Originally posted by Mr. President
As to business, let me just pose the question to all leaders as to who they want as Governor: a man with a proven record of success in business and other legitimate activities, a woman whose most notable pre-Unity achievement was being tried for computer hacking by a U.N. tribunal, or a man whose idealism is not matched by his energy (save when it involves other people's countries).
As to business, let me just pose the question to all leaders as to who they want as Governor: a man with a proven record of success in business and other legitimate activities, a woman whose most notable pre-Unity achievement was being tried for computer hacking by a U.N. tribunal, or a man whose idealism is not matched by his energy (save when it involves other people's countries).
As soon as time and security permits, I would also like to start thinking about salvaging whatever we can from the Unity Wreckage. The fusion core and computer systems could prove invaluable to commerce and research, especially in the areas of aeronautics and spaceflight.