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History of the World XI [Diplomacy Game] [Organization II]

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  • Well i'm just saying what people told me last friday - i had different plans for my civ but they offered to wait while i'm gone - so its not comming from me directly.


    • waited for personal reasons
      We waited because you play an important part in the game, that is the reason. If we had continued the game would have been broken!


      • I meant that personally I'm glad that you guys waited.

        I can see what you mean regarding me and Frank missing, maybe it was better for the game, though that's a difficult thing alltogether. I think we must try to avoid creating precedents, what's the line? For who do we wait and when.

        I'd be very happy to skip a session for you, Toni. I seriously wish you the best, and since you're one of the category A players, like I'm happy that you guys skipped for me.

        But if we get into a situation where everytime someone is missing the session he says: "We waited for CS..." or "We waited for Toni..." "... why not wait for me?"

        And he would have a point.

        That's what I try to avoid.
        But christmas may be a good reason to postpone some sessions indeed. Together with your honymoon, and maybe others who are missing.

        I'm not saying here that we shouldn't postpne, just only that we should be carefull when postponing and when not.
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • Look guys, December is a crap time for games anyway-being so close to Christmas & all. I say we play the back-up game we started this Saturday, then play through with the diplogame until Toni has to go (assuming its not all over by then ). Then we take a break from Mid-December to the first Saturday of 2008. I am really keen about this game & I get the sense everyone else is too, so I don't think a Christmas break will destroy it!



          • First: Big ups to Toni for getting married!! Congrats Bro, what Island are you going to?

            Second: I have read and understand, no game to sub for this week. Thats 0-2 for me and subbing. One more and I crawl back under my rock
            Non Serviam


            • Thanks Mike By the way i have been trying to get hold on you via icq and msn no Mike what so ever haha. I will keep on trying!!

              Well the wedding will be on Kauai

              Hey no way you are crawling back under your rock bro.

              And there is a sub position for u Mike this Sat by the way In the Aussie game. 100% your style

              With some luck when i find u i will tell u more about it!


              • so... much... to... read... can't... keep... eyes... open...

                hey all. been off driving along the australian eastcoast for a week, been great! Byron Bay, Fraser Island and a few other odd little places which I really recommend if anyone's heading down under anytime soon.

                @ deity. I was in sydney for 4 days 2 weeks ago, I'll be returning there soon, but only to fly to NZ
                so unless you wanna come out to the airport and say hi... oh well, the good news is I'll definitively come back to Australia again some time. I love it here. especially the weather apparently it's really cold back home right now so this is perfect for me

                and yes, listen to Cyber. focus on what is important. enjoying the game. and yes, ozzy's wisdom is indisputable (when he's in accord with me). and frank has a point. tech whoring is bad for diplogames.

                as for cottage spamming it is a valid strategy that is not unbalanced, it simply has to be able to defend itself against nations with greater production values. which probably wont be easy. and cottages can be pillaged for $. maybe I'll play mongolia next session just to teach the peaceniks a thing or two...

                grats to Toni also!! Kauai... Hawaii? might see you there? I'll be there in about 3 weeks time or so I believe. but you should be too busy with your mrs.
                Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                • My friend just got married and had his honeymoon in Maui. He just got back like 2 weeks ago.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • I'll be there in about 3 weeks time or so I believe
                    Lz if you are there still on the 9th of Dec = lets meet i treat


                    • So I gather this Friday the 9th we are not playing as per requested.

                      As to the following weeks .... if the leader cannot make it I am ok with postponing but understand the danger in doing so.


                      • Arv, I think that toni was talking about his wedding in December, not November. I've sent Ozzy the game cd and he should be able to sub for toni. (unless he has dates now on friday night?)

                        Anyway. I will be around this friday. (Even with the clan championships) I took events that start earlier for my tournaments, and hopefully all of the excitement will be over by the time the diplo game starts.


                        • Well no game this friday Nols - many missing even Beta is unavailable he won't be here even next week - so we should just wait and see if we play then as well if too many are missing again.


                          • Hi there, guys!
                            From a lobby in a hotel next to the sea of Galilea!
                            Lot's of holy places here

                            I've seen the valley of Armageddon today, it gave me some great ideas for our games

                            So, this hotel has a wireless internet lobby!
                            It's pretty slow though
                            And I'm in a different hotel friday (In Jerusalem) (sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Jerusalem appears to be a dangerous thing! )

                            Talking about dangerous lobbies, the hotel we left this morning has had a suicide bomber few years ago, the damage was still visible on the floor! Welcome to Israel.

                            Many things are nice though, I feel pretty safe!
                            I'll be back before friday next week! (hope so!)
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • Any change you're going to be in Israel in the next couple of days as well, LzPrst?
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • Originally posted by arvcran
                                I would like to request a postponement of the Diplo game this Friday the 9th. As I am unable to make it, neither is CS, Aussie_Lurker, and Nolan has CCC TD duties. (4 players)

                                You guys can play the other game we started last Friday. And we can Resume on the 16th of November.

                                I really do not want to miss the crucial game time - next.
                                remeber weni said i was gona be able to make the game onthis friday?well i cant, i as actualy gona give my civ up to bantams becuase of my lack of playing, as i have said i should neever have joined this fall HOTW becasue fall i am as busy as HELL. Please i befg you guys postpone this week i dont want ot miss another game, i know im making next week.I know my record is dead becuase of all these games ive missed but CS and co. please remember how i made it every single week in summer, remember? how i stayed wiht you guys and mised no games at all. if we play a summer HOTW thats how it will be. I have decided that if i cannot make next week i will give my civ to bantams

                                I do not know how World War III will be fought, but i do know that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

