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  • I remember when it was possible to get behind the Auctioneers in Orgrimmar.

    One of my favorite dumb tricks was climbing in there then starting a camp fire (they probably disabled indoor fires at some point). One time I had 3 others in there too and we sat around the camp fire. I also wielded my fish and did some cooking, and I think we chucked the hunter's pet on the fire. It was like our own little surrealist theater with a captive audience! The choobs outside were either like "ignore them" or "OMFG HOW DO YOU GET IN THERE!".

    I was sad when they fixed that.


    • finally got my pally to 40. First character to use plate. Just couldn't find any plate for legs or shoulder spot.

      She looks like a slut with this plate I had waiting for her. Who wears a plate halter top? . She should wear a shirt underneath, I can't imagine the chafing plate does to her beautiful skin . But there's a reason all my female chars don't wear shirts or tabards. To show of their bods. Though a few of my males don't wear shirts either. Must be my homosexual side there.

      But we all know blood elves were put in as eye candy for the horde. I even seen a BE character named eyecandy. probably the hottest females in the game, even though they look a bit anorexic.

      Speaking of names I finally checked out this armory site. Kind of creepy all this personal info about your characters are online for everyone to see. I don't like that, but what can you do.

      And I find out names that I thought were original weren't so original . My rogue is named lizbathory. Turns out there are 4 pages of lizbathorys on different serviers. I even found like 5 or so entries for abacinate. That was a word I had to look up from slayer lyrics. I do have 2 characters who have completely original names. Gorgothok and Grogothic. Other char names are bloodtongue, raining blood, crimsontears, vixena, chillum (surprised how many chillums there were), Ensiferum (quite a few of these as well), and Baphometa (can't believe how many of these were- I thought it was original to put an a at the end- as she's female).

      And those boots she is wearing are epic boots. The first purple epic that has ever dropped for me. Dropped for my warlock in hinterlands. I should have sold it though. They are more tanking boots. But it should mitigate a lot of her damage she takes when solo quest grinding.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Dis; August 27, 2007, 17:57.


      • I am thinking I should quit again, haven't played for a couple of weeks.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • Always sell BoE purples unless you are at your end game.

          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • Originally posted by Dis
            finally got my pally to 40. First character to use plate. Just couldn't find any plate for legs or shoulder spot.

            She looks like a slut with this plate I had waiting for her. Who wears a plate halter top? . She should wear a shirt underneath, I can't imagine the chafing plate does to her beautiful skin . But there's a reason all my female chars don't wear shirts or tabards. To show of their bods. Though a few of my males don't wear shirts either. Must be my homosexual side there.
            My male characters wore dresses.

            I even farmed Spider Web Robes for one of my characters (I suspect female troll rogue). Also Dalaran Wizard Robes, these are low level items but look ultra sexy!

            I think my favorite robe was Robe of Evocation which is dropped by a Ragefire Chasm boss. I rolled for it on my Male Troll Warrior (with consent from the party) and tanked most of Wailing Caverns in it (with begrudging consent from the healer).

            I think I loved rolling alts mostly to do dumb **** like that.
            Side note: If I could have dressed my female toons like men, I'm pretty sure I would have!

            I also had a "No crap armor" policy. If the best item for a lot provided no real stat bonus, and didn't look cool, my toons went naked.

            Oh another very funny low level mini-game I played was taking a toon, at lvl10 or below, and running to the OTHER factions lowbie areas and then leveling up there (on a PvP server of course for extra asshattery). The Ironman version involved doing it at lvl1 and never visiting a trainer! So you'd have this half naked anemic toon trying to survive in highly hostile areas. They got remarkably little sympathy mercy, I think that mercy killings were more the order of the day!

            Speaking of lowbies. I remember hunting nightelves in Moonglade with my lvl60 Tauren Druid. My favorite thing to do was just play with them, usually letting them live.
            Although pounce was funny. Pounce stuns and adds a dott, so they'd be first stunned, then they'd crawl off and die if they didn't have enough health. Sometimes they'd heal themselves so I could pounce them again. Ravage was good too, because on a certain victim-level range, if it critted they died, and otherwise they lived. It was ravage roulette! So they'd either die instantly (which is funny) or freak out (which is funny).

            Another evil druid tactic was using lvl1 moonfire / moonspam on lowbies to panic them, they'd be like "OH **** SKULL PLAYER ATTACKING ME!", then "WTF I'm alive?".

            One of the most hilarious moonglade encounters was when a low level tauren druid (~25ish) got attacked by a couple of similar level nightelf druids. Bemused, I started chain-healing the tauren druid so his health barely budged. The nightelves kept attacking! You'd think they'd lay off when a skull player gets involved in a "non-aggressive" manner. After a few moments of this, I punitively moonfired both nightelves and they ran off and died.

            BTW: I spent quite a lot of time in Moonglade fishing, so I wasn't JUST there to torment lowbies, that was just a hobby.


            • ugh my priest got flagged somehow. I think it was the defiase messenger quests where you have to pummel some guy in old city Strormwind. I think that flagged me.

              anyways I'm poor, so I take the tram always. This flagged druid buffs me (though he may have flagged because he buffed me- not sure if he was flagged before). So I buff him. I think even though he is alliance he was working in conjunction with a troll rogue in the tram. See below why. I think he buffs people to get them to buff him so they flag.

              I get an emote about someone flirting with my female priest. I don't see that person. Don't think nothing of it. Then the night elf druid and one guy start doing the /mourn emote. Wasn't sure why until the troll rogue unstealthed. He was probably 70. I knew I was a goner. He waited till I was near the transition to ironforge before he killed me. The worst part was my body was in Elywyn forest!! At the eastern furthest part by the logging camp. That would have been a log walk. but the druid res'd me. So that's why I think he was working with the rogue. I res'd right by the portal thingy. I waited a second, but I saw the rogue throw or shoot something at me. Not sure what it was, but I delved into the safety of ironforge at that point. So I was saved a long walk.

              That's just cold to make someone walk that far. Not sure if I will do it on my troll rogue when I'm higher. But I probably will . Have to wait for someone flagged to come in though.

              Anyways I'm thinking of putting enchanting on hold for my priest. Too expensive. I thought I was up for the challenge. But it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have 2 silver to my name and still several enchants from the trainer I can't afford to purchase. I'm level 32 now. I did find a level 15 twink item. I think they are twink. Magefist gloves (or were they shoulders?). They haven't sold yet though. .

              My dranei warrior wasn't donig much better. She usually hovered around 8 to 10 gold. I haven't even tried tanking with her as some of her equipment is level 20's stuff. In those camps in the northeastern part of Stranglethorn Vale (these are alliance quests only- never knew these camps even existed until yesterday) 2 blues drop. I even thought about equipping them (I even thought about equipping the magefist shoulders above). Then I thought twice and looked it up on thotbot. Both were twink items. One was a level 29 wand, the other was a mail helm. Got about 90 gold selling those 2 items. Warrior is 37 and can afford a mount now!!! I have 93 gold now. I should get some more by then so I can afford new skills and hopefully some plate.
              Last edited by Dis; August 28, 2007, 07:17.


              • finally got vent. helping 2 girls guildies through zul furok and they insisted I get it. Too lazy to type . So I can confirm there are actually women who play this game. haha. I just have to laugh when they talk about starting school in 2 days. And I feel really old. I couldn't figure out how to get it working, turns out I downloaded the wrong thing. They must have thought I was some old **** who can't work computers.

                Actually the 67 mage did most of the work, I did all the healing.


                • big push with my shaman to get up to 70 (he's 60 now). the guildmaster is trying to get enough people for kara. First guild I've been in that was interested in end game content/raids. I want to be a part of it. But I'm not sure if I fit in. I get frustrated with my inability to make friends and contacts. Though many of the higher ups in the guild know each other in real life (cousins/sisters/friends). That's the guild I got vent on now.

                  I'm trying to be a part of the group, and hope as a healer I can participate in kara runs. But I'm becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of shaman gear. Though there is good elemental and resto shaman armor dropping in hellfire. But I still can't find a mace . I'm using a level 50 mace in my off hand, and a 56 blue one in my main.

                  I'm thinking about converting elemental/resto until 70. Put a shield in my off hand.

                  Seems like I'm getting my ass kicked in outlands so far. Though I may be doing better than my hunter. But I"m also a higher level as I waited until 60 before heading there. I knew it would be hard. the northern part of eastern plaguelands was hard too. Same with silithis. it will be hard solo questing in outlands as a shammy I think. Very easy with a hunter though.

                  Another problem with the guild is there are several 70's, so I'm trying to catch up so I can do end game stuff with them. But it's hard work. There are several in the 60's that quest together, but I'm not sure if they like me enough to invite me to quest with them.

                  If I can't get in with the group, I'll drop the guild and go guildless. I'm tired of guilds. My priest guild was crap. Bunch of immature punks. I like to play around sometimes too, but I just don't fit in there. I don't fit in anywhere. The main reason I liked being in guilds as I thought it would help me find groups to run instances. Army of Darkness (my shaman's guild) has been the best, as I've ran a few instances. Though they aren't "real" runs as I had high levels doing all the dps.

                  And my priest has the worst luck with pugs. Had a druid tanking in cat form in gnomer. Sure he was 37, but he still required alot of healing. Mage aoe'ing everything required constant flash heals. Amazingly I didn't run out of mana. Flash heals on mage, full heals on druid (i figured if full heal wasn't fast enough, I"d let him die- I have to worry about mana efficiency). I can kind of understand why the druid was in cat, as we lacked serious dps. But it still bothers me. He dropped out anyways, party started falling apart, and my internet connection is acting up again now it's night time.


                  • Just did one of the most fun quests I've encountered - a flying bombing run! The quest is Mission: The Abyssal Shelf, which is midway through a very long chain, but totally worth doing.

                    I'm having a blast in Outlands: dodging Fel Reavers, getting real loot, huge xp, and so far decent quests.


                    • yeah that bombing quest is real fun.

                      So tell me about battlegrounds pvp. How does it work? I was thinking about just doing it with my healers and heal people. Maybe try to kill them if they target me. But would I get any credit for kills that way? Maybe as a preist I'll lay SWP on them if I have to.

                      I like to heal. I suck at one on one pvp. My druid has been most successful at that, but druids aren't exactly strong pvp class. Where I really struggle with is movement limitations.

                      duelled a hunter with my enh shammie. He tore my ass up. I was embarrassed he was still at 56%. He hit me with pet intimidation 3 sec stun right there. Then I got stunned again. Not sure what that was, scattershot maybe (my hunter doesn't have ss). How can I beat him when I'm stunned for 5 seconds?

                      But I like to heal. Question is if I can get some good gear without logging thousands of hours in bg's. or is it more efficient to run instances. But other than 10 (and greater0 man raids, it's something I haven't done in this game yet. That and arenas. Arenas seem a little too cuthroat. Battlegrounds interest me a little more.

                      assuming my internet connection holds up lol. it was working good for a month, now it's acting up again. My ISP is trying to tell me I play too my wow.


                      • Battlegrounds are fun for a while. Except I am sick of my paladin so I haven't even logged into wow for days now. I was trying to level up a mage for pvp only, but I just can't take it.

                        Warsong gulch BG: 10 horde vs. 10 alliance. A flag at each camp. You have to steal it and run it back to your camp without geting 2 shotted. I hate this one.

                        Arathi Basin: 15 vs. 15. 5 areas scattered arounf the field (a goldmine, farm, lumber mill etc..) that you have to capture. But you dont run the flag anywhere. As you capture each place, point start accumulating for the respective side. First side to 2000 points I think wins. The more places you control, the faster the points roll in. Was one of my favorites.

                        Alterac Valley: 40 vs. 40. I big long mish mosh that mixes pve into it. Basically you have kill the opposing NPC general while battling other npcs and real players along the way. The most honor is to be gained here usually.

                        Eye of the Storm in outland: basically Arathi basin in space. Completely uninspired.

                        I neve bothered with arenas.

                        You'll have to play quite a few games to get enough honor and marks for a full set of top pvp gear, but is it more efficient than high level instances?....who knows. Arena gear and weapons are supposed to be better than BG rewards though.

                        Although, I think some of the stats on the pvp sets are better for pvp than instance drops. So, if you plan to progress on to the end game dungeons, I don't think the pvp sets will help you as much as the progressive drops in dungeons. So, you'll have to get those anyway.

                        I'm going to quit until the the levelling curve is adjusted a bit though. Not much left for me since I don't raid.

                        and levelling another goofball to 70, then 80 is just a bit much for me.
                        Last edited by vee4473; September 8, 2007, 11:59.
                        While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                        • and yeah, you get credit for a kill if you're healing someone that makes the kill. I believe.
                          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                          • And this may seem a tad childish on my part, but the thing that irks me is that so many of the top level pvp sets all use the same models. I think there are 4 or 5 different sets for a paladin in terms of BG pvp gear to choose from, depending on what stats you want to take (plus spell damage and healing is one set, plus critical chance is another set etc...)

                            But they all look the same. Even the level 60 pvp set looks like the level 70 exactly.

                            Dumb concern I know, but for a game that seems to pride itself on flashy, goofy armor set models from tier to tier, this is odd.
                            While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                            • Originally posted by Dis

                              duelled a hunter with my enh shammie. He tore my ass up. I was embarrassed he was still at 56%. He hit me with pet intimidation 3 sec stun right there. Then I got stunned again. Not sure what that was, scattershot maybe (my hunter doesn't have ss). How can I beat him when I'm stunned for 5 seconds?
                              He's specced for PvP. There's not much you can do to beat him. Having been a hunter myself, the only time I would get beaten is if I was surprised (i.e. someone attacking me when I was busy killing someone else), or if lag made me misjudge the distances. He's either forgone the Beast Within, or he has improved Concussive Shot.

                              Just be glad that it isn't as bad as it was before Xmas. Hunters were gods then. Or be glad you weren't a cloth wearer when the BM tree got its big revamp a couple of years back.

                              The only disadvantage hunters have in duels is that the dueling area is quite small. If it was half as big again, no hunter would ever lose a duel.
                              Only feebs vote.


                              • PvP is something I have yet to try, either in dueling, arena or battleground. I doubt I would enjoy it or do well at it.

                                I remember one time in Ashenvale being asked "Are you going to WSG?" to which I responded "I don't even know what WSG is". I know what it is now, but not sure I am in any hurry to try it out.

                                I am now level 35 with my Druid, and kinda at a standstill. I have 25 quests, most of which are either group quests or dungeon quests (that I have trouble finding a group for).

                                I don't quest much with my Guild either because of online times or level differences but I am still happy to be a part of a guild, if only to exchange information/ask questions.

                                I've taken to hating elites, at level 35 I can easily lose to a level 28 elite and I think I should be able to take them without too much difficulty (and before you ask, yes I have now spent my talent points, all in Feral).

                                "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge

