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Belly dancer is out. I met an amazing woman named Caroline. We messaged for a few hours. Then we texted for a few hours. Still texting now despite saying good night about 50 times in the last 2 hours. No subject has remained untouched.
Okay. I was going to list the good and honest pure things about her... but I'm starting with fun stuff:
Agreeable to marijuana. Into the sex doll. Said she always wanted to see a RealDoll (KNEW WHAT IT WAS BEFORE I TOLD HER). Insane sexual appetite. Warned me (ME OF ALL PEOPLE) that she might be too horny. We're already calling each other babe, honey, sugar, sweety (I FUCKING LOVE THAT ****). Has multiple orgasms. She may be the sexiest woman I've ever become acquainted with.
Physically? I find her to be very attractive. She looks great with red hair... and every other color I saw her with. She's very pretty. Like me, she's also lost a ton of weight at one point.
Let me list what I like about her (more her personality):
Funny. Kind. Caring. Compassionate. Smart. Empathetic. Generous. Nice. Patient. Has a commitment to personal growth. Independent. Rational. Reasonable. Not quick to anger. Gives me the benefit of the doubt when I say something stupid. She has excellent communication etiquette. No reply right away? Says "sorry". Short reply with little room for a response? She sends a follow-up. She seeks to advance the conversation, rather than rely on me to carry the conversation.
Interesting factoids: She went to high school near me. She also went to the same junior college while I was there. She is mutual friends on facebook with 3 of my friends from high school. There's some strange degrees of Kevin Bacon stuff going on here.
Holy fuckballs gentlemen... I may have found myself a girlfriend.
Let's see where this goesTo us, it is the BEAST.
Throughout the process, I attempt to gauge a woman's comfort level with frequency of communication. Earlier, when we thought we were each going to sleep, I asked her if I could text her tomorrow... she said yes (as if WHY THE FUCK NOT)
later on... yes turned to "you should definitely text me tomorrow"
/swoonTo us, it is the BEAST.
both true
but i need deniability
or at least a large enough trail of bull**** so as to completely invalidate any possible incriminating statements that I may make
after all, on a spectrum of bull****, how can you tell where reality starts and fantasy begins?
fuck if I knowTo us, it is the BEAST.