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Attention All Diplogamers!

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  • Few things:
    1. We in europe have activated daylight saving time. It's quiet important to all be sure that we start at the right time next friday. I assume we still start at 23.00 GMT? (which is the CURRENT LONDON TIME, and is thus in fact one hour earlier then last week)

    2. When we discussed this game, we agreed we would play up untill 02:00 GMT (that's 03:00 my time, AM)
    I'm really unhappy if you guys will continue playing another hour EVERY WEEK. Sometimes I'll be able to play a little longer (I've played even 2 hours longer in one session) but I just can't play every week untill 4 am. For sure since I oftenly have responsibilities on saturday.

    I'm fine with starting one hour earlier (22 GMT) though.
    But I think, since everybody who's involve agreed on 23.00 GMT - 02:00 GMT, we can't change that if not everybody agrees.

    I agree about not changing the rules mid-game.
    Tech trading is a part of diplomacy anyway. It should be used wisely, and I'm sure that everybody will do that.
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Originally posted by CyberShy
      Few things:
      1. We in europe have activated daylight saving time. It's quiet important to all be sure that we start at the right time next friday. I assume we still start at 23.00 GMT? (which is the CURRENT LONDON TIME, and is thus in fact one hour earlier then last week)

      2. When we discussed this game, we agreed we would play up untill 02:00 GMT (that's 03:00 my time, AM)
      I'm really unhappy if you guys will continue playing another hour EVERY WEEK. Sometimes I'll be able to play a little longer (I've played even 2 hours longer in one session) but I just can't play every week untill 4 am. For sure since I oftenly have responsibilities on saturday.

      I'm fine with starting one hour earlier (22 GMT) though.
      But I think, since everybody who's involve agreed on 23.00 GMT - 02:00 GMT, we can't change that if not everybody agrees.

      I agree about not changing the rules mid-game.
      Tech trading is a part of diplomacy anyway. It should be used wisely, and I'm sure that everybody will do that.
      So the agreed minimum is only 3 hours

      I can start earlier but we go back to Std time NEXT Saturday, so I better check the implications of that.

      Basically I think I have to be ready an hour earlier for this week (cos you guys have already moved to Summer time) and the week after I need to start TWO hours earlier which will be 8 am Saturday morning
      That's doable I guess but not too much earlier I now realise...
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • urgh... damn time zones and daylight savings time.

        and ozzy. I am really really really unhappy about not getting the GL. really really really unhappy. it was the one thing that could get me back in the game properly...
        What the hell am I supposed to do with a pile of gold?

        If I had known that you could see I was building it then of course I would never have said a word. in fact I still havent adapted to the possibility of rush buying wonders... a few weaknesses on my part. that will NOT be repeated. I assure you.

        But seriously, about time zones. Can we juggle things around somehow in order to get more game time? Unless I'm mistaken the reason we play when we do is mostly due to cybers availability, if that changes with daylight savings time then maybe we could change our schedules a little as well if it would allow for longer sessions. I suggest we play as normal on friday and then try to work out a way to squeeze in an extra hour the session after that. anyone for it?
        Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


        • hang on a second.... if we were GMT +1 and now we've gained an hour shouldnt we be GMT +2...? or did GMT gain an hour as well? urgh. I've never been good with time. damn time...
          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


          • Solution: stay in an area with no DST, like me.


            Oh, and if you want to get folks to vote for your leaders, maybe a shout in this thread would work?


            • Ozzy, its not clear to me yet. Maybe you should explain with pictures of all other capitals and major cities
              just kidding, maybe i'll hire the services of the Indian Reconissaince Agency. Funny, in RL Indians are very advanced in satellite imagery as well

              Yeah, when I said we needed Courthouses I only meant for the new colonies. Sorry if I misled you
              Deity, not your fault. Up until now, when I was playing SP and doing my building fests against AI, I would build Courthouses on most if not all my cities in order to fix gold issues and keep the research rate high. Never stopped to think that the gold gained in some cities like the capitol or nearby or smaller cities would be negligible. That's my fault. I'm just happy I'm learning here Anyways, eventually those courthouses will become usefull.

              more to come...on the time and rules issues...
              "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
              Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
              Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
              Wanna play some PBEMs!?


              • You guys should really stop switching leaders that oftenly. It really confuses me. Civ is supposed to have eternal leaders
                Take an example to Rho'd Berth LXVII

                The hours we decided on came to be because of a few restrictions. I could play earlier, up to two hours earlier. Others could play later, this time-frame just contains us all as most as possible.

                I think GMT changes with DLS.
                I'm still GMT+1 right now (amsterdam time)
                I'm not sure how things are in your countries, but we can figure it out easily.

                Everybody whoms time changed last week should just take that into account.
                Deity: why should you wake up two hours early?
                Besides that, I think waking up on 8AM is MUCH MUCH better then having to stay up untill 3AM.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • Dude, you're just getting senile. Yo're 4000+ years old by now after all

                  Edit: And no, I don't think GMT changes. Just in those countries within the DST area. You fellas should move to the tropics

                  Edit2: And aren't you gonna respond to my *cough* impassioned post?
                  Last edited by KunojiLym; March 28, 2006, 07:59.


                  • but time has changed for some and not for others...

                    I know I'm still GMT +1, but that would imply that GMT also gained an hour for DST. Did the americans turn their clocks an hour forward too? Kuno apparently didnt. that means something has changed concerning his relationship to our timezones. this needs to be sorted out before friday.

                    Apparently Singapore (Kuno) is now GMT +7. He used to be GMT +8, right?
                    And deity is apparently GMT +10 if he lives in the Sydney time zone. I forget... But he used to be GMT +11? Or am I just confused as usual.

                    Eastern USA is still GMT -5.
                    Nico has gone from GMT -3 to GMT -4, am I right?.

                    sigh. why cant we all move to a tiny island in the indian ocean... Anyway.

                    The chart as it is Now.
                    LzPrst, Cyber, Dragon - GMT +1
                    Kunolyjim - GMT +7
                    Nicodamax - GMT -4
                    Capo, Ozzy - GMT -5

                    Nolan - dunno
                    Deity - GMT +11 (but will change soon?)

                    That means that the only changes has been Kuno who doesnt have daylight savings time... or something like that. this is all too confusing... bah.

                    and by the way GERMAN SUCCESSION ISSUES, SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE (or faction)
                    Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                    • I vote for Zion, because I'm evil like that

                      Edit: Wait, you mean actual IC support?


                      • Originally posted by CyberShy
                        I think GMT changes with DLS.
                        then it wouldn't be of much use, would it? UTC (formerly known as GMT) does not change with Daylight Savings.

                        Amsterdam, Netherlands
                        Standard time zone: UTC+1 hour
                        Daylight saving time: +1 hour
                        Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +2 hours
                        Time zone abbreviation: CEST - Central European Summer Time
                        DST started on sunday march 26, 2006, 2:00 local standard time
                        DST ends on sunday, october 29, 2006, 3:00 local daylight time
                        "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                        Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                        Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                        Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                        • @Kuno: I have reacted to your uber-evil post. Not responded.

                          about the timezones: I think the states only move timezone next saturday, before the game starts.

                          What do we do friday? There are 2 scenarios:
                          1. we play at the same time as last week, those who CHANGED SHOULD ADOPT
                          2. we play at DLS time, those who DID NOT CHANGE SHOULD ADOPT

                          If we chose 1, which is fine with me, then I can only play for 2 hours. I have an important presentation on saturday.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • For Diety: (New South Wales)
                            Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +10 hours
                            Daylight saving time: +1 hour
                            Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +11 hours
                            Time zone abbreviation: EST - Eastern Summer(Daylight) Time (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

                            DST ends sunday april 2 2006, 3:00 local daylight time
                            DST starts on sunday october 29 2006, 2:00 local standard time
                            Last edited by NicodaMax; March 28, 2006, 09:13.
                            "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                            Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                            Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                            Wanna play some PBEMs!?


                            • it doesnt matter much to me. I just need to know when we start. but Britain is the base for GMT and they too have daylight savings time now.

                              World Time Zones map and world clock with curent time and countries operating Daylight Savings Time sunclock map shows what part of the world is in darkness and what part is in daylight detailed time zone maps of the USA time Europe time Australia time Canada time Middle-East time Oceania time Russia time zone Interactive Time Map date and time in relation to other locations around the world and world clock

                              and yes. I want ingame support. voting is for wusses and democracies. in Germany we do things the oldfashioned way. with a pile of gold on the table and a knife in the back.

                              (though you're not allowed to mess with my characters)
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                              • Those in the Eastern Standard Time (US) are UTC-5, but come sunday april 2 they go +1 hours and become UTC-4 (like me). I wont be so lonely anymore
                                "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
                                Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
                                Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
                                Wanna play some PBEMs!?

