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"Who are the furlings?" - Turn Tracking.

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  • 2117 to maia
    "Cogito ergo non sum"


    • turn 2117

      Hey Guys,

      I accidentally pressed "save" after typing in my password. I think, forfeiting my turn. When I opened the game, the "turn complete" bar to the llower right was morphing. So if there isn't anyway to correct this it's turn 2117 to PJay.

      The Waterboys of Legend


      • I opened the save, but it's still your turn maia.

        just re-open the file you got from bearhugger (it will give a reload warning, but don't care about it)
        no sig


        • okay turn 2117 to PJay

          thanks PJay

          The Waterboys of Legend


          • 2117 to Detrius
            no sig


            • Turn 2118 to Bearhugger. I recently got Civ4 aswell.


              • 18 to maia.

                my lab says i have 40/40 points needed for new tech and breakthrough will be in 0 turns
                i hope the leftover points carry over (as in civ4 )

                civ4: i think they improved the ai (main aspect of a civ game imo). well, the altered the programming to favor the ai. like no harbor needed for trade routes etc.
                its harder to gain a real advantage over them. in my first game i got beaten (space race). i aimed for a cultural victory but was like 20-30 short.
                the game interface is in some aspects worse than in civ3. maybe i just need to get used to it...
                the civilopedia is much worse (not enough crosslinking).

                how do you like it?
                "Cogito ergo non sum"


                • Well, I never owned any of the previous civilization games. I tried to play Civ 2 (based from FreeCiv) but I couldn't understand key concepts in the game. I'm enjoying Civ4 but I'm wondering if it's possible to become a seafaring race as quickly as it is in SMAC? And can you provide a link to the SMAC mod being developed for Civ4?


                  • 2118 to detrius

                    civ4 alpha centauri mod :

                    btw: I noticed I'm running on +1 industry in this game, although the social engineering settings say 0 for industy. I verified to be playing on transcend level, and I remember having 10 minerals / row in the beginning of the game.

                    Maybe some landmark that's giving me +1 industry ?
                    no sig


                    • best to pm senethro about it. he might check it and give you -3 ind if you want

                      seafaring civ? well might be harder, coz in addition you also need ships, so its more hammers you need. but if you start close to sea you can build many cities near sea and build harbor later to get more commerce and try to go for colossus (even more trade for coastal cities). best would be to take a civ with expansive (cheaper harbors) and financial (even more commerce). really civ4 is somehow different than the others (and definitely better than civ3 imo)
                      "Cogito ergo non sum"


                      • Turn 2118 to Bearhugger


                        • Haven't seen Civ since Civ II. I love the seafaring theme though (damn L. Ron Hubbard!)


                          no turn to report as of 5 p.m EST (US)
                          The Waterboys of Legend


                          • 19 to maia

                            detrius, do you like to play civ multiplayer?
                            i tried civ3 but they play too fast for me. some seconds for one turn. not my taste
                            "Cogito ergo non sum"


                            • I'm away this weekend (leaving in 4 hours, still have to find some sleep before that though), so I won't be able to play till the 14 or 15th.
                              no sig


                              • ^ likes to be on holidays
                                "Cogito ergo non sum"

