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History of the World XI [Diplomacy Game] [Organization II]

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  • I may or may not be around tomorrow, it depends on how I'm feeling. I came down with a nasty sinus infection that has had me bed-ridden for the past two days with no end in sight. NyQuil and Pseudophedrine have been my only true friends the past couple days.

    Here's to hoping that it dies off instead of spreads into pneumonia or some junk.

    Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.



    • PS: I don't really need a sub if I can't make it. (I'm going to assume I'll be there, hahaha). The Natives can't be any worse off than last place if the AI botches them all up.



      • Toni will be away tomorrow (at last conversation) and I might be late. I dont know how long it will take to set up my art show. Wish me luck for lots of sales Saturday.

        Friends of Toni's are in town and want his company. Hope he can post before he leaves.


        • I can play.

          I'll be here.
          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
          icq: 8388924


          • Toni's off to Vegas with his pals! Can Ozzy take his civ tonight if we play. I'm likely to be late... Perhaps 30-40 mins. It all depends on how fast I can get my part finished at the art show, and get a 98 year old to hurry and get her part finished.

            That is going to be some batchelor party. Vegas! It's one of my fav destinations. He messaged me that he could not get poly to open for him and asked me to post for him.

            Beta is still away, now Toni.. who else?


            • I'll be around, but for some reason BTS isn't recognizing my disk...
              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


              • So I won't be here. I feel a little better, but my parents called and asked me for a big favor that will take an hour or two of my evening starting just past the beginning of the event, and it's my parents, so I can't say no.

                I don't need a sub, though. The AI can't real hurt the natives any. lol.



                • So 3 players are missing.
                  That's a lot. Even more if you consider that most probably Dacole and Mr Lincoln won't be playing either. That's 5 missing out of 11..........

                  Maybe we should skip another session

                  Ozzy, you installed everything the normal way, but it says that the disk is missing?
                  Did you patch already? Did you install with a normal BtS cd? Or did you install in a 'special' way?
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • See the other thread, so we don't bog this down further.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • hey guys-im gona be here today8D i hope u guys dont skip this week cuz im gona be busy next week-i meant to pm u guys tellign u id be here-oh and also could one of you please post the story thread link?il chekc in in two horu sot see if we are playing
                      I do not know how World War III will be fought, but i do know that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


                      • It looks like dacole is missing too.

                        We can get together and have a regular game tho. LOL want to try advanced start again.. lol!??

                        Im jsut off to the art setup.. see you when i escape from there.


                        • So we have Nolan late, toni missing, but Ozzy is subbing for him, but he can't get his cd working. Then Dacole is missing, Beta is missing and Asmo is missing.

                          Conclusion: 4 players missing, 1 player late.

                          I'd say, let's skip another session

                          If you guys disagree, call me, I have my phone next to my bed. I won't pick the phone up, but I'll come online if you call me. (don't call me an hour in advance! but just when everybody is about to be ready!) (don't call me to say that we won't play!!!)

                          (I always use my phone to wake up, so there's no difference between you guys waking me up, or me setting my phone to wake me up)

                          Did anybody hear from Frank lately, btw?
                          Last edited by Robert; November 16, 2007, 18:34.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Bloody hell... Cyber's time confusions has stalled the game!

                            3 weeks ago I put to the group the question, "Now, are you sure you want to play this session. If we proceed without Cyber, Frank and a few others it will change the course of the game."

                            Well, we post-poned and it was just as well because the ever-reliable Cyber had gotten his timezones mixed up with the Daylight Savings changes in both hemispheres. So the Northern Hemisphere game start time is now 2 hours later for Aussies, which is good for me Can sleep in a bit on Saturdfay mornings now! You agree Marcus?

                            The group consensus 3 weeks ago was to postpone the session.

                            But unfortunately it has cracked open the zest for the game possibly?

                            We have to get back that 100% commitment we had before where we all showed up regardless. I changed my home schedule so that Saturday morning diplo always comes first - case for 2 years now!

                            Come on guys, let's get it back! Show up here as a priority unless...

                            your guninea pig escapes,
                            you forget timezones,
                            your PC is full of dust,
                            you password a game that doesn't work,
                            you take a holiday,
                            you get married,
                            you get sick,
                            family issues over-power you,

                            OR you just casn't install BTS...
                            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            icq: 8388924


                            • Amen
                              Listen guys the reason i havent made ti to teh recent games is as followseach 1 is why i missed 1 weeK)
                              my guninea pig escaped,
                              I forget timezones,
                              My PC was full of dust,
                              I passworded a game that doesn't work,
                              I took a holiday,
                              I got married,
                              I got sick,
                              family issues over-powered me,
                              and finaly i coudlnt install BTS
                              just kidding wiht u guys. i am still goan come to the game tonight i am assumign w e are gona play-its about 15 muintues from game time right now

                              OR you just casn't install BTS...
                              I do not know how World War III will be fought, but i do know that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.


                              • well em nd arvacan ar ewaitng here in lobby hoping someone will come
                                I do not know how World War III will be fought, but i do know that World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

