DarkCloud (I think): I have read the Morganite history, and it seems fine.
Every chance I get, you can be sure I will be reminding all factions of my personal viewpoint that it is not the business of the Planetary Council to interfere with the internal affairs of factions. (You can imagine why Morgan would be wary of an Alliance member in the governor's seat because of their green ideology and his polluting industry-based economy.)
The Data Angels will be reminded to respect the will of the Planetary Council. Part of democracy is accepting the will of the people, even if it grates on us at times. They are also reminded that Morgan Industries is prepared to defend itself against any unilateral action.
To the Hive, the Spartans, and the Drones, I will be sending this message: The increased access to resources Morgan will gain should he be retained as Governor will allow him to set aside increased economic aid packages, possibly in advance. I would also like to tell Miriam and Dawn that satisfactory resolution of their situation would make us look much more favorably on increasing economic aid to both of them. Captain Svensgaard: You have a large merchant fleet, and I have some ports. Perhaps, should I be retained, I will possess the resources to increase and broaden co-operation.
I also agree with the on-vote-per-faction system. It will make the elections more interesting, and, like someone said, give more people the chance to run in the future.
P.S. I don't mean to nag, but I don't seem to have the map yet. I was wondering how it was coming along, and when it could be sent out? Thanks in advance.
Every chance I get, you can be sure I will be reminding all factions of my personal viewpoint that it is not the business of the Planetary Council to interfere with the internal affairs of factions. (You can imagine why Morgan would be wary of an Alliance member in the governor's seat because of their green ideology and his polluting industry-based economy.)
The Data Angels will be reminded to respect the will of the Planetary Council. Part of democracy is accepting the will of the people, even if it grates on us at times. They are also reminded that Morgan Industries is prepared to defend itself against any unilateral action.
To the Hive, the Spartans, and the Drones, I will be sending this message: The increased access to resources Morgan will gain should he be retained as Governor will allow him to set aside increased economic aid packages, possibly in advance. I would also like to tell Miriam and Dawn that satisfactory resolution of their situation would make us look much more favorably on increasing economic aid to both of them. Captain Svensgaard: You have a large merchant fleet, and I have some ports. Perhaps, should I be retained, I will possess the resources to increase and broaden co-operation.
I also agree with the on-vote-per-faction system. It will make the elections more interesting, and, like someone said, give more people the chance to run in the future.
P.S. I don't mean to nag, but I don't seem to have the map yet. I was wondering how it was coming along, and when it could be sent out? Thanks in advance.