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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Psychopaths like Putin don't seem to be working out so well for anyone.
    The Psychopath Putin have tried to make a deal with you.
    You didn't listen!

    If you consider Putin a Psychopath, than I can only fell a pitty for you!!!
    Because Putin has UNBELIEVABLE PATIENCE and always calm.
    You better pray for his health, because his successor will be WAYYYYYYYYYYYY harder towards you!


    • The Russian language was banned eh? Seriously? They couldn't speak it? They could speak Russian? But you still regard Russian as banned because public communication was to include Ukrainian first? So does that mean you regard English as banned in Quebec? Oh no! maybe the English speakers will rounded up for genocide!
      Yes, it's banned!
      "If Canada Can Be Split, Why Can't Quebec Too?"

      That is excatly what had happened in 2014 in particular and in 1991 in general.


      • Did to the World eh? Something that NATO has done to the whole world began with NATO attacking Serbia? Tell me more!
        Serbia was the pilot project of your dominance over the World.


        • yes I need proofs. what kind of moron seriously believes that the Ukrainian military would deal with a situation of an enormous hostile expeditionary force parking on their borders by investing ammunition into killing civilians at a higher rate, let a lone a dramatically higher rate, than before? The Ukrainians constantly give evidence they care deeply about winning. Suddenly increasing the rate at which they kill civilians would have been laughably contrary to that goal.
          А не пошел бы ты на хуй со своими украинскими источниками?

          You had a spark of intellegence after the Snake isle fake.

          Don't dissapoint me.
          Last edited by Serb; February 18, 2023, 15:26.


          • Try for discussion and debate.


            • Keep that sh! for a brainless zombies like yourself!!!

              Russia didn't invade Ukraine "exactly one year ago".
              One year ago Ukraine have ammased thier military forces at the borders of DPR and LPR and was sending THOUSANDS of shells as THEIR proof of fufilment on the Minsk and Normandy agreements.
              That is what I wrote about back then in my thread "That is comming":

              I was a prophet you didn't listen.
              As always.


              • And so stupid!


                • /
                  Ukrainian armed forces had fired over 600 artillery shells to Donetsk People Republic territory within the last 24 hours. Both DNR and LNR have declared military mobilisation and started a full-scale evacuation of civilians to Russia.
                  So, the nazi motherf*ckers have finally started it, stupid suicide bastards! We will wipe the floor with them now.
                  Your brilliant brainwasging media would never tell you who has started this war of course. A couple days after they will cream their and your pants with headliners like "Russia has finally started its invasion!" Just like they did in 2008 when Russia has intervenued to stop massacring of Russian peacekeepers and South Ossetian civilians by Saakashvili's army.
                  So, Ukraine have started it at February 17, but you brainless Western zombies, only know is that Russia has invaded at February 24.


                  • Yawn. I get tired of false Putinist lies.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • Yeah, "Lie is truth, Truth is a lie".

                      Keep boiling in your Western Orwell's universe of 1984!


                      • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                        So, Ukraine have started it at February 17, but you brainless Western zombies, only know is that Russia has invaded at February 24.

                        If Ukraine was starting War with Russia when it shelled parts of Ukraine who was Russia starting war with when it shelled Chechnya?

                        Regardless, for the record I don't believe Ukraine increased shelling of civillian infrastructure in the Donbass in January or February of 2022. It makes so much more sense that they would either be much too busy starting to shell massed armed formations in the Donbass or even more sensibly laying low altogether to try not to provoke anything from the huge expeditionary force that had formed up nearby to go randomly initiating some Quixotic genocide campaign executed with artillery shells and rockets. In fact that makes so little sense it's much easier for me to believe that if any shelling *had* been seen to occur against apparently civillian targets in the Donbass it would most likely be false flag operations to shore up support for the special military operation.


                        • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                          If Ukraine was starting War with Russia when it shelled parts of Ukraine who was Russia starting war with when it shelled Chechnya?
                          Ukraine's goal was not to start a war with Russia, their goal was to conquer Donbass.

                          Regardless, for the record I don't believe Ukraine increased shelling of civillian infrastructure in the Donbass in January or February of 2022. It makes so much more sense that they would either be much too busy starting to shell massed armed formations in the Donbass or even more sensibly laying low altogether to try not to provoke anything from the huge expeditionary force that had formed up nearby to go randomly initiating some Quixotic genocide campaign executed with artillery shells and rockets. In fact that makes so little sense it's much easier for me to believe that if any shelling *had* been seen to occur against apparently civillian targets in the Donbass it would most likely be false flag operations to shore up support for the special military operation.
                          Хоть ссы в глаза - всё Божья роса!


                          (replace "look" with "pee" in your Google translate).


                          • i have seen - COUNTLESS videos of russian/ukraine solders being plowed down in a heartbeat. it is.... yes... still makes you feel it - does not matter what side. the loss is great. whats my point? you tell me. they are all people... they are all friends. they all are those who would have partied with you. they are all who would have had view on this war - right or wrong. THAT IS what everyone is missing. it's messed up. completely.


                            • so enough with you serb, you dont see that. maybe you do. but you dont show it.


                              • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post
                                When Hitler started World War 2 in Europe the economies recovering from the Great Depression were in no shape to respond to it. Delaying doing so surely didn't save them any money in the long run.

                                is it cheaper to contain Putin's land grab at Ukraine or wait until after he's absorbed it?
                                This analogy is not necessarily a reflection of American motives for supporting Ukraine.

                                As things stand we do not know the actual motivations of the American government as distinct from their public pronouncements of their reasons. I have real difficulty believing that the Americans are sending help for altruistic motives, particularly when there are millions sorely in need of some altruism.

                                Put bluntly, I do not trust the government of the United States.

