Originally posted by MikeH
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And Ben, it is embarassing to see you post and know you call yourself a Christian. You bring shame to our faith and are standing against it in every guise in this thread. This is NOT loving your neighbor. I beg of your to repent from this evil that is lurking inside of you and go to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and beg Him to shower you with the love and grace of the Holy Spirit so that you may being loving towards all people and not the mean manner in which you are going about things simply because of a misplaced loyalty to a person who made a racially insensitive comments.
I just recieved this quote below and I think God wanted me to see it right after I posted so I could share it with you:
"You are human, and temptation has overtaken you. Overcome it. I counsel, I beseech, I impore you to repentance."
- Ambrose of Milan
- Ambrose of Milan