What's worked for me (altho I still get the odd freeze when I run out of patience and try to give conflicting commands) is to disable anything that's not needed for the game - disconnecting from the 'net ('cos you'll be vulnerable if anti-spyware and virus protections are disabled)
Even to the extent of ceasing any processes that look like they may vie for system resources (eg I forgot that i had a scheduled virus scan this evening and it came in about turn 100 of a game - froze it completely and i had to power off)
I'm pretty much at the minimum specs:
512 memory
nVidia GeForce 6800 at 128
MS Soundmax digital audio (maybe I need a new sound card to go with my spanking new video - but I really haven't been having sound problems at all)
Even to the extent of ceasing any processes that look like they may vie for system resources (eg I forgot that i had a scheduled virus scan this evening and it came in about turn 100 of a game - froze it completely and i had to power off)
I'm pretty much at the minimum specs:
512 memory
nVidia GeForce 6800 at 128
MS Soundmax digital audio (maybe I need a new sound card to go with my spanking new video - but I really haven't been having sound problems at all)