Dropping out is opposed by 61% of Americans.
If he pulls out now, he's just being a dick.
Sixty-one percent of Americans said the country should stay in the agreement, while just 17 percent supported withdrawing. Another 21 percent said they were unsure.
The ratio reflects the overwhelming support the Paris Agreement has among big players trying to influence the president’s decision. Within the administration, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and familial White House advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump support keeping the U.S. in the deal. Corporate giants, including Walmart, General Mills and DuPont, as well as coal companies and oil majors BP, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell, urged Trump to support the accord.
The ratio reflects the overwhelming support the Paris Agreement has among big players trying to influence the president’s decision. Within the administration, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and familial White House advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump support keeping the U.S. in the deal. Corporate giants, including Walmart, General Mills and DuPont, as well as coal companies and oil majors BP, Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell, urged Trump to support the accord.