Back then I owned the site. Big difference. You were a douche back then too. Now I don't own it so I can tell you what I really think. Besides, the first thing I learned in school was not to piss off your customers. Something Catholics could learn.
If you had just copped to it back then you wouldn't have taken anywhere near as much crap. We are not fooled.
You're using your religion as an excuse to treat a whole group of people like people used to treat blacks. Even after you pope tells you not to.
No one is asking the church to marry them, The pope isn't trying to tell the church to marry them. He's just telling you not to be a douche about it.
No one is asking the church to marry them, The pope isn't trying to tell the church to marry them. He's just telling you not to be a douche about it.
You get what you give. And in all honesty you don't get enough.