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Fallout 3

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  • The hunting rifle and assault rifles have better zoom than the pistols do. I picked up a sniper rifle tonight, it's got quite a lot of zoom to it. The sawed off and combat shotguns have almost no zoom at all.
    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


    • Well, according to Can You Run It?, I can not. ****ty video card, and not enough memory. Everything else meets requirements, but far short of recommendations. So, after about 5.5 years or so, I think it's time to get a new desktop.

      I'd like to get something that'll last as long as my current computer has... any suggestions for computers, where to order from, etc? Obviously, I'd like to spend as little green as possible... I didn't even get a new monitor for last computer, still using a 19" CRT from two computers ago.
      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


      • So get the 360 version?
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • Well, yeah, but at some point I'm gonna need a new computer to run something that won't be on the 360. Plus, I'm sure I'll want some download/mods and whatnot.
          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


          • Originally posted by Guynemer
            Well, according to Can You Run It?, I can not. ****ty video card, and not enough memory. Everything else meets requirements, but far short of recommendations. So, after about 5.5 years or so, I think it's time to get a new desktop.

            I'd like to get something that'll last as long as my current computer has... any suggestions for computers, where to order from, etc? Obviously, I'd like to spend as little green as possible... I didn't even get a new monitor for last computer, still using a 19" CRT from two computers ago.
            What's your budget, are you willing to build it yourself or do you want a brand name computer, etc. ...
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • Originally posted by Quillan
              The hunting rifle and assault rifles have better zoom than the pistols do. I picked up a sniper rifle tonight, it's got quite a lot of zoom to it. The sawed off and combat shotguns have almost no zoom at all.
              I would've picked up a sniper rifle at the end of the day yesterday, except I think the ****ing game destroys corpses if you save and then later load.


              I killed Arkansas, presumably the same things you did, THEN saved, and went over to get his body when ... I blew up a land mine and died.

              Reload ... no body as far as I can tell. It's obviously sort of hard to see, and I can't remember exactly where he was, but I don't see it anywhere. ****. Pisses me off because I'm the type to prefer sniping as a game style, and from what I've read online you don't get another chance at a sniper rifle until much much later in the game.

              I could reload to the last autosave, but it was a while back.

              I've also had zero luck with picking up mines. I can't even figure out exactly how you're supposed to do it - it's not in the manual, as far as I can tell. I've seen two suggestions - left click, or 'e'. Neither do anything for me. 'Z' doesn't do anything either, which surprised me.
              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • It's E, twice. Did you ever play Deus Ex? It's basically the same procedure as disarming LAMS, with a different keystroke. When you get close enough to the mine, it activates. You've got a second or two to "use" it with the E key while the reticle is over it, which disarms it. Using it again picks it up. I harvested a couple of dozen frag mines in Minefield. I found it much easier to do it while "sneaking", because the slower movement and lower point-of-view while crouching prevent me from running over them without seeing them.

                You could always try manually reloading an earlier save. F9 just loads the quicksave, even if you have a manual or autosave that's from a later time.

                And yes, that's where I got the sniper rifle. It was in really bad shape. Since I figured it might be an extended period of time before I found another one to use for parts, I paid Moira in Megaton several hundred caps to repair it. It's really ammo limited, too. I'll still be using the hunting or assault rifles more.

                And as to where he is:

                If you're coming in the main road to Minefield, there's a spot where the road is all buckled up into rubble near a ruined building. Cross the rubble into the building, being careful of a few more frag mines on the ground floor, and climb the stairs up. He's on the third level, near 4 ammo cans, one of which is locked. If the body isn't there, it's gone.
                Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                • Originally posted by Quillan
                  It's E, twice. Did you ever play Deus Ex? It's basically the same procedure as disarming LAMS, with a different keystroke. When you get close enough to the mine, it activates. You've got a second or two to "use" it with the E key while the reticle is over it, which disarms it. Using it again picks it up. I harvested a couple of dozen frag mines in Minefield. I found it much easier to do it while "sneaking", because the slower movement and lower point-of-view while crouching prevent me from running over them without seeing them.

                  You could always try manually reloading an earlier save. F9 just loads the quicksave, even if you have a manual or autosave that's from a later time.

                  And yes, that's where I got the sniper rifle. It was in really bad shape. Since I figured it might be an extended period of time before I found another one to use for parts, I paid Moira in Megaton several hundred caps to repair it. It's really ammo limited, too. I'll still be using the hunting or assault rifles more.

                  And as to where he is:
                  No, I didn't play Deus Ex much. I'd think that should be in the manual Thanks I did have an earlier save, but it was like an hour earlier (I didn't travel to there, I walked manually - this is pretty early in the game, maybe 2 hours after leaving the vault at most.)


                  So are you saying it doesn't matter if I can't find the dead body of Arkansas after I shot him, I can actually go find a body that has the rifle on it that is not directly related to him?
                  <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                  I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                  • No, I'm not saying that. I was giving you directions to his perch. In the event that the body was there but you missed it (I had the same problem you did, in that I couldn't tell exactly where he was because of distractions like clearing all the mines between where I was when I shot him in the head and the stairs), I'm telling you where to look. It's possible the body didn't vanish with the loaded save, you just might have been in the wrong place. If you found the ammo cans and there's no body there (or below it where it could have fallen off), then it vanished.
                    Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                    • I'm not such a big fan of the sniper rifle. It's slower to use in VATS than the other weapons, ammo is expensive, and it's not that much of an improvement in range and power. The only real use I have for it is using the scope on the wasteland to help with scouting. If you really just want to try it out there are a couple other places to get sniper rifles without too much trouble. I'll give them in order that I found them.

                      Tenpenny Tower. Go up top and kill the owner. Good Karma, and a sniper rifle!

                      Dickerson Chapel (I think that's what it's called). Go Northwest of Minefield, and you'll come across a church. A drifter inside has a custom version of the sniper rifle. He gave me some trouble when I stumbled across him, but he's killable. In real life Dickerson is a small town about fifteen minutes north of where I live, and it's another cool little thing to find in the game.
                      John Brown did nothing wrong.


                      • Well, I eventually found his body, or at least something that gave me the rifle and was labeled as his body.

                        It wasn't anywhere near where I killed him (which wasn't in the location you identified, Quillan - he had moved down by the time we got head to head).

                        Very, very odd... but it worked out in the end.

                        Felch, I assume you found Germantown in the game? I recognized that from your location field
                        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                        • Have any of you stumbled across Vault 112 in the game?
                          Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                          • Do Shops have opening hours or am i simply unable to find the correct entrance to Craterside supplies?

                            This Town drives me mad, i think i'll blow it up =)
                            Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                            • Originally posted by snoopy369
                              Felch, I assume you found Germantown in the game? I recognized that from your location field
                              Hell yeah! And the Northwest Seneca metro is named after my old high school Seneca Valley, and our football rival, Northwest. Bethesda was kind enough to throw in quite of few of these little treats.
                              John Brown did nothing wrong.


                              • Is Rockville in? If it is, I would assume you can find bethesda's headquarters?

