is out and running, do you still need those changes made to the Rocketeer, the Spider, and those other 15 units?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Sarsstock
                  Apologies for not responding for afew days, I was up North on vacation since Saturday. Glad to see the Beta is out and running, do you still need those changes made to the Rocketeer, the Spider, and those other 15 units?
                  Damn you Chris! Vacations are not allowed!

                  Just kidding. Of course I need those units!
                  Last edited by Harry Tuttle; July 13, 2006, 16:32.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by curtsibling
                    *The robots seem to keep attacking the twin spike gate thing on their ship...
                    Perhaps an alliance with the AI that controls that unit is in order?

                    *Damn robots are well-hard...I was left with no defenders at turn 6!
                    Beefing up the the tanks (a little) would be nice!

                    The events are a total hoot! Great work!

                    Thanks for the notes Curt. I tried to make the building killed events fun.

                    *I want the robots to attack the twin spire on their ship, that's their Gate. Without it the land units would never make it across the water. I think the problem with seeing the battle animation lies with the map being uncovered. I think I'll cover the map again and uncover it with some air units to get rid of the enemy attack animation beyond sight.

                    *While playing I developed a strategy of beefing up my front lines first before I tried to take the robots offensively. It was still pretty damn hard at the start with just regular infantry. I might either add some more high attack but not yet buildable units to the front line or do as you said and increase the defensive values. The idea is for the player to be at a disadvantage at the start and while he builds up his industry and expands his bases he can start drawing a line in the sand. After the more hi-tech units are researched the one on one confrontations with the robots should be easier.


                    • I've been able to play a few turns, so these comments are only the beginning! Expect more after the week-end...

                      First of all, this seems to be really enjoyable:
                      - very nice graphics; the terrain is really different from the common one, and that's nice!
                      - not too many units (at the beginning at least), which I like because I haven't always the time to play really long turns!

                      From what I have seen, what I like the most (no surprise there...) is the event messages: they are simply brilliant (the "old people home" one had me laughing for a while!)!

                      There seems to be a graphical problem with the terrain surrounding the defenders city, but maybe this comes from the (antediluvian) computer I was playing on??

                      I can't say much yet about gameplay, except that I need to retry from the beginning!

                      Originally posted by Harry Tuttle

                      *I want the robots to attack the twin spire on their ship, that's their Gate. Without it the land units would never make it across the water. I think the problem with seeing the battle animation lies with the map being uncovered. I think I'll cover the map again and uncover it with some air units to get rid of the enemy attack animation beyond sight.
                      I had guessed that much, and yes, not having to watch them attack would be nice!

                      *While playing I developed a strategy of beefing up my front lines first before I tried to take the robots offensively. It was still pretty damn hard at the start with just regular infantry. I might either add some more high attack but not yet buildable units to the front line or do as you said and increase the defensive values. The idea is for the player to be at a disadvantage at the start and while he builds up his industry and expands his bases he can start drawing a line in the sand. After the more hi-tech units are researched the one on one confrontations with the robots should be easier.
                      The strategical options are still not clear for me:
                      - develop my bases? create new ones?
                      - what to do with the civilian cities?
                      - attack / defend?

                      But that may come with playing, or do you intend to provide some hints in the readme?

                      All in all, it looks really promising, and original!
                      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                      Discworld Scenario:
                      POMARJ Scenario:
                      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                      • A quick question HT, what are the 15 new units that need to be made specifically? Also, as for a title graphic would something similar to the one I made up for Atomic Eagle II only with a robot attacking theme be suitable?


                        • The strategical options are still not clear for me:
                          - develop my bases? create new ones?
                          - what to do with the civilian cities?
                          - attack / defend?
                          I'm glad you liked my humor. I thought it would be cool to include something since Evil Robots are so absurd.

                          Well as you research new techs you'll be able to build new improvements to your cities as always. Also your combat engineer can found new bases to create more units, etc...

                          The civilian cities are yours to protect just as the buildings are yours to protect. The Civilian civ is essentially under your responsibility. They cannot build any units and have one unit that comes through events. One thing to note is that the robots can build their own units, so the more civilian cities that are captured gives the robots a chance to build more units closer to your base. The Civilian civ is allied with your own so they can repair your units, but as you know you cannot take their cities until the robots have occupied them.

                          Attack/Defend? Both really. Everytime a building unit is killed your treasury is drained of some funds. You are also going to need to be able to hold some territory and eventually found some cities on the shoreline territory tiles so that you can build some boats to get across the water to the robot base.

                          Also, I want to remind everyone who's playtesting to read the title text that pops up at the start of the scenario. Gameplay tips are included. Open it up mid game if you can't figure something out.

                          And what kind of weird graphic issues are going on in the base? Can you post a screenshot? There are buffer units around the green bases.

                          Thanks for the help!

                          A quick question HT, what are the 15 new units that need to be made specifically? Also, as for a title graphic would something similar to the one I made up for Atomic Eagle II only with a robot attacking theme be suitable?
                          The units are really open for interpretation. My event space is completely full at the moment so all the units will have to be there from the start, unless some more Defender units can be thought of that can be gained through tech advances.

                          I guess some hero units could be made for the Defenders, like maybe a Rick Steele unit or some fantastic Fighter pilot's plane, or even some great tank. Actually, you know what, I think a Robot Leader would be nice. The leader would have to stay on the ship at all times, meaning it will be under another civ than the robots, probably the Buffer civ. It could be very powerful and a good last hurdle before taking the ship.

                          Perhaps even a Dr. Von Sarrstock would be in order as the title text states he is the creator of all those nasty evil robots?

                          Go nuts Chris, whatever you want.

                          As for the title, I guess maybe an interpration of the "Day the Earth Stood Still" movie poster would be cool. Do whatever you feel will look good Chris.
                          Attached Files


                          • Well after giving the game a playtest for the first time I decided to take one last run at afew of the robot units, specifically giving as many some "Sky Captain'ish" looking ray guns. I also tried to apply some better colour shading to the war wheel and narrowed the wingspan of the Gullwing aircraft.
                            Attached Files


                            • Next is my take on the defender Combat Engineer, given a uniform similar to the infantry, a Rocketeer in flight and the grand hero himself, the five time national betty crocker baking champion..... Rick Steele.
                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by Sarsstock
                                Next is my take on the defender Combat Engineer, given a uniform similar to the infantry, a Rocketeer in flight and the grand hero himself, the five time national betty crocker baking champion..... Rick Steele.
                                Hahaha, awesome, you saw the little tidbit! All the units look great! I'll add them in immediately! Great work!

