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Attention All Diplogamers!
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Great session on Friday everyone!
I'm a bit bothered that we didn't hear from Nico, hopefully he's okay. The time has come again to make sure we know everyone's going to be show up, so I think we should all confirm whether or not we are playing and I again will confirm that I am playing.
So anyone need a sub or what?"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
I'm just looking at the save of HOTWV and am a bit puzzled as to how all/most of the techs seem to get around to everyone despite stated intentions to aim at a tech bloc situation - which I hoped would be the answer to the problem where tech advantage is dissipated by all civs trading with each other. All this means is what the diplo vets have been saying all along. Ban tech trading!
But I'd prefer keep it as part of the diplo genre where only published alliances can trade techs.
I stepped over this boundary for one tech when I called in a debt owing to my English civ but I'd prefer have a hard and fast rule on this - ie only alliances can tech trade. I know, you all want to wait for HOTW7 before implementing changes, but... the problem is still there.
The other situation I propose, where I believe techs can be gifted or traded, is where terms of war/peace are being negotiated.Last edited by deity; May 1, 2006, 05:44."Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
"No Tech Trade fobia" - get rid of it
Well, you can learn from HOTW6 which is currently under way.
We have turned off tech trade, and I am very satisfied with the game,
even if I am far behind everyone on the tech side.
Trading units, managing the economy, open boarders, resources etc.
become MUCH more important, and this is Good for the game!
I would suggest that anyone who hasn't tried no tech trade, try next time!
- OmnipotentTrout of the English (HOTW6)
Originally posted by LzPrst
another problem with NTT is that weaker civs cant cooperate to get ahead...
problem is of course, where do you draw the line for a longterm ally? one session? several sessions? the entire game? what if some consider the treshold for long term alliance lower than others? what if some people decide to not adhere to this if they consider the tech to be unimportant? and so forth and so on...
I think either a mod or a clear and measurable restriction would be the way to go.
I think no tech trade worked fine! I'm lagging behind, but I can trade for the units I need or just go with the flow.
In RL there are just a few countries with the latest tech.. many countries lagg behind, but they still play a part!
No Tech Trade is a good solution since we don't have a functioning Mod, and just talking of a Utopian mod won't make one
Vive la Pragmatica!
- Omni
Ok, first of all sorry guys...and thanks for worrying.
Last friday afternoon I had to leave town unexpectedly for what you could call personal reasons. A close family friend (kind of like an uncle to me) had to be taken to emergency and ... blah blah ... in the end, he has cancer of the bladder.
So I'm ok, just not very happy at the moment, but I'm back at home"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war" - Albert Einstein
Eternal Ruler of the Incan Empire in the History of The World 5 Diplomacy Game. The Diplogame HotW 6 is being set up.
Citizen of the Civ4 Single Player Democracy Game JOIN US!
Wanna play some PBEMs!?
That sucks Nicoda, I hope he/she gets well, I've lost a couple relatives to cancer, but their cases were pretty bad and they lived for a very long time after being diagnosed.
But back to the game...
I see a few problems with the tech trading issue. The first is the "you can only trade if allied" plan, which is an unfair thing to do because not all countries are allied. How do you enforce it anyway? What about a secret alliance? What if you make a simple trade agreement? Could that be considered an alliance?
Not to mention the inherent unfairness in the alliance you claim to be part of, which includes five countries, and the one I am actually in which includes ONE; mine.
If you aren't going to allow tech trading you have to do it accross the board, if you are going to allow it then people are going to trade technologies. My nation is very large and hard to maintain, so sometimes I have to rely on trading techs when money is tight. I think the bigger issue we should be discussing is why techs are being traded. Obviously the big alliances in the game (English/Inca/Germany and India/Russia/China) seem to be the ones that produce the technology, if they are also the ones giving it away who's really to blame for it?
I mean, is it that out of control right now? Are we THAT far ahead of the year? Islam was founded in 1010 ad, in real life it was around 500 ad (if I am not mistaken), is the situation really that bad?"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
To Clear the air....
Just to clear the air it seems we have the following players confirmed so far;
Others who seem to be playing, but didn't actually say they were confirmed are;
So it seems the French player, Dragon, may be absent, I dont' want to make any assumptions but it seems that he wasn't very satisfied with his situation last time. So I don't know if we can expect him, I suggest we ask if Dangime can sub if we need him, or Schtix again if possible.
So let's get on this."Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.