This is bullsh1t hand-waving: Giuliani in his hysterical glory.
The content of the Mueller investigation remains critically important. I don't care whether or not there was collusion, but I do care about crimes committed and actual evidence. Frankly, all Americans deserve - and should demand if necessary - to learn the results. Ending the investigation or preventing proper legal action on its findings would be prima facie evidence of obstruction of justice.
If Donald has done nothing wrong, he should be anxious to clear his name. So why is he trying to subvert a very successful and promising investigation by the FBI, one that has produced numerous guilty pleas and indictments? Claiming the entire investigation is "compromised" because of some personal emails came to light is a transparent attempt to prevent the facts from coming to light. This is not the strategy of an innocent man.
Face it: He has acted like a guilty man from jump street. When Trump and his surrogates go on these "no collusion" rampages, it's quite telling that they never say "Trump committed no crimes." It's just, "no collusion!" Seriously, so what? There are many possible crimes. Personally, I strongly suspect his financial dealings are where the damning evidence lies. But unless the Mueller investigation is allowed to run its course and execute the rule of law regarding its findings, we will never know.
Let's just get to the facts, find out what happened, and get it over with. Either way, we all have to live with the consequences.
The content of the Mueller investigation remains critically important. I don't care whether or not there was collusion, but I do care about crimes committed and actual evidence. Frankly, all Americans deserve - and should demand if necessary - to learn the results. Ending the investigation or preventing proper legal action on its findings would be prima facie evidence of obstruction of justice.
If Donald has done nothing wrong, he should be anxious to clear his name. So why is he trying to subvert a very successful and promising investigation by the FBI, one that has produced numerous guilty pleas and indictments? Claiming the entire investigation is "compromised" because of some personal emails came to light is a transparent attempt to prevent the facts from coming to light. This is not the strategy of an innocent man.
Face it: He has acted like a guilty man from jump street. When Trump and his surrogates go on these "no collusion" rampages, it's quite telling that they never say "Trump committed no crimes." It's just, "no collusion!" Seriously, so what? There are many possible crimes. Personally, I strongly suspect his financial dealings are where the damning evidence lies. But unless the Mueller investigation is allowed to run its course and execute the rule of law regarding its findings, we will never know.
Let's just get to the facts, find out what happened, and get it over with. Either way, we all have to live with the consequences.