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Attention All Diplogamers!

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  • Attention All Diplogamers!

    So far we've had a discouraging time getting these games going, and there are a number of reasons.

    The first, and probably biggest, is patching issues/game issues. A lot of the frustration we experienced in both diplogmaes was due directly to this problem. In the future we should test the game a few times before we start playing, or possibly wait for a "perfect patch" before starting these epic games.

    The second issue that hurt these games were the players, not their skills, but the fact that they simply didn't show up. I understand there are emergency situations, or situations where it isn't exactly easy for one of the players to arrive on time or at all. But that doesn't change the fact that you have a week between each session, subs should be found ahead of time just in case. I'm not trying to blame anybody for doing this, I could have done more to get subs involved but didn't and often would wait until the day of the session to find one. This is also an area where passwords hurt us as well, there were a couple of times (I think) where passwords hurt us.

    Now, I don't want to start a password debate here, because I've seen them happen, and they don't accomplish anything. I think the biggest point I can make here is that they are unnecessary, and I know some people feel like they should be able to have one, and I understand this. But I sincerely doubt we'll have cheaters in a diplogame, it just doesn't make sense, and if we catch someone doing something like that I feel like they would be promptly booted from the game. But if players feel they must use a password, then there isn't much I can really say against it, other than the fact that they must understand their password can't be entirely a secret. For the purposes of subbing, or emergencies, we would need at least a couple of the other players to know your password.

    Last night's attempted session (Friday US) was horrible, the game wasn't working out correctly, there were problems with the map downloading for certain people (apparently we had two different file-names for the same map, somehow), and generally the group just had it up to here with everything that had been going on. So there was a lot of venting, and eventually people wanted to start a new game, which prompted others to quit outright.

    This is not good. We all like diplogaming, and yes it takes a little extra work to make a diplogame go right, but isn't that why we like it so much?

    I mean, yes it takes time to set up the map, get all the players and locations down, and set up a schedule, but in the end it helps the game. The difficulty is going to be there, but I think once we get a solid crew of players who are all going to show up (and there are plenty that do) and post (which is somehow lacking in the Civ IV era for whatever reason) and play the game with respect for other people (which again, I am also guilty of), then we can have a solid three or four hour session with plenty to talk about.

    I didn't play in the Saturday game, but nothing was wrong with what was going on in the game, just outside of the game.

    I just basically started this thread to get a show of hands; who wants to play diplogames? Who wants to help me set up the next one? And finally, who wants to do this the right way and make sure everything works ahead of time?

    These are things we have to do in order to have enjoyable diplogames, I've been in them, they exist, believe me. So if you want to help me out, and help out the diplogaming community please respond and show your support!
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

  • #2
    *raises hand*

    Unfortunatedly, my comp throws a fit at any Civ4 installation that is earlier than 1.52...


    • #3
      Lately, only ozzy, me and Capo have been showing up for either game.

      Across both games, no sign of Frank, Ljube, Moker.

      Mike and Marcus are not keen to continue current games (Marcus will not play with anything less than v1.52)

      Just because we didn't play on the Xmas weekend doesn't mean you all just forget about the games.

      I'm really surprised and disappointed; and thgis does not augour well for what Capo is asking for.

      So who have we got?

      I've not missed a session in 5 years (save the odd emergency or blackout), so count me in.


      And just on the passwords - the firaxis technology should work, it doesn't, AND I now don't use them (in fact you can't with new games in Direct IP with v1.52)

      But when passwords work I'll use them. If on a rare occassion I'm unavailable and a sub plays my civ I'll phone or post PM to someone (most likely via Trev)
      "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
      *deity of THE DEITIANS*
      icq: 8388924


      • #4
        I am all for playing the latest patched version, I have no issues with that. In fact I was one of the only people clamoring to WAIT for a good patch to come out before we started. So that shouldn't be an issue.
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • #5
          I would like to join a diplo game. However, I play with version 1.52 and I dont want to stress with two different installations. If we could use v.1.52 I would gladly join any diplo game.

          Of course, I live in central europe, which might cause problems concerning time zones and such, but during the weekends I can play whenever

          Are you playing on a world map? If so, and if theres room for me, I'd like to play Persia or Arabia.
          If we dont play on an earth map, you can put me down for a random civ.

          Learn and Adapt
          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


          • #6
            So far so good...

            Well I'm happy we have two new aspiring diplogamers here, although I would have liked to have more of a response from the community we already have. That's okay though, I know where they live.

            As far as what Kuno and Lz have said so far, I totally agree that we should play version 1.52, I think staying with the original version of the game is a foolhardy move for us. I mean, we started our first two CivIV diplogames with the original version, and it didn't work out very well. So I see no reason to continue doing that.

            So, I wouldn't worry about having two versions of the game on your computer.

            As far as time zones are concerned, my plan is to compile a list of potential diplogamers including their time zones so we can get a good session schedule going. So far we have myself, Deity, Lz and Kuno.

            Ozzy told me he would play as long as we got everything working properly, and he didn't have to do any of the work (he did everything for the last two games, and was very dissapointed when they fell apart). So, MY personal idea here is to try and establish a closer-knit community. Not because I just want to, but because I believe it is a necessary move in order to ensure that these games work well, and everyone understands eachother. We've had trouble getting subs too, and I think if we can get a list of players and time-zones down we will be able to get these games going.

            So, if you could I ask everyone who wants to play in these games to just give us a post to let us know you are down. And I also advise everyone sign up for the diplogame civgroup as well.

            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • #7
              You can put me in your "sub-list" I'm a decent player and all, I just don't get into all the role-play and the write-up necessary that goes with true diplo games. But if you need a fill-in and I'm free look me up.


              • #8
                Hey anyone interested in a Diplogame???

                I find this thread quite coincidental....

                As I tend to do, I really get immersed into games such as this. I end up spending most my free time enjoying myself and mental processes that go into playing.

                Last night when I was laying down readying myself for sleep my thoughts wandered around my online Civ 4 matches and how boring they were actually. I thought about how much i sucked and everyone was running all over me... Sure I held my self until the end but I NEVER won, and allways had the lowest score....

                I began to think about making a game where I stated all the rules were to revolve around diplomacy and words rather than wars. I wanted to play a game more like real life than allways battling it out. I wanted to play a diplomacy game....and My dreams took me away...

                I envisioned in my dreams playing civ 4 online and instead of building warriors non stop you built settlers and colonized and expanded and traded resources with other people. you built your civilization over a period of days only fighting when nothing else worked....

                thats the gist of it. I woke up and went to work today and then came home intending to read up on some strategies so i could master the fighting online to

                then I found this thread online...

                I would GREATLY enjoy joining a league or group on Diplmogamers.....

                Please someone contact me at to let me know how I can join up and start a online civ 4 game with people

                thanks yall

                Daniel Chace
                Take it easy or take it hard either way life is gonna dish it out to ya...


                • #9
                  Thanks for the enthusiasm.

                  We actually have a diplogamer group in the civgroup section of Apolyton already, so if you'd like to join the diplogaming community that would be one avenue. Another would be just to show up and play in some of these games, if you want you can look up some old games which are in the diplogame FAQ, this would also be a good place to see how these games usually go. And by the way, war is very common in diplogames, there were something like ten to fifteen different wars in HOTW2 itself.

                  But there are a lot of guys here who have played in a lot of diplogames over the years so as long as you are ready to get into it we'd be glad to have you.

                  So this makes at least three new people, which I think is sufficient to start talking about a new diplogame. If we can get Ozzy in on this too we'd already have six guys out of who has posted here, with DD available as a sub.

                  I say we round up Ras, Frank, and maybe a couple more people as an opening pool of diplogamers.

                  We should figure out what tribe everyone wants to be, what rules we want to use, and most importantly what day/time to do this. Tuesday, and Friday nights are good for me, I live in the EST time zone in the United States, and would prefer to start around six or so, I'd have to check what time that would be for various parts of the world though.
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • #10
                    Last evening, whilst I was preparing for slumber I was...

                    Wait a minute, sorry, I thought I was Flyboy for a second there, I gotta stop smoking that tweed.

                    Anyway, I just wanted to post the link to the Diplogame FAQ for Kuno, Lz, and FlyBoy to read so they can familiarize themselves with the Diplogame play-style. I think they'll find that it is not very limited, and there are many avenues you can pursue as a diplogamer.

                    That link is HERE.

                    If you are new to diplogames, or haven't even really played in one yet you should check out this thread for a few reasons; (1) it has a list of suggestions and rules that have been compiled by the greater diplogaming community, with a great job done by CapTVK and Ozzy as far as getting different perspectives in there, (2) you may realize as you read that this is NOT the style for you, and it would be better that this happens before the game rather than during the game because they take a while and you have to be dedicated to finishing, and (3) if you look at the bottom of the FAQ there is a list of games that have been played before, I HEAVILY SUGGEST you check out HOTW2 including the website and the archive on the website including all of the threads listed there. HOTW2 was, and is still, the greatest diplogame played (I am a little biased becuase I was in it) and is an amazing example of what could happen if these games are done well with the right cast of players.

                    Alright, and again, I know the only way you guys will really see this is if you actually check this thread. I also understand that a lot of us in the diplogame community have become very disenchanted with what has been going on so far, but I ask you guys to just bear with me and try to make it work this time.

                    Civ IV is primed for diplogaming, like no other Civilization before it has been and it is time for the diplogamers to take this opportunity to really make this thing work out well and finally accomplish what we all set out to when we join these types of games.

                    So what I am asking from the veterans who read this is to please respond and show your support, we need to know who is down and what tribes they'd like to be so we can start figuring this thing out. This is the time for discussion; Earth map or not? Size of the map? Speed of the game? Tribes? Do we leave a continent open for colonization? What other rules?

                    I mean all of these things require effort and discussion to make sure the game runs smoothly. So please, even if you don't think you can play but have experience in diplogames let's hear your ideas.

                    I also strongly urge the aspiring diplogamers, Lz, Kuno and FlyBoy to contact me directly via E-Mail or AIM, you can e-mail me at, or AIM me at LBPBUMOUT. If you can't reach me like that please talk to me here in the threads, I don't mean to toot my own horn but I know a thing or two about diplogames and would love to help you guys get accustomed to these games.
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #11
                      Personally I like going for the slowest speed possible; i.e. Marathon. Hey, it's more epic than Epic, so

                      And I'll reserve my choice of tribes until we settle the Earth-or-not-Earth question.


                      • #12
                        Capo thanks for replying to me. I've already got icq and aim.

                        Breif intro:
                        I'm Daniel Chace, 29 live in Olympia, Wa. Origonally from Houston, Tx
                        Work as a waiter at a local resturant and able to move my schedule aroung gaming which I want to spend more time on.

                        Yall can find me online

                        aim buttbutt21a1a

                        icq 59-837-103

                        yahoo: flyboy21a

                        Ive read all the previos posts and though some of HOTW2. Impressive game to say the least. I've dreamed this game before, i cant wai't to be involved in one...Great minds think alike...

                        I am up for an Epic or Marathon game, earth based with geo specific leaders, or non-earth based so there's an air of randomness to the game.

                        I've allready come up with scrits for my leader and traits for my civ, ideas abound.

                        what y'all think huh?

                        lol im soo texan
                        Take it easy or take it hard either way life is gonna dish it out to ya...


                        • #13
                          i can play most evenings, but not nights.

                          i have early morning lectures the day after sundays, tuesdays and thursdays so those nights are bad for me if it gets late. (preferably not later than 23:00 GMT)

                          most other days are good.

                          as for map and such... anything where I can build a mighty navy and rule the ocean sea!

                          are we gonna use msn? my address is
                          you can also mail me on this address, but I discourage it as I have abandoned this hopeless mail client. instead, get in touch with me at:

                          johnftonnessen at gmail dot com

                          how many hours will we play once we get started? 2? 4? 10 ?

                          anyway. I would prefer a non-earth map, but OTOH earth map would suit me fine as well. also, will it be a simultaneous turn game or non-sim? sim goes faster, but then again, that isnt exactly the point... however, war is more dynamic in simultaneous turn style games which allows IMHO for slightly more realism in warfare.
                          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                          • #14

                            First thing I'd like to say to the three of you is thank you; I know it sounds lame, but I'm very proud of our diplogames and am also very excited to see a few new people involved in these games, I don't think the "diplogamer" roster has seen any rookies in a while.

                            With that said I am also happy that at least one of you checked out the FAQ, its a big deal to us and took a lot of effort so again, if you haven't read it please do so, the link is available in one of my last posts.

                            As far as play times go, I think we'd do best to discuss that after we've figured out what type of game we are going to play, I'd also like to get some of the vets involved here, and that should be up to me since you guys don't know them too well.

                            Also; I wasn't even aware there was a marathon setting, that bodes well for us and we should probably play on that mode.

                            As far as whether we play on Earth or not, we PROBABLY will because it makes it easier for everyone to know what area of the world a player is talking about when they make their posts. Earth isn't necessarily the only way to play, but since this WILL BE the first solid diplogame on Civ IV I think we should start on Earth. I would LIKE to be Spain in this game, or Rome, but probably Spain.

                            As far as duration of sessions; well we were working with a three hour session in our last game, but it normally went to four hours. So expect to play about three or four hours per session.

                            As far as simulturns or non-simulturns, I think we should PROBABLY go with simulturns, only because it speeds up the waiting time between turns. Later on in the game you'll know why its better to play simulturns. BUT in the case of war it would be better to play non-simulturns, so this is another issue the diplogaming community has yet to address.

                            LzPrs, I am not very familiar with GMT because I am American and we don't learn things about other people in our country ( ) so I'm going to figure out your schedule in US terms then I'll let you know what the best day for you will be.

                            Kuno, I need to know where you live so I can synchronize our availability here.

                            In the meantime I'll get some vets involved so you guys can learn a thing or two about diplogames.

                            Thanks again for your interest, stay in touch.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #15
                              OK - I have had a change of heart seeing that there actually might be a group of dedicated players. If I am still welcome and there is room please let me in. While I am not the best writer or story teller - I hope not to be the worst.

                              I havn't seen the map but assume it is fair. I would like to play the Chinese if that already isnt spoken for.

                              I also have a suggestion for etiquette in Sim Moves as it pertains to war. These are the rules we used in the Civ II league and it seemed to be the fairest.

                              After meeting you must declare war if you intend to attack.

                              The turn after the declaration no one can attack. (i.e ther is a one turn buffer)

                              The turn after that - attacks proceed in non-sim turn order (i.e. the order that would have happened if there had not been sim turns)

                              Every turn after that proceeds in that order until both sides agree to a peace or cease fire

                              In the meantime, everyone else still moves sim turns and waits around for the warmongers. Believe it or not, that adds a little extra pressure for the people at war to settle thier dispute.

                              Any ways its just a suggestion.

                              My availability would be: (All times USA EST)

                              Mon-Fri 8pm - 2am
                              Sat-Sun Noon -2am

                              Fri Sat and Sun are negotiable

