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Dirty Succession Game

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  • #91
    So, that's the way it is. Okay...

    I'm sorry, I don't have any memory of your Mummy and I assure you I am in no way responsible for her reputation.

    so long and thanks for all the fish


    • #92
      Originally posted by duke o' york
      ... My mummy told me never to talk to people with atrocious reputations!
      The Duke now has a new justification to not talk with himself.
      Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


      • #93
        I wouldn't want to talk to myself - I'd prefer to talk to someone interesting who doesn't talk as much rubbish as that duke character.


        • #94
          way to screw up a reputation Duke

          can't wait for spys and Manhatan, how about you guys
          Wizards sixth rule:
          "The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
          Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.


          • #95
            Heh. Until you mentioned Manhattan, I'd forgotten that it was possible to attain a world standing WORSE than atrocious....

            And on this ribbon world, and with no wonders, I'd say there's more than a little chance we'll actually get to that point. Haven't seen nukes in a long time!


            • #96
              Ya gotta do it in Fundamentalism to really make 'em steam... they all switch to making SDI, then you send in the ladies with loaded knickers (hope we aren't setting off the Carnivore with this conversation...)!


              • #97
                Old n Slow, it's your go!

                And Elephant, I always thought it was a handbag nuke - I really don't want to think about heavily-laden knickers. Not my type at all.


                • #98
                  Yup, have the save, but was slow footin' it to decrease the pressure on bunnyman. After all, he's up in the free for all as well (as are you Duke!)
                  Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                  • #99
                    Don't delay on my account! If it all stacks up against me, we can just skip ahead until I have time to meet other commitments.

                    Progress in most of these games is bad enough as it is, so please move forward!
                    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                    • Er, isn't everyone up in the free for all?

                      I volunteered to play some turns, but then withdrew my offer to spend some quality time at home.
                      Which ought to have bagged me enough brownie points to play some more turns this weekend.
                      Not sure which games I've even close to being up in, but I can jump in if anyone needs me to, as long as they're prepared to wait over the weekend.


                      • Originally posted by duke o' york
                        Er, isn't everyone up in the free for all?
                        Anyone except the 4 most recent players.
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • 600(0) only a tweak or two (more temples)

                          620 (1) -- Nearly dead becomes completely dead -- Settler moves to primo spot. Buy Fetid for 52g (and get a Legion) See Kashgar.

                          640 (2) -- Found Raw Hide on primo spot in the East (where Nearly Dead SHOULD have been) Sordid completes temple

                          680 (4) -- See Samarkand

                          700 (5) -- Foul play completes temple. Take Kashgar (+73g) See Tabriz

                          720 (6) -- Found Big Valley in a rather nice spot (even though the site is a desert, four specials eventually)

                          740 (7) -- Take Samarkand (+83)

                          760 (8) -- Mongrel Trireme dies making our humble boat a vet.

                          780 (9) -- Barbs near Raw Hide (we let it stay in an uproar all this time…now that is size 2, we hire an Elvis and production can begin.) Take Tabriz (+51g.) Only one Mongol city left (we think it might be on the nearby isle, SW of our troops.)

                          800 (10) -- Discover Construction, opt for Math (I think over two other choices, neither exciting.) Buy a barb chariot (-61) smack the nearby barb leader (+150) -- one barb chariot remains in the area near Raw Hide.

                          Notes -- the Settler that founded Raw Hide was attached to the nearest city to the west -- so there are at least a few spaces east & south from there free of ai. Big Valley (may have rushed a temple there) needs to put the citizen back to work -- not much food left.

                          Had about one city per turn blow up. In the early governments, cities in an uproar still accumulate food, so we can found and let them grow, hire an Elvis at size 2 and then they can start being productive. It will take two warriors to upgrade one citizen, so temples will be needed early on everywhere.
                          Attached Files
                          Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                          • Good work.

                            The Mongols aren't long for this world, unless the next player decides that we could use them as our pet civ (they are purple after all) and lets them keep their single city under close watch.


                            • Yes, the purple civ should be kept alive. The price in science costs for killing them off would be too high.


                              • Well, thee;s a lot of open territory begging for new cities. Also, since we're going to keep these to town (or villiage) size, there's even MORE room for cities...
                                Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments

