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NATO member shoots down Russian jet

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  • Originally posted by PLATO View Post
    If Syria wants to take responsibility for what happens from its territory and wants to pretend that they are in control of their territory, then protecting their airspace could have some merit. That would also come with having committed acts of war against Russia now wouldn't it? You just can't compare apples and oranges Serb.

    I would imagine that Turkey will take whatever measures it deems necessary to protect its boarders and vital interests. I highly doubt that the presence of a few drunken Russian pilots will change that.

    Depends on the reason. Using the reasoning that you have laid out, I would shout that Russia has committed another international crime and should be further isolated.

    Fortunately, however, it looks like Russia will now be taking its cues from the U.S. led coalition. With a real military now in charge, these type of amateur retaliations you are talking about will probably be avoided. Who knows though...your soldiers do have the hardest time reading the simplest maps.
    You are so f*cking idiot, really! A typical average American dolboeb.
    Well, that's not true actually, the fact you are being an idiot, not makes you an average American - you are better than this. The rest of your countrymen are totally brain dead. Your country can be proud of you - they have a complete idiot for showcase of "American intellectual superiority".

    F*cking idiots!

    And the reality is:

    No US airstrikes in Syria since Russia deployed S-400 systems

    Both the American and Turkish air forces halted their strikes on Syrian territory around the time Russia deployed S-400 air defense complexes at the Khmeimim airbase, from which it stages its own incursions against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
    A spokesperson of the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) told Sputnik on Friday that the absence of anti-IS coalition airstrikes “has nothing to do with the S400 deployment” in Syria.
    Both the American and Turkish air forces halted their strikes on Syrian territory around the time Russia deployed S-400 air defense complexes at the Khmeimim airbase, from which it stages its own incursions against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

    Yeah, right!


    • Originally posted by PLATO View Post
      In the U-2 incident, Russia did have the right to defend its airspace and shoot down the U-2. No one has the right to shoot a parachuting pilot.

      There...feel better now?

      As an American, it probably would have damaged my national pride and pissed me off, but as a person who recognizes the rule of international law, I would also recognize that Russia was well within its rights to shoot down the U-2.

      International law is something that Russia apparently doesn't fully understand however. If you did, you would not be in Crimea or Easter Ukraine. Just sayin.

      And who the f*ck is lecturing us about the international law?
      Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine - that's just last 16 years.
      I have already posted the list American violations of international law since the end of WW2. The endless list of your illegal invasions and aggressions.
      You are f*cking bloody murders with a LOOOOONG history.

      And now, you, f*cker, lecture us about peaceful and bloodless unification of Crimea with the rest of its historical Motherland? For the re-unification of divided people into a whole?

      Пошел ты на хуй, пидорас!

      The reason for edition:

      Let me translate that for you:

      now take you dick into your hand, hold it tight, and then both you and your dick - go to the long erotic journey. And while in the process of that journey you'll be beaten badly and painfully, and some other unpleasant things will happen to you as well.
      That is what in Russian means "Пошел ты на хуй"

      In your primitive language you just say "f*ck you", instead.

      Last edited by Serb; November 29, 2015, 13:10.


      • go ahead and shoot down an american jet

        see what happens
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • Вы, безнадежные долбоебы.
          И, мы вас уничтожим.
          И это уже не шутки.


          • English is a much superior language.
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • Do you want to know what is your main problem Yanks?
              Is that you are f*cking brainless cowboys with guns. But, as any other previous "World masters" you will face the same enemy as your predecessors did - Russia. And as well as your idiotic predecessors - you will fail. And our troops will be in your capital at the end of the day, just like that was always before. Your main problem is that - you think too much of yourselves, you are so f*cking superior, so f*cking exceptional, absolutely like the previous f*ckers.
              While in reality - you are fat and lazy idiots. You are not ready to die for your country, not ready for war at all. We are.
              Come get some.
              Cause war never changes (c). Ron Pearlman.

              You are pathetic. Really. And we laugh at you.


              • Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post
                Russia should have told Turkey that they would be flying and pretty near their border.



                • We're better than you. We're brainless cowboys with guns. You're genocidal monsters.

                  If Russia were a hegemon, the world would be a very, very terrible place.

                  There's a reason millions escaped. There's a reason you had to build a wall to keep people in.

                  Every major empire in history has been full of murder and mayhem. Institutionalized horror.

                  America is the least horrible of superpowers to ever exist. While that's nothing to be proud of, it's still a fact.
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                    One of the big disagreements between the US and Turkey has been that Turkey keeps bombing mostly Kurds instead of ISIS, thst the US only bombs ISIS and not Assad, while Russia hardly bombs ISIS and instead mostly bombs the moderates because their goal is to prop up the evil dictator who does what Moscow tells them to do. Moscow doesn't want there to be a creditable alternative to Assad thus they mostly attack the moderates.

                    Only people like Serb are dumb enough to believe Putin has actually spent much time attacking ISIS.

                    You have already killed the "evil dictators" Saddam and Quadaffy, and?

                    Do you still f*cking not realize what you have done there?
                    And now, you idiot, suggest the same f*cking pattern in Syria. Hopeless f*cking idiot.


                    • Savka, stop posting your ****, you are in my ignore list.

                      пошел на хуй, ублюдок ебаный.


                      • Originally posted by DinoDoc View Post
                        Neither country is actually interested in fighting ISIS. Your country is bombing everyone but them and the Turks are mainly interested in keeping the Kurds in check and supporting the Turkmen minority in Syria. The Russian plane that had been shot down had been attacking the Turkmen.
                        Turkmen with professional Turkish TV-crew and equipment to shot the moment of shot-down of the bomber.


                        • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
                          Seems like you should tell Serb about it.
                          Obviously he has missed the memo and still believes you are fighting ISIS there

                          They are all islamist f*ckers, you idiot!
                          ALL OF THEM!!!
                          There are no democratic "moderate opposition" in Syria.
                          It exists only on Euro and Yanks TV screens.
                          In reality - they are the SAME people who were in Libya and Iraq. A person to person. And you f*cking idiots, repeat the same mantras about the "moderates" just like you did back then.

                          Brainless idiots, who never learn.


                          • You are really pathetic. If fell pity for you. You might be a good people, but still, you let yourself being manipulated. Your governments repeat the same sh!t over and over and over again, and you still eat that sh!t like nothing like that had happen just before. You live with your eyes wide shut.
                            Zombies with a zero intellect.


                            • But, that is your choice to live like that.

                              And that's why we will bury you.

                              War means war. Jokes are over.


                              • We are coming. Dig your f*cking shelters.

