Originally posted by Mr Snuggles
I'm not sure why providing health information on food packages to promote public health is at all comparable to forcing Barnes and Nobles to prominently "warn" that they may be stocking books on sexuality.
One is public health, the other is Ben Kenobi not wanting to come within 100 feet of someone acknowledging sexuality.
I'm not sure why providing health information on food packages to promote public health is at all comparable to forcing Barnes and Nobles to prominently "warn" that they may be stocking books on sexuality.
One is public health, the other is Ben Kenobi not wanting to come within 100 feet of someone acknowledging sexuality.
No way near as comparable to forcing booksellers to say they have books which show boobs inside. Which, is, btw, completely ****ing obvious (what do you think the sex help section has in it? Birds and bees?). If one has ever set foot in an B&N or Borders or any other non-puritan bookstore of any size, that stuff is going to be in there.
I don't believe (and neither do a majority of consumers, obviously) that showing boobs is that important to mandate the sellers to indicate that they do so. So yes, as in most things, it's buyer beware. Or, do your ****ing research.
Businesses should express clearly what it is they sell
So, you want them to put a list of every book that may be offensive to some nutjobs on the front of every store? What about Vatican banned books? On the front as well?