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Attention All Diplogamers!

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  • #46
    As I stated earlier:

    My availability would be: (All times USA EST)

    Mon-Fri 8pm - 2am
    Sat-Sun Noon -2am

    There fore the two times proposed (16:30 Frin or 7:00 Sat) don't work for me.

    16:30 Sat is fine with me but I'd like to hear a little more from Capo, Deity, Ozzy et al.

    Also, I believe that since some people have trouble connecting thru Gamespy, that in the past the games were played by IP.


    • #47
      12:00 my time doesn't work for me neither. (LzPrst 's suggestion)
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • #48
        Originally posted by deity
        If the time fits I'm always up for a diplo game.

        I'm GMT + 11 = Australia EDT

        I'd like Victoria with the Exp/Fin traits starting in Britain of course! But keep any Euro player a little away, unless we use a huge map (which I'd love to do sometime!!)
        I think the bigger the map the better - especially with this many people


        • #49
          I'll be away untill 22.30 GMT+1
          then I'll return and see if we start a game or not.

          that's according to my scheme I made a couple of posts ago.
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #50
            Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah...

            Everyone chill a bit.

            We're getting a little too far ahead of ourselves. I can't even play this Friday because I am working. But I am off Fridays normally so I can do Fridays. Now; if the only way to get this to work is to play in the afternoon I will.

            But I really discourage anyone from getting ahead of themselves and starting this game before everyone knows what is going on and everyone has their tribe selected. I know we want to start, everyone does, but last time we did this (the last two times actually) the games collapsed.

            I think we should start this next week, it will give us a week to iron out the issues we need to resolve, also we would need to make a map for the game if we are playing on Earth with the tribes set up in advance, so we would need a week to do that anyway.

            But so everyone can have the tribe they want I suggest we play on a Terra map, that way we can have multiple Europeans (because it looks like we have Spain, Germany and England with a possibility of a Russian tribe).

            So I would vote for Terra, I would say the difficulty doesn't matter but I would go with Noble, I would go with Marathon, I don't thinkn war should be turn-based and I think the sea-level should just stay at its normal setting.

            That's what I think, again, thanks to everyone this is going VERY well so far.
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • #51
              I too vote for terra. Noble. Marathon. No turnbased war. Normal sea level. Normal map size.

              (remember that Terra maps are EXTRA large by design, larger than normal will be too much, I am confident of this)

              mostly in agreement with The Capo it seems...

              next week then. probably good to take a few days to get everyone ready. It seems that not everyone checks this forum every two hours... :$
              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


              • #52
                I can't make next weekend during the day on Saturday, nor any time on Sunday (superbowl).

                I vote for earth map (but could go along with terra if i'm outvoted), size should be small enough for us all to be rubbing elbows. I haven't played enough terra maps to know what that is.


                Turn based combat with the aggressor going first

                No 1-turn break

                I guess I'll pick a civ last.
                Last edited by OzzyKP; January 27, 2006, 16:19.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • #53
                  Re: Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah...

                  Originally posted by The Capo
                  Everyone chill a bit.

                  We're getting a little too far ahead of ourselves.
                  I agree. This thing suddenly took off at the speed of light.

                  Like Ozzy, next week is bad for me - I might be able to play on Sat - Sunday is a definite no-no. (Super Bowl Party at my house).

                  I also like ironing out the details in here, before the game, instead of in the staging room. Could we post a poll for each issue. Maybe 1 issue per day. We could just vote in here but sometimes it seems to get off topic or hard to grasp. We could just as well use apoly's poll system as a method of tabulating the different issues one at a time. It just seems a little unruly when everyone lists 6 or 7 different choices at once then someone else starts talking about time zones, etc.

                  I propose we do a poll amongst players for map size, difficulty level, barbs, speed - and whatever else can be decided by vote. More complex issues, such as choice of civs or the complexities of combat, may just have to be discussed.

                  Anyways while this game may have started off a little too eager - that is definitely better than a lack of interest.


                  • #54
                    the problem with a poll is that anyone can vote in it, and we won't know if it is us who voted, or just someone who couldn't leave the topic without voting.

                    Can you guys play next week friday evening (americans)?
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • #55
                      Depends on the time... I have to get up early on Saturday though, so nothing late. Which probably means no.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #56
                        The time scheme I posted earlier?
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • #57

                          Alright, since we have players literally accross the globe in this game it is going to be difficult to pick a good time to start. I can play basically ANYTIME on Tuesday, I can play basically ANYTIME on Friday, and I can play basically anytime on Sunday.

                          But not Sunday the 5th, that is the SuperBowl and I can't play that day, it would be un-American of me.

                          With that said Tuesday would be the best day for me, I can play anytime on Tuesday. But since we have an international cast I think Friday would work best because it is the begining of the weekend and can be easily manipulated to fit in others.

                          If we decide to play on Tuesday we should wait until the Tuesday AFTER this coming Tuesday in order to iron out all of the particulars. If we decide on Friday we should play this coming Friday. If we decide Sunday, we should play on Feb 12th because I'm not missing the SuperBowl. I can generally play at any time, but since I work late (I am a bartender) I would prefer that the time in the US is closer to noon rather than in the early morning (sometimes I don't get off of work until 2am) and this pertains only to Sundays really, if we played Fridays I could probably get up around 8am to play, so here would be my availability I guess;

                          Tuesday 8am - 12am(Wed) (GMT -5)
                          Friday 1pm - 1am (I have class so I can't play earlier)
                          Sunday 12pm - 12am

                          So that's what I'm toying with right now, i would prefer Tuesday but I understand that it may be hard for us to work out because people have to work during the day.

                          Well those are my thoughts, again I think I already posted the settings I would like.
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #58
                            BY THE WAY

                            Those are times when I can start, I am willing to go over those time-frames, so if we had to start at 12am I can start then and keep playing.

                            Hope that makes sense.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #59
                              My availability would be: (All times USA EST)

                              Mon-Fri 8pm - 1am
                              Sat-Sun Noon -2am

                              Combining mine and Capo we come up with

                              Tues 8pm 1am
                              Fri 8pm-1am
                              Sun noon-1am

                              (time US EST)

                              I wont be avaiilable Feb 3 - Feb 5


                              • #60
                                wow, well I missed out friday and saturday. I had to finish my work schedule. I am in line to be able to play at your hours Capo this comming week. I agree on the superbowl thing, I cannot play that day either, I acutally HAVE to work that day, no regards to getting off for any reason...

                                I can play tuesday at those times. I am going to have off Sundays starting after the superbowl. and friday nights i can play after 10 pm but i can play ALL night long.

                                or if you want to move play time earlier friday i can be off friday nights completely and play all evening

                                so i have the same availability as stated previously by yall

                                Take it easy or take it hard either way life is gonna dish it out to ya...

