Originally posted by Nikolai
Yeah, because if other people isn't as angry and hateful at heart as you are, they must be insincere or idiots.
Yeah, because if other people isn't as angry and hateful at heart as you are, they must be insincere or idiots.
If you weren't so self-righteous and full of it Asher, you might had seen that people are different. Some actually doesn't go around spitting acid whereever they go. Some people just are nice. I'm not sure if I fit that completely, I have my issues as most people do. But I think it's safe to say I'm more balanced than you. And no, I'm not false. It might be hard for you to grasp, but people different than you isn't by default false and evil and what not. Just...different than you.
I can and am nice when the situation calls for it or if I genuinely like people. Unlike you, I've got higher standards.