Due to the costs involved(because of graphics+voice acting?) they have to make mainstream games to get as many people to buy it as possible. This all links in to the convergence of the games+movie industries. I guess what it says about society is that by big buisness the 'mainstream' market is considered pretty stupid, thus we get a 'dumbing' down of the products it produces because someone has decided 'we' can't handle a little complexity?
Who said people can't "handle" anything? It seems to me the common (& incorrect, IMO) retort is that they are playing to the stupid people. I see a lot of different races & classes to choose from in the beginning of the game. There are different ways to accomplish quests. All they did was got rid of the stuff that perhaps 5% of the potential audience would rather see. Not because they wanted to cater to 'stupid' people, but because they didn't wish to waste their time balancing something that most people wouldn't give a damn about doing.
It seems to be the common insult of the grognards that any streamlining is for stupid people's sake. I've heard the same complaint leveled at CivIV for streamlining certain things.
It's about time to think beyond the stereotypes and realize that various options or skills require far more testing and balancing and that takes time and money. Why have a 'medium armor' skill when it really just adds a layer of uncessary complexity, when you can have some distinctions just by using 'light' and 'heavy', which tends to make more sense considering the way you increase skills in these games.